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    Utiliser "waiting list" dans une phrase

    waiting list exemples de phrases

    waiting list

    1. I was told he was still available, but if I was interested I should hurry, because a waiting list was bound to form

    2. was that if you wanted to spend Christmas in Hawaii you’d have to be on the waiting list for five years

    3. It is near impossible to buy the time it takes to get on the waiting list of that machine

    4. was a long waiting list of those eager to get their children into our crèche

    5. got our family registered on the waiting list for a house in the municipality of Amersfoort,

    6. money gushing in, clients that are raving fans and you're going to have a waiting list

    7. But for less urgent problems, such as uterine fibroids (a benign enlargement of the muscle of the womb) or sterilization, women are placed on a waiting list and given a classification according to the relative urgency of the case

    8. If they cannot make it for one reason or the other at the time they are called, they are placed back on the waiting list

    9. As a newcomer, without a waiting list, I was assigned backlog cases to be placed on my operating room list

    10. She had been on the waiting list for several months and was finally scheduled for a particular day

    11. As a consequence, waiting lists get longer and longer

    12. There is a mandate that waiting lists have to be kept to a certain length and if they exceed a predetermined number of weeks or months for non urgent procedures, a regulatory agency may step in

    13. To avoid that, I have witnessed the waiting list essentially being wiped clean and started all over

    14. It was however, because of Baby Luke’s condition that they were moved further up the waiting list for a Corporation house

    15. I’ve put Albert’s name on the waiting list for a transplant

    16. When we told the realtor that we were interested in oceanfront property in Chester she laughed and said that waterfront in Chester never came on the market since every property on the water had a waiting list of people ready to put money down – and lots of it – in the event that the owner decided to sell; in the rare event that an oceanfront property came onto the open market we would be looking at one and a half million and up

    17. He had put in for a new dog, but there was a long waiting list, but he was not in a hurry

    18. In Cameron"s case he tried many times to see one, but was told that there was a waiting list of several months in fact

    19. was informed there was a six month waiting list

    20. I was lucky that I got one ticket in the waiting list

    21. n’t have a year long waiting list for these miraculous enlargements

    22. I’ve had my name on the waiting list for The Thorn Birds for quite some time

    23. Waiting lists for the best offspring lines are jealously guarded and genetic experts are now the most highly regarded of our kind, by our more or less benevolent keepers

    24. Waiting list? “When do you want to start with his therapy?”

    25. Even longer waiting lists, long waiting times in hospitals and out patient clinics, poor service and treatment

    26. Something else might open up, but it was unlikely and they weren’t first on the waiting list

    27. There was a one-year waiting list to buy a little hybrid car

    28. The kid got such good results, he had a waiting list of students

    29. He personally, being of a sceptical bias, believed and didn't make the smallest bones about saying so either that man or men in the plural were always hanging around on the waiting list about a lady, even supposing she was the best wife in the world and they got on fairly well together for the sake of argument, when, neglecting her duties, she chose to be tired of wedded life and was on for a little flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her with improper intent, the upshot being that her affections centred on another, the cause of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for fair and forty and younger men, no doubt as several famous cases of feminine infatuation proved up to the hilt

    30. A family of squirrels died in his air-conditioning ducts over the long Fourth of July weekend, and with the humidity high every day since, there’s apparently a waiting list for repairmen

    31. After six weeks, the results were such that we had a waiting list for the second group

    32. Gladys had been on the bottom of a very long waiting list, but when they found out she was Marilyn Monroe’s mother, they moved her to the top—not fair, but the truth

    33. Demand for cars in China is so high that would-be drivers are putting their names on waiting lists for popular models

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