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    Utiliser "vigorous" dans une phrase

    vigorous exemples de phrases


    1. Vigorous exercise within three to four hours of bedtime could inhibit sleep

    2. One of the men, DAVID WELLS, a crusty old fart about 65, vigorous with

    3. The boy was a fine specimen, vigorous and young, and engaging in his own sweet and innocent way

    4. Duty had been vigorous today, but not exhausting, enough to make her pretty tired and ready to get some sleep

    5. looked as if her normally vigorous and optimistic outlook had taken a

    6. Jorma certainly did, both girls were vigorous and busty

    7. The girl's movements had grown so vigorous there was a distinct possibility of being hit

    8. Under the vigorous administration of the Tudors, who governed England during the latter part of the fifteenth, and through the whole of the sixteenth century, no baron was powerful enough to dare to disturb the public security

    9. She could see him in her mind, a vigorous man, full in his prime

    10. succeed to do so with the vigorous ones,

    11. Only the most vigorous ones and we were

    12. A vigorous fire crackled in the grate, the table was submerged beneath a satisfying quantity of cold meats and cheeses, and the aforesaid gentleman, Mr Martin Pinscher, had his legs firmly beneath it, sucking the meat off a chicken drumstick

    13. Among other nations, whose vigorous government will suffer no strangers to possess any fortified place within their territory, it may be necessary to maintain some ambassador, minister, or consul, who may both decide, according to their own customs, the differences arising among his own countrymen, and, in their disputes with the natives, may by means of his public character, interfere with more authority and afford them a more powerful protection than they could expect from any private man

    14. There was another, louder boom, with a more vigorous vibration

    15. In this respect, the teachers of a new religion have always had a considerable advantage in attacking those ancient and established systems, of which the clergy, reposing themselves upon their benefices, had neglected to keep up the fervour of faith and devotion in the great body of the people; and having given themselves up to indolence, were become altogether incapable of making any vigorous exertion in defence even of their own establishment

    16. It was thus that the Roman catholic clergy called upon the civil magistrate to persecute the protestants, and the church of England to persecute the dissenters; and that in general every religious sect, when it has once enjoyed, for a century or two, the security of a legal establishment, has found itself incapable of making any vigorous defence against any new sect which chose to attack its doctrine or discipline

    17. He was interrupted by a vigorous crackling noise, immediately followed by the interior lights flickering wildly

    18. Doc was silent for a few minutes, then he took off his glasses and gave them a vigorous rub with his jumper and squinted through them at the light before replacing them

    19. She sat down at the dressing table and brushed out her hair with vigorous strokes of the brush

    20. and I could see there was a vigorous manner to the way he rubbed his sword

    21. If free and unmortgaged, it might be sufficient, with proper management, and without contracting a shilling of new debt, to carry on the most vigorous war

    22. Part of that training was vigorous exercise in the early stages though for the most part it simply required the skill of switching off the senses that felt heat or cold

    23. Orion took another large gulp of his dark ale before wiping his moustache with a wide grin and a sparkle in his dark eyes as he replied, “Of course, of course, you need your rest after such vigorous training

    24. The patient rocked backwards and forwards in a vigorous motion and said the most peculiar things: ‘You know you can't force me to burden responsibility for what I couldn't have chosen to do, that was in no way my own choice to control, to do,’ the man said in a tremulous English home counties voice

    25. Taking your dog for a vigorous walk prior to your leaving the house is a great idea

    26. Suddenly he stood transfixed, and muttered something, upon which a grey-haired patriarch was seized, in spite of his vigorous protestations, and rushed to the front

    27. waked with a vigorous pounding on her chest and a shrill little voice

    28. For that it needs a robust and vigorous economy and preponderant military power

    29. He found white women to be enticing, he told her, reaching to touch her hand, and this particular white woman he found to be tantalizingly beautiful, vigorous, intelligent and a joy to be with

    30. vigorous physical action; he has more time left for his

    31. vigorous use of bulldozers

    32. As the vigorous fight continued Selena began to see dots in front her eyes

    33. They have vigorous sex the remainder of the evening

    34. He is a very vigorous man

    35. His hair was completely gray now, but otherwise, he looked as vigorous as ever

    36. He gave me detailed directions to his band’s likely location and the name of his nephew, Wzokhilain, who had a daughter just about Carlotta’s age, and whose wife was young and vigorous

    37. Both of them were young and vigorous and I was sure they would be able to handle the girl, but I warned them about her anyway

    38. Your human body has survived many vigorous tests

    39. Surprisingly, in its land also flourishes a vigorous winery of French, not English, antecedence

    40. It seems that in that corner of the earth the massive forces of the sea, combined with the vigorous activity of the Ice Era have succeeded to sculpture the most impressive and spell-bound fjords ever seen


    42. They have conducted a vigorous and all-embracing investigation of Republican campaign practices but have ignored Howard Hughes’ alleged contribution to Humphrey, corporate and union funds ear-marked for Democrats, the “surveillance” of Agnew during the 1968 campaign, the planting of a Democratic spy in the Goldwater headquarters in 1964, the allegedly fraudulent election returns from Texas and Illinois in 1960 and the conflict of interest of 19 members of the Judiciary Committee looking into the impeachment, though they have been at the receiving end of funds from the AFL-CIO which has taken a position in favor of impeachment before the evidence was in

    43. Convinced that international education is the wave of the future when world reciprocity and inter-cultural cooperation are destined to be the norm rather than the exception, Roger hopes to show to his students that diversity of cultures is not a hindrance to progress but rather a vigorous drive toward success

    44. John received the warm and vigorous embrace of Yania, keeping the gun in the exact same position

    45. He’s a colonel of the Finitran army, retired now of course, though still vigorous

    46. It is Warded and heavily patrolled by a vigorous Sylvan naval blockade force of fearsome military capability, both physical and magical

    47. vigorous passion had been saved for this moment, and before I realized

    48. The shaking became more and more vigorous as His anger mounted

    49. 10 O aged man of more power than tortures elder more vigorous than fire greatest king over the passions Eleazar! 11 For as father Aaron armed with a censer hastening through the consuming fire vanquished the flame-bearing angel 12 So Eleazar the descendant of Aaron wasted away by the fire did not give up his reasoning

    50. And the sixth mountain was quite full of clefts some small and others large; and the clefts were grassy but the plants were not very vigorous but rather as it were decayed

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    Synonymes pour "vigorous"

    vigorous active lively dynamic energetic zealous forceful potent healthy robust sound strong sturdy brisk lusty