Utiliser "wannabe" dans une phrase
wannabe exemples de phrases
1. doostEr figured her for a Yingolian wannabe
2. There are so many mistaken truths and outright lies about the Indians that prompt that wannabe phenomena
3. The answer to the question being posed by an impossibly bright wannabe is; A, Sulako
4. What’s even more ridiculous is they do not use these systems themselves…why should they, if hundreds maybe thousands of desperate wannabe rich marketers purchase these products without ever doing research, ask questions or stop to think “Do I Really Need This”?
5. I’m not suggesting that there’s anything inherently wrong with any of these activities, but I do argue that simply adding them to your business operations without understanding will expose your organization as a hipster wannabe and leave you thinking that this social media stuff doesn’t work after all
6. The article calls into question the motives of this wannabe Starlet, as being questionable at best
7. Everyone will think some Kavorkian wannabe came in and did a fast one
8. My ploy had worked and my wannabe killer let loose when we hit the water
10. thought that Corey was a wannabe hero
11. novice webmasters or wannabe bloggers think that they can simply use some BS
12. Tim had a top floor flat, with interesting views over the city and uninteresting views, looking down into back yards of wannabe derelict homes
13. wannabe was coming into his life and he knew there was no stopping that
14. wannabe chick, yes indeed he was
15. the Bridget Jones wannabe if he had to
16. I tried to make my life appear so boring and routine that they would let their guard drop, even though; on occasion, I would allow myself to be paraded out on the front lawn for some picture op with either some young wannabe journalist or some pilgrim of the Confederation looking for another piece to the puzzle
17. to dry in search of some stupid Old-West wannabe cowboy who looks
18. All her jock friends, the cheerleaders, the wannabe bullies, all the people I had spent years mocking whenever they tried to push me and my brothers around
19. “What are they going to book me on, Violating the Waters of your Sacred Fountain? Or, perhaps you’d like to charge me with Unmercifully Hassling a Mall Security Guard, you wannabe Rambo!”
20. Not just that he is wearing armor, but that he was dressed like a rock-a-billy, hipster, wannabe when he got on the bus
21. “This is the perpetual motion of fashion: create a nunique inside fashion only affordable by the privileged class, the outside wannabe groups will desire its status distinction and pursue to acquire it, this creates a tsunami trend in which everyone must have the nuest It, when everyone has acquired some version of It, the necessity of creating a nunique Mark Of Distinction for the monied class emerges again
22. ” Minimine corrected, to defend herself from the implication she was a Robin Hood wannabe
23. “Why are all the women dressed like wannabe porn stars and where are all the men?”
24. Geesus, he was being eaten alive by a vampire wannabe weirdo
25. ‘Or perhaps Robert comes to the store because he has a sort of wannabe romantic,
26. Alvin thought, have I come all this way just to be left hung out to dry in search of some stupid Old-West wannabe cowboy who looks like he’s a few bricks short of a load himself? This is just great!
27. Everyone knew that pom teams were wannabe cheerleaders that knew how to dance and kick really high
28. He is publicly admitting the bankruptcy of the Capitalist d corrupt ream to all other corrupt wannabe greedy rich people
29. For this reason, experts say that it is extremely important for every golfer wannabe to familiarize himself with the different aspects of golf, one of which is the golf course
30. This is Captain Chaos, the wannabe artist?”
31. Pro traders tell me these forums are disproportionately visited by failed traders or frustrated wannabe traders who mostly leave an oasis of misinformation about trader development
32. The sneer on his face was a carbon copy of every other wannabe gangster who trawled these miserable streets for a living
33. Arguably, the share of both true and wannabe long-horizon investors grew rapidly in the mid-2000s, a situation that contributed to excessive narrowing of these premia in 2005–2007