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    Utiliser "visibly" dans une phrase

    visibly exemples de phrases


    1. ’ She said, her voice cracking; she takes a deep breath, visibly steadying herself, before going on

    2. took an involuntary step back towards his own car, and seemed to shrink visibly in

    3. The guard grabbed hold of MacKenzie’s frail arm, visibly bruising him as he hauled

    4. He relaxes visibly – silly man, did he honestly think I was going to say anything else?

    5. I breathed in and flinched visibly

    6. My mood lightened visibly

    7. He listened intently enough, but was always wide-eyed and nervous, flinching visibly every time Robbie shouted out his updates on our preciously spinning time together

    8. Robbie was sweating visibly, wiping his brow with the bottom of his usual checked blue shirt

    9. The girl visibly gathered her courage together, fiddling with the spoon in her saucer for a moment as though rehearsing the words she wanted to say

    10. The guard grabbed hold of MacKenzie’s frail arm, visibly bruising him as he hauled him forward into the painful glare of the candles floating on their ledges

    11. Cyberia, unaccustomed as she was to seeing the metropolis in its daytime apparel, walked open-mouthed past dingy basement flat windows, down long, dark alleyways and visibly felt herself shrink before the impressive, classically styled porticos of ancient institutional temples

    12. Omi's family were visibly happy while Ish's parents were silent

    13. He’s visibly worried and plainly annoyed that he cannot help me

    14. The team visibly tensed as the sound of splintering wood briefly

    15. Visibly shaken, Matai backed up to the wall and pressed himself against it

    16. ’ She said, visibly gathering her thoughts

    17. ’ Dave said slowly, his mind visibly whirring at the possibilities that opens up

    18. visibly relaxed when he saw the carefully-tilled plots of land, with

    19. Ward was visibly appeased by this confident assertion

    20. She appears in the kitchen doorway, carrying two mugs of tea and Jock visibly sags as the adrenalin coursing through his veins loses the fight with the sheer bloody fatigue that he feels in his bones

    21. a sip of wine, he visibly relaxed and changed the subject

    22. The janitor was visibly shaken by the conversation at Carl’s and he

    23. – and the AR became visibly moved

    24. This is given off in the form of sun flares that manifest themselves visibly as Life-Light

    25. Considering those weapons were the ones that were visibly apparent, Brice figured they were but a small portion of the man's true arsenal

    26. When you break down the same information, it instantly becomes visibly

    27. Visibly hesitant though he was, the Nord exhaled and replied very simply, “Sjadbek

    28. The beast roared in response, but it was not yet visibly slowed

    29. Despite mutterings and listless gestures, he remained visible – and visibly pitiful

    30. The king looked at her, visibly angry, and said, “What evil deed were you intent on doing, woman? Come on, speak up!”

    31. He picked up her clothes and put them next to her on the couch, visibly shaken by this unexpected turn of events

    32. The gold in the creation reflected the rays of the sun, shining visibly far into the distance and casting golden shadows onto the surrounding desert

    33. He was visibly furious; his face had contorted and turned red and he was short of breath

    34. Senta was visibly relieved

    35. Though she was visibly shaken, she turned to offer the Nord as confident of a smile as she could muster

    36. Rex was visibly upset knowing that Victor

    37. Alexander was visibly upset at what Martin said and vehemently discounted it

    38. Melissa winced visibly as Lucy poked at her arm

    39. He winced visibly, but otherwise ignored her comment

    40. They visibly relaxed and began to

    41. Jill smiled, but she was visibly disturbed

    42. Pamela looked at Grant, then to Jill, she was visibly

    43. As I finished she was visibly shaking and she swore saying

    44. Within a few days of getting the puppy, Boots, visibly upset, vanished

    45. Lee was visibly shaken and

    46. “Stanley you piece of shit what are you doing here you have been told about hanging around the line we don’t want your type around here?” Stanley visibly shook saying

    47. honestly and visibly upset

    48. He winced visibly

    49. The Rabbi was visibly taken aback at this

    50. Saldon and Halon scrambled to their feet and did as instructed, Manna let fly with the mainsail and the boat visibly slowed

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