Utiliser "vote" dans une phrase
vote exemples de phrases
1. First it is the Inspector asking how Liz is – he gets my vote for consideration, telling me how courageous she has been
2. The word "ordained" in (Acts 14:23) means to appoint without a vote whereas in (II Corinthians 8:19) it (chosen) means
3. Majority rule is where more than half of the men in a business meeting vote or somehow
4. discussions or a vote in the decisions
5. My trawl round the bungalows next morning results in an overwhelming vote in favour of a party on New Year’s Eve
6. "Northeast to the Thrambaya was our vote," Alan said
7. sounding the cross table descent that led to the vote,
8. the footfall vote, and the counting of hands in a great
9. A lot of Hindus vote for us, you should know,' Ali's father said
10. A vote in our favour, I think
11. 'I can vote in that election,' she
12. the candidates, particularly who she would vote for
13. “For that you chose extermination? You prefer genocide and suicide to supporting the Life Principles? This is wrong! I was not included in the vote
14. “You have my yes vote
15. You might also consider another vote on the attrition
16. At homeroom we had to vote for the Homecoming king and queen
17. What was different however was that I didn’t vote for Johnny as I had
18. My vote is for the Western Australia route
19. This might be the closest vote we’ve ever
20. By the time the six pm election booth at the council chambers had been closed, only five people had bothered to turn up to vote
21. There were seven counters and twelve checkers, none of whom were allowed to vote because they had to be independent
22. The Mayor pronounced that a recount should take place after which a new vote would be taken the following week end
23. People who did not vote, were to be fined one ducit to go towards council expenses, namely for the councilors themselves
24. "I think you should proceed with a fresh vote as you have already decided
25. “I suppose you’d give everyone a vote,” said Aetes with a sneer
26. If you give citizens a vote,
27. vote at the level of their understanding
28. I vote for death
29. The vote must be completed first
30. But I think it’s important to hear Nerissa’s testimony before I vote
31. “I’m ready to vote,” said Theoton
32. My vote is innocent
33. His vote was the decider
34. My vote remains guilty
35. participate in the vote
36. that – under the conditions of universal vote –
37. Papandreou has received the vote of confidence
38. In England, besides, a lease for life of forty shillings a-year value is a freehold, and entitles the lessee to a vote for a member of parliament ; and as a great part of the yeomanry have freeholds of this kind, the whole order becomes respectable to their landlords, on account of the political consideration which this gives them
39. In Scotland, besides, as no leasehold gives a vote for a member of parliament, the yeomanry are upon this account less respectable to their landlords than in England
40. Seeing her chance, my mother threatened that if Papa ever saw you again, she’d get Telander to switch his vote
41. spite because of Uncle Telander’s vote
42. At last, when Homer was seventeen, Aetes forced a vote on the council to declare
43. to vote in their elected leader and his 2IC,
44. ran the Communist vote
45. It seemed there was a split vote between them, some having the normal fears that I was infected and a monster, but I also had some Elders in my favor
46. deciding vote (usually by the chairman) when the votes are otherwise equal
47. The role of treasurer was decided based on the chairman's casting vote
48. If we cannot come to a consensus by the end of the meeting we will put it to a vote
49. raised hands to express an opinion in a vote
50. The vote was unanimous to cut work hours on Fridays
1. hunter said, “I sinned against your father when I voted to cast him and your
2. There was much debate over the last orphan brought in and six of the council members voted for sealing
3. We were against it, but they voted us down
4. “I voted for tighter screening, but the rest would not hear of it
5. “The council has voted to
6. The remaining members voted in favor of Jalan's motion, including a weak hand raise from Ningla
7. I voted for Sam Peterman
8. “So who voted
9. An elderly woman suggested that they capture Emma as Chairperson, and before she could decline, the whole place voted a loud approval and the subject was settled — at least as far as they were willing to believe
10. would have voted to fall straight to Hell instead of onto the arena floor
11. ballots were cast I voted for myself as Prom king
12. “Well we will see, I don’t mind saying it, but I voted at committee not to have you here
13. He voted with Stenarch tonight
14. public voted on them
15. When a motion is voted and agreed upon it is carried
16. When it is voted and disagreed upon it is failed
17. Chris had managed to get voted onto the Committee in every election since the beginning, but things were changing and he was not sure he would keep standing for election for much longer
18. Since our Humane Society was supported only by donations, we had recently voted to limit expenditures on any animal to $100
19. They voted nay, he voted yea, and there it went
20. When will the pundits wake up to the fact that the Palestinian Authority was never voted into anything, and now that it has aligned itself with Hamas, the wild card rules
21. Every country in the alliance has formally voted with a majority in favour
22. President Ivanov was someone who had been democratically elected – though could there have been a more stark illustration of the flawed nature of democracy? In centuries past, people voted for the radical alternative seemingly out of desperation, for whoever seemed convincing enough that they alone held the key to a better future
23. Compare that stance with that of Obama, who, while a state senator from the benighted state of Illinois, even voted against the law entitling new-born survivors of abortion to have life-support systems
24. It develops that after the election, a little old lady in New Hampshire said she voted for Johnson because Goldwater was going to sell her TV
25. As noted earlier, one man one vote would, in effect, have been an abdication of political power because of the numerical differences between the races (a result of the British concentration camps according to my own theory), and it was simply not allowed until 1994 when traditional voting took place and every group voted for itself
26. hands, and voted to, unanimously
27. snow pudding, was voted very nice, and the hickory nuts as good as
28. I contemplated sharing my invention and then voted against it for fear of sounding stupid
29. The House of Representatives recently voted to begin impeachment proceedings against William Jefferson Clinton, a wicked man
30. And what do you think the child is going to say if rescued? That he went willingly so that Mr Policemen can arrest him? Funny enough the same kidnapped youngsters voted for the same kidnappers afterwards
31. New York City has always voted predominately Democratic
32. This does not explain, however, the Republican Party‘s lackluster support among the more traditionally moderate to conservative suburban communities located outside the city‘s outlining areas, not to mention upper New York State whose population has overwhelmingly voted Republican over the years
33. Marie Phyllis voted against the budget, but it safely passed
34. Not one Federalist voted for the war
35. Several months later, the UN voted to pull out all troops
36. The House voted to impeach by well over the two thirds margin, almost three to one
37. Many non-Hawaiians voted, mostly US servicemen, while many Asians were barred
38. The elected house voted unanimously for independence
39. This was the height of the Socialist Party in US history, when up to one out of six Americans voted Socialist
40. “To inform its readers of the result of the recent elections in the United States, The Daily Mirror of London asked in its front page: “How can 59 million people be so dumb?” Unfortunately, that British newspaper accurately reflects the thinking of many newspapers and commentators with respect to those who voted for Bush in the above mentioned election
41. According to polls, a great percentage of women, who in the past voted Democrat en mass, will vote for the president this time
42. Neither did the senator inspire much confidence when, after voting to send the troops to Iraq, voted later on against the 87
43. The Daily Mirror of London may very well not agree with these view points and call “dumb” those of us who voted for Bush after a conscientious study of the positions of the two candidates
44. Yet understandably most who voted for him are disappointed because he did not do anything close to what he could have, or what he was elected for
45. It was a one party state, and in the only election, less than 1% of the population voted
46. John Kerry, Democratic presidential candidate in 2004, voted for war, and his campaign undercut antiwar protesters, asking them to stop demonstrating
47. Clinton supported and voted for the invasion of Iraq, and refused to apologize or admit wrongdoing despite being pressed repeatedly by her own supporters
48. She voted for the war to avoid appearing soft
49. It was the UN that voted these sanctions, and a mixed military force that enforced them
50. Both parties voted for it the first time in overwhelming numbers, and again to renew it
1. This wasn't a politician looking for votes or a local kid collecting for a sponsored run
2. The number of votes cast in any election above the total number of all votes cast
3. playing to the cameras for Joe Public’s votes
4. Counting down now, counting the votes,
5. tallying the last few votes, though the secular party had already started rolling
6. we won majority votes there, too
7. One of the candidates lost a race by only 29 votes out of 100,000 cast
8. It was the GDPPP against the ECPSP for Dort votes
9. Fizzicist, said to my Mum he didn't approve of people canvassing for votes
10. Well the mayor at least thought he would get a result with an odd number of votes But it took less than five seconds to declare a draw
11. Two votes a piece and one which had a rude comment scrawled upon it
12. thanks to their votes
13. What would stop us from simply buying votes?”
14. Stenarch only has four votes
15. Stenarch couldn’t buy the other votes,
16. The votes are still the same
17. “By the time we’re on the council, I think we’ll have the votes
18. deciding vote (usually by the chairman) when the votes are otherwise equal
19. Most often votes are put to a majority
20. a deciding vote (usually by the chairman) when the votes are otherwise equal
21. Votes dictate, not the other way around”, I remember him saying
22. In the ancient constitution of the Christian church, the bishop of each diocese was elected by the joint votes of the clergy and of the people of the episcopal city
23. In Rome, as in all other ancient republics, the poor people were constantly in debt to the rich and the great, who, in order to secure their votes at the annual elections, used to lend them money at exorbitant interest, which, being never paid, soon accumulated into a sum too great either for the debtor to pay, or for any body else to pay for him
24. In late 1960, however, he showed a great deal of class by refusing to contest the eminently contestable 1960 election in which John Kennedy defeated him with the efforts of thousands of dead voters in Illinois and Texas, without whose votes Kennedy would not have won
25. The goal is not to keep the poor from starving, but to create dependency, because dependency translates into votes for politicians who play Santa Claus
26. They appointed a chairman and they took a great many votes
27. It‘s easier and much more efficient harvesting votes with sweeping gestures and deceptive promises rather than stumping for votes the old-fashioned way by kissing babies and all that other good stuff
28. What‘s next on the agenda, proposed Statehood for The District of Columbia that will further increase the number of Democratic seats in both houses of Congress on the chance of attracting potential African American voters? This bill is without question a lose/lose proposition for the Republican Party which would better serve its (own) political interests and the interests of the nation by attracting party support on the quality of its (own) party principles rather than its transparent pandering for problematical votes
29. What follows should give pause to those straddling the fence on this issue: California‘s popular vote (54 electoral votes) for example, could potentially neutralize the combined votes of Delaware (3), Maine (4), Hawaii (4), Alaska (3), New Mexico (5), Nevada (4), Utah (5), Idaho (4), Montana (3), Wyoming (3), North Dakota (3), South Da kota (3), Vermont (3), New Hampshire (4), and Rhode Island (4) or fifteen states in all presently under the ―protection‖ of the E
30. They learned from the Chahora Bassa hydro-electric scheme in Mozambique where they lost a lot of money and no doubt votes
31. But they clearly can be either isolated, or pander to the votes of those who are, to allow moral blindness and callousness that causes many deaths to continue
32. But he got virtually no votes at the end of the Democratic Convention
33. Every president from Ford to Obama has publicly pledged to allow Puerto Rico to determine its own future, as a commonwealth, independent, or a state Both major parties included Guam, Puerto Rico, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands in their presidential primaries starting in 1976, and most major candidates have campaigned for their votes
34. That did not stop him from running for president from prison, the only candidate to ever do so, and still getting over a million votes
35. Lincoln replied acidly, “I could not afford to hang more men for votes
36. Johnson chose what was right over what would get his party votes, and deserves credit for that
37. This would be the result that several polls had indicated prior to the elections and as the absentee votes would prove that gave in fact a 13% victory to the Partido Popular over its opposition the PSOE
38. Nevertheless, the votes of March 14 gave the power to the PSOE
39. The article appeared in the November 11 edition of that weekly under the title: The candidate who has received most votes in history:
40. “I have a feeling that Bush will win with more than 5% of the votes, and all the lawyers will have to pick up their suitcases and go back to their homes without glory and without money
41. According to the most recent numbers of the Los Angeles Times, Bush has obtained 59,117,382 (52% of the popular vote) and 286 electoral votes (270 electoral votes are needed to win the election)
42. As for Kerry, he has received 55,435,808 (48% of the popular vote) and 252 electoral votes
43. million votes, the president will stand in the annals as the candidate who has received the greatest number of votes in history
44. Clinton, for instance, was elected twice by plurality only; that is to say with less than 50% of the votes cast
45. Hoping to win Democratic votes, Lincoln replaced Hamlin with Johnson, a Democrat from the south
46. There were four major candidates, and none of them won enough votes to be declared the winner
47. Jackson had the most popular (40%) and electoral (99 of the 133 needed) votes and so believed he should have been chosen
48. ) Though Democrats had more popular and electoral votes, electors in several states ignored the popular vote and switched their vote
49. The election was extremely close, Rutherford only winning by 3,000 votes
50. She supported the war with numerous votes, even after most of her own party opposed it
1. * Important side note: The local preacher as a part of the business meeting is to have no more "voting power" than any other man of the congregation but remember he should be allowed equal input
2. the merits of voting on one or two occasions, but on this matter
3. Voting with money or elections?
4. That was said to be achieved using brute force, ruining rivals' campaign tours and even threatening people into voting for whomever it was that was giving her the money
5. I'll send out a group e-mail with the voting results
6. The lords decided to run the kingdom by an elected council, but that council began voting on kings to rule until death, when another king would be chosen
7. That was when Congress tried to enact voting rule changes that would have denied voting for new citizens
8. They’re not only lobbying from outside but directly voting on the inside
9. Anyone who remains here after my fleet leaves will be forfeiting their Earth citizenship and voting rights
10. It occurs to me to wonder just how many of America"s voting public are aware that the students of so-called schools of education, whenever compared with their counterparts in any other academic field have, invariably, the lowest S
11. Read the fine print, which all too many of our so-called representatives in the United States Congress failed to do before voting this abomination into law
12. Sounds somewhat akin to Obama"s voting against helping babies who have survived abortion to stay alive
13. Thus: A huge pro Obama voting bloc is the nearly one half of all adults who not only do not pay any taxes, but receive money from the government
14. As noted earlier, one man one vote would, in effect, have been an abdication of political power because of the numerical differences between the races (a result of the British concentration camps according to my own theory), and it was simply not allowed until 1994 when traditional voting took place and every group voted for itself
15. ‖ The Conservative Movement, I believe, has yet to fully recognize the vast pool of potential converts, people who are principle conservatives in their everyday lives yet are seemingly unable to define themselves politically because their values are not being properly reinforced by the ―mainstream‖ media or are not being ―targeted‖ by conservative groups, including members of the Hispanic and African American communities, who, aside from their voting ―habits‖, are otherwise socially conservative in many respects
16. It is arguable that the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts was the (final) straw that broke the (proverbial) camel‘s back although I‘m not so certain considering that a greater proportion of Republicans rather than Democrats supported these measures
17. Character no longer appears to be the single overriding issue concerning most Americans accustomed to voting with their
18. President Bush‘s flawed Immigration Reform Bill providing ―conditional‖ amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens must be reassuring to 1) (Moderate) Republicans who would consider its passage a political opportunity to place the party in better stead with Hispanic Voters and the Business Community, 2) Corporations seeking to attract Cheap(er) Labor, 3) Democrats who, for the same reasons indicated above, are uncomfortable with the idea of controlling our nation‘s borders at the risk of alienating a sizeable voting bloc and (who) would otherwise seize the moment, for purely political reasons, to challenge Republican proposals that (surprise!) ―don‘t go far enough,‖ 4) Multiculturalists and Internationalists likely to embrace such ―reforms‖ as a (positive) first step towards achieving their (respective) Universalist Agenda, and 5) Shakers of Western Culture who would seek its destruction at any cost for its own sake and who would therefore (also) consider such measures as an appropriate step in the ―right‖ direction
19. Legally, Natives and other nonwhites were barred from testifying in court, filing suit, or voting
20. Reagan Democrats, a vital voting bloc that spear-headed his unexpected victory over presidential incumbent James Earl Carter, should not be casually dismissed as an electoral anomaly lest we forget Richard M
21. Remember how Mayor Pedlar abstained from voting on the police budget, and then praised it about ten days later? Mrs
22. His second act was to declare the matter of Blacks voting was to be left to states, now to come back under the control of pardoned Confederates
23. Across the south, mob violence tried to keep both Blacks and anti racist whites from voting, and intimidate anyone trying to change the old ways
24. Native Hawaiians continue to work for a return to independence, and can point to some victories, the end of the language ban, restoration of voting rights, Hawaiian language schools, and a cultural renaissance
25. Their ideas seem fairly moderate today, that Blacks should have voting and civil rights and not be murdered for practicing either
26. It is virtually impossible to understate the amount of terrorism and devious tactics used to keep minorities from voting
27. Though Aznar was not the candidate of the Popular Party, but instead Rajoy, one week before the voting was to take place on March 14, everything pointed to a victory for the Popular Party
28. For one thing, never at the voting booths of its history has the United States gotten rid of its president at the time of war, and for another, Kerry has not presented a coherent policy, guided by a definitive plan for the future: he seems to react to the news of the day like a weathervane reacts to the direction of the wind at any given time
29. countries, that apparent “collective blindness” has blinded reporters to see what the great “silent majority” of the American voting public has been able to appreciate
30. Neither did the senator inspire much confidence when, after voting to send the troops to Iraq, voted later on against the 87
31. Only white property owners could vote, with Asian voting specifically forbidden and almost all Native Hawaiians barred by literacy tests
32. The Democratic Party was split, with slightly over half of Democratic Congressmen voting for the war initially
33. It is also interesting to note that, as often as conservatives bash Hollywood celebrities for activism (even while voting for Reagan or Schwarzenegger) those who have done quite a bit on Darfur include actors George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Don Cheadle, and Matt Damon
34. Incidentally, I find no evidence in Scripture, Old Testament or New, for a voting process when it comes to important decisions in a Christian context
35. The interstate highway system was continued by both Republican and Democratic parties, but one could imagine voting for a non-incumbent party precisely to stop a program that is unappealing to voters
36. Wouldn’t it be irrational to elect a Congress controlled by a Party that differed from the President's Party? —The voters would be thwarting their own desires to obtain the spending levels that they themselves prefer! Sure, it is possible that some people might not understand this, but most people will be able to see that voting a split ticket would allow politicians to continue lying to us about their intentions
37. Economists often argue that it is irrational to vote and even more irrational to be an informed voter, because voting and being informed involve significant personal costs
38. So, the 2000 Florida chad debacle notwithstanding, the benefits of voting would in almost all cases be smaller than the costs…I think people only vote to legitimize their complaining later on!” Charles chuckled, “But, yes, since the voter can be more potent, have a real say in what will happen after the winner takes office, I think voter turnout would be likely to jump pretty dramatically
39. UNESCO, to the immoral activities of UNICEF, to the voting in the General Assembly, to the constant
40. In the past, with NAFTA the voting was
41. c) Validation of the voting for approval or rejection of
42. suggestions without voting right
43. debates among its partners and the electronic voting at the
44. the manifestations of its partners, before the electronic voting
45. § 4th - The duration of the electronic voting will be
46. Every now and again they would throw the same handful again! Couple this with biased polling and bogus voting, and you could go a long way toward creating the “reality” of
47. “Acorn is most famous for voting fraud
48. Seven of its members just got hit with felony charges for their role in over seventeen hundred fraudulent voting registration forms in the state of Washington
49. That state doesn’t require any identification before voting, so people could have voted using those names
50. The greater irony is that black chiefs of identity politics still ardently persuade their tribe to thank the Democrats for doing this to them by regularly voting Democrat by over 90 percent