They have a sand storm down there and Vulture says to expect high winds!”
The subliminal image Danny had also implanted, of a large vulture standing over him, hadn't helped his nausea either
The vulture had the face of Phil's reprimanding mother
Yet this hadn’t corresponded to his fantasy, painstakingly built up in a small woodlot outside of his home town, with rabbits, foxes; and the occasional turkey vulture
The other was a bear with three heads, one of a serpent, one of a vulture, and one of a man
“I thought I was a vulture
Helping Nicole with her rounds had mellowed her somewhat to the point where she no longer considered him a vulture
It is so horrific and sad to see how the “holier-than-thou” Christian zips open his mourning garment from top to bottom and out climbs a Jurassic monster vulture, when the deceased’s possessions comes into play
Among these was a very large vulture with white and black feathers called locally a “cuntur
Denying this vulture a third feed would have to be my number one priority, and I couldn’t risk being mesmerised by his elegance any more
14 And the vulture, and the kite after his kind;
(An ossifrage is a vulture and an ospray is a buzzard
As they flew, a large vulture approached them
Kami made a fast flip in the air, leaving the vulture behind her
The vulture began to scream, and soon, hundreds of vultures appeared in the sky, flying just above Kami
Now just one vulture remained in the sky
Before throwing it, she looked the vulture in the eye
It seemed that the vulture understood that he was about to be roasted
Vulture with the pump-action
me with one hand and hanging from the talons of a giant vulture with the
I hadn’t thought about it in months, but Zia had a vulture
something a vulture would eat
The vulture swept in with a swift roar of wings
Gorulga looked like a shocked vulture in the glare of the torches
Now through the yelling, cursing lines rode the lords of the conquerors—Strabonus, with his broad dark face and crafty eyes; Amalrus, slender, fastidious, treacherous, dangerous as a cobra; and the lean vulture Tsotha-lanti, clad only in silken robes, his great black eyes glittering from a face that was like that of a bird of prey
Waiting in the courtyard was an enormous bird like a vulture only this one wore a saddle
Strapped to the table is Detective Allen and slowly circling him like a vulture does its dying prey is Ms
We won"t be hovering over your head anymore,” said a vulture
Vulture populations in the Middle East and Europe have
One burst hit the rear rotor of the Avro Vulture and shattered it, sending the helicopter down in an uncontrollable spin
and ended like a vulture
Seeing the success of her first wave, Helen Richey quickly ordered her second wave to hold on to their bombs, then performed a wide circle over the stricken ships, like a vulture flying over a dying man
Nancy then pointed at the Avro VULTURE, its shape made even more intimidating by the machinegun turret in its nose
� Since the success of its first combat mission, the Avro VULTURE helicopter had become very popular with the higher staffs, with many useless concepts about its eventual use being pushed around constantly by overenthusiastic officers who understood nothing about helicopters
The vulture flies down the road towards him
Secret number seven is this…the vulture will steal your harvest unless your seed is planted
It‘s interesting that the vulture and the eagle look a lot alike from a distance yet they have very different habits and habitats
A vulture hangs out on the side of the road looking for dead, smelly, and nasty road kill
For a vulture, when a storm comes, it goes behind a dirty and disgusting area, waits for something that‘s about to die, and takes it
The guilt he was feeling from leaving her was steadily growing into a looming vulture that wanted nothing more than to prey on his conscience, but to stop these feelings
Feeling like a vulture for profiting financially from such a tragedy, Jeanne kept to her mission profile and bought at bargain prices millions of francs worth of shares at the Paris stock market, knowing that the societies whose shares she was buying and that had brutally dropped in value due to the insurrection would eventually regain their true value
Even the “lowest” vulture and cannibal is the true I of God
Then she drew a picture in the sand of the long vulture feathers that would trail from the back of the headdress, and told me she would attach them so they would flow in the wind when I walked
“It is very different with the white cobra skeletons and the black vulture feathers
At first, I thought it might be the scent of the vulture wings attached to my veil and robe
My cheetah headdress told them that, just as my robe told them that the Cobra Goddess Wadjet and the vulture Goddess Nekhbet moved with me wherever I went
She stood up and reached into a large woven bag and took out a huge robe made of river reeds and the shoulder feathers of the white vulture and placed it around her body
The squad leader, dressed in a ceremonial suit of silver and gold battle armor and wearing a helm that had a plume of vulture feathers sticking up from its side, appeared in front of the crowd, dragging the heavy and frightened figure of the advisor, Lucan, beside him
The thin man in red robes crouched over the table, his back bent like a waiting vulture
Geo-engineering is neither savior nor demon, but a Pandora's Box in the hands of every generation's fools who have not learned from the errors of arrogant science gone military rogue or capitalistic vulture
"Crap!" Easton said as he watched the creature slowly bank to the right and circle above the ATV like a vulture
“Ew! Sorry, but the turkey vulture isn’t as pretty as her bald eagle friends,” I said
hatred becomes the vulture calling
He had been a vulture of bad omen, a cadaver without a coffin,
About five minutes later the first vulture landed and eyed two men and the woman hungrily and aggressively
Its headdress featured a fearsome vulture
A vulture will never attack a human or animal that is moving
There would be an idyllic view of a forest and a lake and, in the foreground, a vulture tearing the flesh of a dead rabbit
The Mediterranean vulture went extinct: but not the crows and ravens of Rome
The more living creatures feed upon dead things the more ugly they become!! That is why vultures are the ugliest birds in natural world save the turkey, and the turkey is a vulture
Finally, the vulture has come
In her hands she holds a dove and an incense box, as two great vulture wings fold around her body
With vulture, and with wheel Ixion come,
After all, 'a sparrow in the hand is better than a vulture on the wing
At the moment when she is struggling in the convulsions of death, a vulture is flying by (there are a good many vultures in Adelmonte's country); this bird darts on the dead fowl, and carries it away to a rock, where it dines off its prey
Three days afterwards, this poor vulture, which has been very much indisposed since that dinner, suddenly feels very giddy while flying aloft in the clouds, and falls heavily into a fish-pond
The pike, eels, and carp eat greedily always, as everybody knows—well, they feast on the vulture
“Not since that summer,” she says, and retreats with her vulture face and vulture fingernails into the redolent dark
When the man got up the vulture hopped away in great, side-long, fluttering jumps
But this awakening in solitude, except for the watchful vulture, amongst the ruins of the fort, had no such characteristics
Of Love and Lust, Pan and Satan, Longing and Loyalty, and other such lofty (or low) Matters; together with our Heroine’s Adventures at the notorious George & Vulture Inn, and how (with the Aid of some of the surviving Merry Men) she resolv’d the Dilemma of her Destiny
Vulture was gone now utterly
He isn't a vulture investor
It was a vulture with its bill open, talons outstretched
She turned with a scowl, saw that Jason Twilly was coming toward her, his dark jacket flying open like the wings of a vulture
The so called merger is more along the lines of Fiat becoming a vulture investor and feeding on the carcass of Chrysler for pennies on the dollar
auto industry and if Fiat can become a successful vulture
The global population of the turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) is presently estimated to be 4,500,000 individuals, making it the most prevalent species of New World vulture or cathartid
Was G—— a vulture after all? Yes; if he were to be judged by the element of ferocity in this solitude of his
The man who is not loved soars like a vulture over the mistresses of other men; and for my own part, to all those unfortunate men
The old owl had fled before the young vulture
Death is the waxen effigy in the coffin when you were six and Grandfather passed away — looking like a great fallen vulture in his casket, silent, withdrawn, no more to tell you how to be a good boy, no more to comment succinctly on politics
If Lavater had studied this visage, he would have found the vulture mingled with the attorney there, the bird of prey and the pettifogger rendering each other mutually hideous and complementing each other; the pettifogger making the bird of prey ignoble, the bird of prey making the pettifogger horrible
The stranger stretched his neck out of his cravat, a gesture characteristic of the vulture, and replied with an augmented smile
A vulture circled
Her eyes were flaming with a dark flame the color of raven wings, the sound of vulture wings, and her head was so heavy with terror, so full of an iron weight, while her mouth was stuffed with invisible hot cotton, that she felt her head sag down into her immensely fat, but she could not see the fat, hands
The naked skin on the head of a vulture is generally considered as a direct adaptation for wallowing in putridity; and so it may be, or it may possibly be due to the direct action of putrid matter; but we should be very cautious in drawing any such inference, when we see that the skin on the head of the clean-feeding male turkey is likewise naked
In their most perfect condition they curiously resemble the head and beak of a vulture in miniature, seated on a neck and capable of movement, as is likewise the lower jaw or mandible
We are cheered when we observe the vulture feeding on the carrion which disgusts and disheartens us, and deriving health and strength from the repast
God help thee, old man, thy thoughts have created a creature in thee; and he whose intense thinking thus makes him a Prometheus; a vulture feeds upon that heart for ever; that vulture the very creature he creates
As we glided nearer, the stranger showed French colours from his peak; and by the eddying cloud of vulture sea-fowl that circled, and hovered, and swooped around him, it was plain that the whale alongside must be what the fishermen call a blasted whale, that is, a whale that has died unmolested on the sea, and so floated an unappropriated corpse
The moon had reached her summit in the heavens and was beginning to descend; the clouds swept across it swifter than the flight of the vulture and dimmed her rays, while the lake reflected the scene of the busy heavens, rendered still busier by the restless waves that were beginning to rise
Ames, lends two Millets, a beautiful Rousseau, “The Valley of Tiffauge,” Decamps’s splendid picture of an African about to sling a stone at a vulture sitting on some ruins, and the superbly painted dogs of Troyon’s “Gardechasse