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    Utiliser "well-informed" dans une phrase

    well-informed exemples de phrases


    1. Harry was becoming well-informed, but more importantly to him, Kaitlyn was exerting herself beyond her habitual passive nature and carrying Chloe along in her train

    2. The same most respectable and well-informed authors acquaint us, that when any person undertakes to work a new mine in Peru, he is universally looked upon as a man destined to bankruptcy and ruin, and is upon that account shunned and avoided by every body

    3. According to the eloquent, and sometimes well-informed, author of the Philosophical and Political History of the Establishment of the Europeans in the two Indies, the annual importation of registered gold and silver into Spain, at an average of eleven years, viz

    4. You see, your hunches would be well-informed - I’m indeed with the Legion

    5. The ingenious and well-informed author of the Tracts upon the Corn Trade has shown very clearly, that since the bounty upon the exportation of corn was first established, the price of the corn exported, valued moderately enough, has exceeded that of the corn imported, valued very high, by a much greater sum than the amount of the whole bounties which have been paid during that period

    6. destruction! You, as well as other well-informed Christians, are properly aware of the questionable character of men passing themselves off as priests

    7. She had long felt that in doing so, she was provided with more than just a free tour, it also gave her access to a well-informed individual, privy to important local information and a sense of the local economy

    8. Against the friendly, and well-informed advice of PDP brothers and elder statesmen such as Keith Eastin, Chuck Murphy, and Jim Hunter, I took on a ridiculously hard course load for Winter Quarter 2L, e

    9. Unlike the other nuns, Leoba was both well-informed about such issues and calm enough to answer his questions

    10. cits a well-informed parry on Stallman's part

    11. and considered themselves to be well-informed

    12. A few discreet but well-informed counsels given at key moments by her to Louis would probably be sufficient to avoid many tragedies and much human suffering during the 23 years to come

    13. there is a heavy emphasis on being well-informed

    14. They are often as well educated, as intelligent, as well-informed, as spiritually-minded, as able to discern" things that differ" in religion, as any clerk, man

    15. I was well-informed on the subject

    16. If only the most basic human knowledge itself were collated enough to nullify some of the monopolist areas of needless, wasteful, conflicting, overlapping expertise; so everyone was equally well-informed: then the rest of this structure would come crashing down along with the pyramidalization of knowledge

    17. Ask about Him a well-informed

    18. God is All-Knowing, Well-Informed

    19. God is Well-Informed of His servants, All-Seeing

    20. She might in time regain tranquillity; but he, what had he to look forward to? Could he ever be tolerably happy with Lucy Steele; could he, were his affection for herself out of the question, with his integrity, his delicacy, and well-informed mind, be satisfied with a wife like her--illiterate, artful, and selfish?

    21. That would boom the market; she will buy heavily, and she will certainly lose when Beauchamp announces the following day, in his gazette, 'The report circulated by some usually well-informed persons that the king was seen yesterday at Gabrielle's house, is totally without foundation

    22. ” Every well-informed person in Europe knew that the fifteen-year-old daughter of King Edward was to marry Prince Pedro, heir to the throne of Castile

    23. But in the end someone calling himself Bogey wrote back with some pretty well-informed questions

    24. Serious, well-informed men seemed to believe the fact, to hope forbetter things, for the establishment of legality, of good faith and order in public life

    25. At such times as this, apprehending the grounds of her refusal to be her modest sense of incompetence in matters social and polite, he would say that she was wonderfully well-informed and versatile—which was certainly true, her natural quickness and her admiration for him having led her to pick up his vocabulary, his accent, and fragments of his knowledge, to a surprising extent

    26. The results to be expected are in no wise exceptional, but they are commensurate with those of the average well-informed and cautious investor

    27. Moreover, he had something decisive to say, and, even against this very well-informed and well-armed Baron Pontmercy, he felt himself strong

    28. The really good posters who are well-informed and come up with decent and well worked-out predictions

    29. The two young men were the only talkers, but they, standing by the fire, talked over the too common neglect of the qualification, the total inattention to it, in the ordinary school-system for boys, the consequently natural, yet in some instances almost unnatural, degree of ignorance and uncouthness of men, of sensible and well-informed men, when suddenly called to the necessity of reading aloud, which had fallen within their notice, giving instances of blunders, and failures with their secondary causes, the want of management of the voice, of proper modulation and emphasis, of foresight and judgment, all proceeding from the first cause: want of early attention and habit; and Fanny was listening again with great entertainment

    30. She might in time regain tranquillity; but HE, what had he to look forward to? Could he ever be tolerably happy with Lucy Steele; could he, were his affection for herself out of the question, with his integrity, his delicacy, and well-informed mind, be satisfied with a wife like her, illiterate, artful, and selfish?

    31. He's imprudent, but then he's young; he's thoroughly well-informed, though

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