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    1. If you are married to an American citizen, are coming to the United States to marry an American citizen, you are not subject to any quotas and would be issued a visa to come to this country

    2. I had gathered some information on how one what kind of visa is the best way to go at USA that I could live and work

    3. As far as he told me, his daughter went to US as the tourists by using a tourist visa (multiple)

    4. You know, I have a colleague right here was expecting to leave for Chicago before March, 1981 by fiancée visa

    5. This will be their first meeting but her visa has been approved already and she is now preparing all the papers she needs to submit at the American consulate here in Hong Kong and then for her interview

    6. I mentioned to her that I'd like to spend my holiday at USA but the trouble I have no enough money and I think getting visitor’s visa is a little difficult nowadays

    7. Also I paid off my Visa card

    8. Imagine her fiancé filed the visa for her year ago but it was worked out only lately

    9. I figure that by the time you get the visa, give your employer's notice of leaving, we arranged a plane ride, it will be close enough to the end of September that you can ship anything that doesn't fit on the plane here to Detroit

    10. I don't know how long it will take to process the papers here in Hong Kong after applying the visa

    11. Meanwhile back to the visa

    12. He told me that Congressman Denny Smith personally called Immigration and the State Department and that you should have your visa by August 15

    13. Then maybe if everything will be okay on the interview then they can stamp a visa on my passport and I can fly to see you and be your wife forever

    14. I'll be here in Maryland until the end of September so your chances of seeing Maryland are good if the visa comes through soon

    15. Give me a phone call when you get the visa and I'll arrange the plane trip

    16. I had two interviews at the same time because after the interviewer handed my papers to the head of the visa section who approved all the visas I was called also to his office for some questions

    17. And the interviewer said quote no NBI no visa: so I thought they really can't give me a visa without that NBI and I have to wait for three weeks more before I get my NBI

    18. He handed back my papers to my interviewer and then told me to come back at 5 PM to collect my visa

    19. We couldn't have the church wedding we wanted to because when I told the local Catholic Church priest that we had one week to get married before her fiancé visa expired, he didn't really care and said you need to plan a wedding at least six months in advance and go to this Pre – Cana conferences

    20. “I used our Visa of course

    21. And then, and then: There is the not so small matter of one Mohammed Atta, perhaps the leader of the airliner attacks on the World Trade Center, who was pulled over at a routine traffic stop, showed an expired driver"s license, and yet did not have his visa revoked by Clinton"s INS

    22. You wouldn’t get a job as easily as me, you’re not a trained teacher, and there would be visa issues

    23. Case in point: He refused to consider the recommendations of some of his top advisors that his administration move forward toward a federal law that would require the driver"s license of every alien to expire with the expiration of that person"s visa so that, as Dick Morris recently wrote: „…a routine traffic stop could trigger the deportation process" (to say nothing of preventing flying lessons)

    24. Your visa can also suddenly be rejected, and you might find yourself being searched and harassed at airports

    25. “where’s the bathroom?” in the native language of the country you’re visiting, you need to find out if you need a travel visa

    26. Maks submitted a visa application for Palestine

    27. I obtained my visa rather quickly; probably the Poles wanted to get rid of me quickly

    28. Immediately upon applying for his visa, he was summoned to the offices of the hospital and was asked to submit his resignation

    29. When she received her visa to Israel, he once again met with Nechama Lifshitz and her parents and they became close friends

    30. Cassa travelled by bus across the south coast of Java, encountering police checkpoints where he would have to show his visa and passport

    31. The officer checked his passport and visa then said in broken English "Your visa dated incorrectly

    32. The officer spoke again "Your visa incomplete, you stay night here

    33. The ATM won’t let me draw cash from my Visa Gold Card either

    34. Warren Bates had a work visa and came out to San Diego to help with his uncle’s landscaping business for a year

    35. He told her how he had been searching for his lost Angel and soon he would be widening his search to Australia, he was just waiting for his visa and then he would be there

    36. There's MasterCard & Visa

    37. insolvency--who will never have a Visa card and who know all too well that the women

    38. Q: I have to return to the States because of visa difficulties

    39. boarded the ship and all passengers had to present passport and visa required for them to be able to

    40. Others came from Hong Kong to invest, for the amount of two hundred thousand American dollars granted them an immediate visa to live in Canada, when, several years ago, negotiations started to integrate Hong Kong with China

    41. someone at the embassy had offered to expedite their visa application in

    42. Canadian visa, but he estimated the entry cost for a Triad member's family

    43. exact price for a Canadian visa, but he estimated the entry cost for a Triad

    44. He remembered how a friend of his had gone to visit his daughter with a visiting visa for six months and came back rushing in just less than a month

    45. I had the presence of mind to rush back the next day before the tailor had started on the alterations and cancel the purchase, getting a refund on my Visa card

    46. By Visa and MasterCard

    47. Of Visa and

    48. brother, Shairbek, said that the money for my visa and plane ticket had

    49. my visa for Iran

    50. At the same time he changed his visa from tourist to student

    1. I had two interviews at the same time because after the interviewer handed my papers to the head of the visa section who approved all the visas I was called also to his office for some questions

    2. lorries and began hunting for passports and visas at the

    3. Martin knew how tough Columbia’s security was on transit visas, especially for a citizen and employee of Atlantica

    4. France, the Benelux Countries, Italy and Germany had imposed strict immigration quotas, except for educational visas

    5. Visas for Palestine were issued for Maks, Pola, Fela and the two children and Andzja

    6. The train crossed the borders of Poland on its way to Paris, where the Jewish Agency was supposed to issue new entry visas into Israel

    7. Benek planned his trip to Israel together with his new wife Tushia and applied for entry visas to Israel

    8. More than just money was provided: work visas were available for family members allowing them to travel to the United States

    9. He goes on to tell Nigel that he prefers men from his own country and, if Nigel would feel more comfortable with Brits, he’d pay them a salary of $40K per year and sponsor them for work visas

    10. visas to members of the Chinese mafia …The price, he heard, ranged from

    11. business community) were regulars at getting visas to visit their families

    12. access to the computer system where visas could be approved with a check

    13. entry visas to enter Namibia but still require work visas

    14. However, if you do not want your route limited by the cost of visas, you simply have to pay

    15. government, however, canceled the Potters' Visas with the ultimatum that they could

    16. They had been warned that police officer Juarez would hop on the ship with his men to control passports and tourist visas on behalf of Mexican authorities

    17. Not only did the BNZ pay 3% interest on all deposits, they forwarded or held mail for collection, arranged travel and travellers’ cheques, organised visas, and the branch in Regent Street just off Piccadilly had a lounge serving tea and biscuits

    18. It took us a full day to realise the ‘problem’ with our visas; we hadn’t offered a bribe

    19. Only warranted consular officers could issue visas under the law and by department regulation

    20. Moreover, Bob was adamant that Gerard approve the visas without asking any questions regarding the bona fides of the applicants

    21. A couple of visas he later processed for Bob confirmed his suspicions

    22. Over the next two years, he approved 14 nonimmigrant visas at Bob’s request

    23. Despite his qualms and fear of being caught facilitating visas for ineligible Japanese citizens, Gerard took the low road and complied with Bob’s demands

    24. “Giving couple of visas would suffice for now” Michael said laughing

    25. Malcolm nodded his head and replied, “First stop is Miami and we will need passports and visas to gain entry into the USA

    26. Jones shook his head, “You told me that the cash was in the Caribbean so why do you need the visas and why do we need to go to the States?”

    27. “Do you think they have passports and visas?” Green asked

    28. The process through immigration was simple and painless as they had visas and everything necessary to gain entry into Australia

    29. visas (for certain countries), and travel insurance (an option,

    30. She in fact had secured visas for Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Iran, on top of Israel

    31. After tying up a few last loose ends, Yusuf flew the family from Paris to London, where they rendezvoused with the QE2 for a leisurely cruise half way around the world to Sydney, where one of Yusuf’s Australian government connections had organised residency visas for them all, naturally enough, for the appropriate price for such a specialised service

    32. Their passports, visas etc

    33. “Money is not a problem, but the passports and visas will be, I only have my own papers

    34. They worked in Mexico for about a year, and then, in late 2010, hooked up with a gentleman who specialized in obtaining student visas

    35. The Abisali entered the United States on student visas, but never showed up one day on campus

    36. In their early twenties, the three had entered America under F-1 visas as visiting engineering students, a skill they had picked up from their father, but they never even arrived on campus at the University of Albuquerque

    37. I entered into Mexico with them myself, and helped them enter the United States on student visas

    38. I had all the visas and passports of every country of the world

    39. As the only reasons most countries have visas in the first place is

    40. All of the visas we had needed so far were valid for two to three months once you entered the country

    41. Even then the Indonesians seemed loathe to issue us visas

    42. (By the way)Our Indonesian visas arrived at the Embassy in

    43. Libyan visas and even arriving in Libya without visas, only to be held at

    44. We also have statements from the governments of Mexico, Canada, and most of the South American countries, which are confirming the requests for visas and permits for a rally in their most populated areas as well

    45. The only agreement so far appears to be Mexico City, which, according to sources, issued the permits and visas

    46. And on top of that, there’s a document missing from the Ministry of Immigration, which is why our visas do not match the license

    47. After several lines, and lots of paper pushing and rubber-stamping, all six pilgrims had visas for the Kingdom of Tibet

    48. visas granted to South Africans, because of the county’s

    49. When granted these visas would invariably only

    50. Patrick Chong, chairman of the Chinese Association of South Africa, says: ‘Many would enter on tourist or student visas then simply stay’

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    Synonymes pour "visa"

    visa endorsement permit signed passport authorisation authorization