Utiliser "weathervane" dans une phrase
weathervane exemples de phrases
1. For one thing, never at the voting booths of its history has the United States gotten rid of its president at the time of war, and for another, Kerry has not presented a coherent policy, guided by a definitive plan for the future: he seems to react to the news of the day like a weathervane reacts to the direction of the wind at any given time
2. A quick glance at a weathervane told him the wind was shifting to a land breeze
3. These relationships between price and earnings in 1929 show definitely that the past exhibit was no longer a measure of normal earning power but merely a weathervane to show which way the winds of profit were blowing
4. that capritious and bizarre weathervane which changes at almost
5. Through all his life his will had been like an iron weathervane, steadfastly pointing, always, but never long in one direction