Utiliser "vigilance" dans une phrase
vigilance exemples de phrases
1. Belle, as George had done years before with Harry, lounged in the bow feigning sleep under her parasol; but she kept careful vigilance on both of her daughters' form and progress without them noticing
2. a higher state of vigilance which, in these post-war days, still
3. It required constant vigilance to keep sleazy people from targeting the cooks
4. When the quantity of gold and silver imported into any country exceeds the effectual demand, no vigilance of government can prevent their exportation
5. The directors of such companies, however, being the managers rather of other people's money than of their own, it cannot well be expected that they should watch over it with the same anxious vigilance with which the partners in a private coparnery frequently watch over their own
6. But a joint-stock company, consisting of a small number of proprietors, with a moderate capital, approaches very nearly to the nature of a private copartnery, and may be capable of nearly the same degree of vigilance and attention
7. circumstances, is a species of warfare, of which the operations are continually changing, and which can scarce ever be conducted successfully, without such an unremitting exertion of vigilance and attention as cannot long be expected from the directors of a joint-stock company
8. But in this situation, the superior vigilance and attention of a private adventurer would, in all probability, soon make them weary of the trade
9. HAW HAW! Vigilance Mon Ami
10. The temptation to smuggle, consequently, is to many people irresistible; while, at the same time, the rigour of the law, and the vigilance of the farmer's officers, render the yielding to the temptation almost certainly ruinous
11. government would allow the ironclads to escape its vigilance,
12. the war and continued to relax his vigilance for Confederate
13. Not for nothing did the Americans of the colonial era decide that „Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty
14. Constant vigilance was necessary
15. Garcia with two thousand men was holding the extreme right, cutting off the San Luis valley and the five thousand men garrisoned there within sixteen miles of the beleaguered city but kept in ignorance of Toral's straits by the vigilance of the insurgents holding the intervening valley
16. For his vigilance and soul feeling
17. He had of course learned of the Procrastinator Militant’s blunder and even though second hand accounts rarely manage to do justice, he had exchanged knowing looks and smiles with the Arch-minister that had gone largely unnoticed by the Procrastinator Militant; a somewhat alarming fact if one would care to extrapolate the level of the Procastinators’ vigilance from the qualities apparent in its most senior member
18. For the briefest moment he thought about contacting the Procrastinator Militant asking for his assistance, perhaps telling him even to go as far as relaxing their vigilance in an effort to bend but not strictly break the Law
19. The constant vigilance toward their rear had shown no indication of pursuit
20. One of our members, who ironically now holds an important position on the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, has contrived to send a kidney to himself in the post, to add to the speculation about the killer
21. He had come to Maggie first, while she kept vigilance beside Jerome’s open coffin
22. Even today can tourists observe relatively preserved old structures, thanks to public interest, National Trust vigilance and unconditional government support
23. Antonio was afraid he'd have to call the chief of the vigilance department
24. Roy verbally accused his son for whatever deficiency had been reported in the letter he intercepted, regardless of whether it was valid or not, inferring that it might have gone unremedied had his vigilance not brought it to light
25. seeing that everything continued smoothly, they relaxed their vigilance
26. Coast Guard vigilance was vindicated when Tropical Storm Allison struck Houston, Texas, causing the disastrous flood of 9 June 2001
27. You have to exercise strict vigilance over every thought
28. The practice of non-violence requires constant vigilance over one’s thoughts, words, and actions in all walks of life
29. None of the battles won today would have been possible without your intrepid vigilance and cunning
30. Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life”
31. created some sort of panicky vigilance in her
32. vigilance is the price of accuracy
33. them, he will exercise unceasing vigilance against them
34. vigilance can enable him to pass through this stage successfully, and it must
35. Theognostos tel s us that compunction can be gained in prayer by temperance, vigilance and humility
36. Several times during the day both Jude and Ruth endeavored to elude the vigilance of the Pharisees in their efforts to send word to Jesus, but it was of no avail
37. But it‘s how you begin to live all the time toward the end of your metamorphosis……… There‘s nothing to it except observation, awareness, vigilance, wakefulness
38. The army of mosquitoes trying to get through the windshield was a momentary distraction as he glanced at his watch and resumed his vigilance
39. The activated mercury vapor lights lining the parking area started up, looking like prehistoric sentinels roused from their slumber to slowly open their one large eye and begin their nightly vigilance
40. Only one such vigilance had evoked suspicion of rescuers when a flock of wood ducks had taken to the air far back but definitely near his trail
41. As it was, thanks to Akie’s vigilance and warning, they were located on the monitors whilst climbing the rear superstructure, and armed crewmen were able to repel them before they could complete the forty-foot climb up to the first access point
42. Nevertheless, I continued with earnest and vigilance, searching for more numbers and calling them
43. She set about on a disguised but implacable vigilance
44. Changes in voting procedures and systems to show the voter that his vote counted in the final tally should be accomplished, with built in vigilance for fraud
45. Half way through the night, I was not so sure my bundle was worth the trouble, my shoulder where the strap had rubbed was beginning to bleed and I breathed a sigh of relief when the hairy one stopped to drink and eat the food he had taken from the two warriors, he had food, I had trophies, I had a lot to learn from this strange ally, after sharing the food, my moon skinned friend picked up my bundle and effortlessly threw it on to his shoulder, we marched on through the rest of the night and as the false dawn shed its light, we began to scout around for, hopefully, our last hideaway in enemy country, the day passed without incident and when evening came we again set off to the east and in the false dawn as I scanned the horizon looking for a glimpse of the Hill of Setvic my hairy companion began to scout around for a place to stay, the land had sloped for the last two nights and we followed the incline and eventually reached the plateau, two nights later before we lay down to rest I thought the lie of the ground had a familiar look to it, the next evening before the sun went down I looked around and my heart leapt, the Hill of Setvic was there in the distance, tomorrow we would be on Toltec land, but we were not safe yet we had to survive the night, oh, what a cruel fate if we were to fail with the prize in sight, that night I was followed by demons, jumping in alarm at every noise, every animal call, when the morning star appeared I dropped to the ground, totally overcome by the sight of the outline of the Hill of Setvic in the near distance, a sight I never thought I would see again, my friend, misunderstanding, rushed up and stood astride me, his shiny sticks in his hands, I started to laugh and laugh, uncontrollably; he bent and shook me, I leapt up and hugged him whirling around and around, he put his hand over my mouth, the terror and permanent vigilance of the last few weeks seemed to roll from my back like a worn tattered cloak, I stopped my antics and tried with signs to make him understand that we were safe, not knowing if he understood or not, I walked towards home and he followed
46. fortunis that I have lain in abiding vigilance for, silently
47. The Royal Navy had to disperse her resources throughout the world, not only to contend with the Germans and Italians but also to maintain vigilance on the Japanese in the Far East
48. vigilance had been wasted
49. appreciation to your staff for their vigilance
50. vigilance in the most desolate part of the ship