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    Utiliser "voluntarily" dans une phrase

    voluntarily exemples de phrases


    1. "Over four hundred million residents of North America voluntarily ascended while Gordon's Lamp was on its way home

    2. Their tenant was that each individual could not be coerced to participate in society beyond what each individual voluntarily agreed to

    3. Bahkmar knew that the chance of many natives converting voluntarily was quite slim

    4. Over a billion Chinese had voluntarily ascended while Gordon's Lamp was on its way to 61 Cygni and back

    5. In the time while Gordon’s Lamp was away on its mission, most souls of means got preserved, and the bulk of mortal Chinese voluntarily ascended to the bases in the moon

    6. Those say billions have voluntarily ascended

    7. The scarcity of hands occasions a competition among masters, who bid against one another in order to get workmen, and thus voluntarily break through the natural combination of masters not to raise wages

    8. the leaders never give up voluntarily to their

    9. But it must seem extraordinary, that the sovereigns of all the different countries of Europe should have exchanged in this manner for a rent certain, never more to be augmented, that branch of their revenue, which was, perhaps, of all others, the most likely to be improved by the natural course of things, without either expense or attention of their own ; and that they should, besides, have in this manner voluntarily erected a sort of independent republics in the heart of their own dominions

    10. These are only estimates since it’s been sort of tough getting them up voluntarily on one of those bathroom scales so as to verify precisely the bulk of their bulging bodies

    11. She couldn't fathom why anyone would voluntarily add another chore to their routine; and there was the potential for personal injury that long grab-able, tangle-able hair just was

    12. Time and again, channeling by mediums, hypnotherapy sessions and deep meditations have revealed that we do come back to Earth voluntarily to experience life as a human being, despite the ‘amnesia’ and hardship

    13. To propose that Great Britain should voluntarily give up all authority over her colonies, and leave them to elect their own magistrates, to enact their own laws, and to make peace and war, as they might think proper, would be to propose such a measure as never was, and never will be, adopted by any nation in the world

    14. No nation ever voluntarily gave up the dominion of any province, how troublesome soever it might be to govern it, and how small soever the revenue which it afforded might be in proportion to the expense which it occasioned

    15. Unless this or some other method is fallen upon, and there seems to be none more ubvious than this, of preserving the importance and of gratifying the ambition of the leading men of America, it is not very probable that they will ever voluntarily submit to us; and we ought to consider, that the blood which must be shed in forcing them to do so, is, every drop of it, the blood either of those who are, or of those whom we wish to have for our fellow citizens

    16. If in each college, the tutor or teacher, who was to instruct each student in all arts and sciences, should not be voluntarily chosen by the student, but appointed by the head of the college ; and if, in case of neglect, inability, or bad usage, the student should not be allowed to change him for another, without leave first asked and obtained ; such a regulation would not only tend very much to extinguish all emulation among the different tutors of the same college, but to diminish very much, in all of them, the necessity of diligence and of attention to their respective pupils

    17. inicon,” Brett fumbled, “Have failed and it continues to resist voluntarily giving any useful information I move that the device should be transported to the Science Compound at the first convenient opportunity where non-priority investigations may continue as and when convenient

    18. but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for

    19. The bank of England, either by voluntarily discounting those bills at their current value, or by agreeing with government for certain considerations to circulate exchequer bills, that is, to receive them at par, paying the interest which happens to be due upon them, keeps up their value, and facilitates their circulation, and thereby frequently enables government to contract a very large debt of this kind

    20. To have come so far only to be defeated at the final hurdle, with the imminent prospect of being caught – although he would return voluntarily

    21. ‘I did not enter this voluntarily; I was forced in here

    22. Has any wielder ever resisted the Power for a long period of time voluntarily?”

    23. He adopted, however, the moderately wise course of writing to the Press on the subject, and by a striking coincidence, the same week, abundant proof of recent sacrifice arrived by mail from Accra, the reports being voluntarily furnished by eye-witnesses

    24. At night General Ludlow moved his brigade round at the extreme right, his tired forces occupying trenches voluntarily constructed with stupendous difficulty by Garcia's men

    25. Any idiot can understand that the parents of the children (young men) who joined the Liberation Movement will explain to the Army and SAP they were kidnapped! What do you think the child will say after being rescued? That he went voluntarily because the political system is of such a nature that no educated person can endure it? Of course not! If he does, the policeman will arrest him and kick the (you know what) out of him for his long haired liberal tendencies

    26. We are all (ultimately) defined by the choices we make whether or not such choices are circumstantial or embarked upon voluntarily

    27. Even many Native parents themselves played a role, voluntarily sending their children to the schools, hoping they would be better fed and clothed than the deep poverty and neglect of reservation life

    28. Even if the candidates were better, the system is a two party monopoly, one they will never voluntarily give up

    29. That was until Jules got on-board; one of them erupted in a stomach-killing laughter of the kind one cannot voluntarily stop, and soon the other guy followed suit

    30. Subject to the exceptions we have discussed, I think there could be substantial pressure to voluntarily adopt the mechanism

    31. Colling would take a flight into Munich, where Quarles had alerted the Military Police to ignore Sergeant Colling so that he could voluntarily report in at the 511th General Hospital

    32. are voluntarily contributed by their members

    33. Good is the one who voluntarily abstains from thoughts or actions that tempt toward any breach of that covenant

    34. Selfish is the individual who cannot or will not voluntarily comply with the needs of the many

    35. ther voluntarily or if questioned directly

    36. The patient is assisted to go into hypnosis entirely voluntarily, and the hypnotist plays a completely passive role

    37. They voluntarily accepted it

    38. whether they know it or not, and whether they are paid for this service or do it voluntarily

    39. compelled, to join the team and remain in it voluntarily!

    40. not compelled, to join the team and remain in it voluntarily!

    41. and are not slaves, but sons and daughters who voluntarily submit to Jesus’

    42. times Monroe visited this locale in the spirit world he did not return voluntarily but was forcibly

    43. She gathered her cigarettes and alcohol and started to enter it voluntarily, resigned

    44. For his part, the guide in Shanghai voluntarily offered the opinion that in China there has always been freedom to practice other religions besides Buddhism

    45. Mitch was Jewish but this did not stop him after leaving Motorola, voluntarily I think, from working in DC for the jihadist Triad Group that illegally sold weapons to Israel’s sworn enemies for decades

    46. there unto him a company of Assideans who were mighty men of Israel, even all such as were voluntarily devoted unto the law…44

    47. (again monetary) with him to rape me as punishment for voluntarily

    48. They had built Kraka, then abandoned it when they later voluntarily reduced their populations to reduce conflicts between them caused by their territoriality instinct

    49. I didn’t think anyone could voluntarily submit to such pain, and she would not reduce it further, saying she had no wish to be numbed

    50. is the youth who want , those who voluntarily risked to take the heifer of the square

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    Synonymes pour "voluntarily"

    voluntarily willingly deliberately intentionally frankly