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    Utiliser "way of talking" dans une phrase

    way of talking exemples de phrases

    way of talking

    1. On the TV, I was listening the speech of a young manager, and I almost started crying as a result of his passive and hopeless way of talking about his business

    2. Physicist Lee Smolin says that space is nothing but a way of talking about all the different channels of communication that allow information to pass from one observer to another

    3. The class would have to learn a new way of talking

    4. Ben noticed Hilo said ‘the rebels’ instead of ‘us rebels,’ but he figured it was just his way of talking

    5. General Tomi put entire forces at red alert but he was internally scared from MFP forces and their way of talking with him as no Islamic army commander talked and treated him like this before in his all Zulimistan army history services

    6. This was Suzy's way of talking about red flags that threatened to lead down to less than savory places

    7. First of all, the souls are not really traded—that is simply a way of talking about what the shaman does, because the hunter’s soul never leaves his body

    8. Well, she had an attractive smile and an engaging way of talking and laughing though her talk was strangely disjointed

    9. Whatever you are feeling will be reflected in your way of talking and acting

    10. " She tried to mimic Alicia's way of talking, but it came out immaturely

    11. Yes, he said, I am quite aware that this is their way of talking

    12. Ralph admired his brother’s smooth way of talking

    13. Four years after, you find me a Christian enthusiast; you then work upon me, perhaps to my complete perdition! But Tess, my coz, as I used to call you, this is only my way of talking, and you must not look so horribly concerned

    14. Slowing down so she could peek back up some random driveway that dissipated like a jet trail among the conifers, he’d understood that the imaginary life she was sketching for them—you could have a workshop, we could rent out the basement—was really a way of talking about early retirement

    15. Farebrother thought he could account for this speech, in striking contrast with Lydgate's former way of talking, as the perversity which will often spring from the moodiness of a man ill at ease in his affairs

    16. Rosamond took his way of talking to herself, which was a mixture of playful fault-finding and hyperbolical gallantry, as the disguise of a deeper feeling; and in his presence she felt that agreeable titillation of vanity and sense of romantic drama which Lydgate's presence had no longer the magic to create

    17. He had a way of talking that was so sweet and indistinct that you would have thought it was a bird chirping

    18. "Stop puttin' on that way of talking

    19. She didn't put on a different way of talking intentionally, it was just that all day she was mixing with teachers and girls who spoke differently from the people in Little Weirwold

    20. “He often had a wild way of talking, so that I thought little of what he said

    21. Stubb's exordium to his crew is given here at large, because he had rather a peculiar way of talking to them in general, and especially in inculcating the religion of rowing

    22. "It's just her way of talking

    23. 'The girl,' says he, 'is a pearl and a diamond,' and, well, of course, he's 'unworthy of her'; it's their way of talking; but on account of some sins or circumstances 'he is obliged to lead her to the altar, and go to Switzerland, and therefore abandon everything and fly to save me

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