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    Utiliser "well-meaning" dans une phrase

    well-meaning exemples de phrases


    1. Well-meaning relations and friends hand us heavily iced sweet cakes and sandwiches made with that unwholesome substance, white bread

    2. For centuries, I have been the monster, and you the well-meaning idealist (sound familiar?) who claims he would have undone what he had done, if only given the chance

    3. second thought, however!) Their egregious ignorance of its transient nature and uncertain classifications often serve to persuade the misinformed and other well-meaning individuals to support (socialist) custodial policies that do little, if anything, to relieve its harmful effects

    4. Wisecracking, precocious young children superseding the worldly ―wisdom‖ of their well-meaning but oftentimes bumbling parents, more often than not, the father; portrayed as ‖agreeable‖, however (somewhat) pompous, over-bearing, self-regarding and someone who just ―doesn‘t get it

    5. Secondly, such intentions, in whatever manner their sentiments may be genuinely sincere, oftentimes fail to keep pace with popular expectations thereby heaping anger and resentment upon otherwise well-meaning individuals who may have fallen short of their intended purpose; that is to say, deliver their promises

    6. syndrome that he unfairly projected on these well-meaning professionals

    7. Dwyer‘s letter was well-meaning although it raises a very important question: To what extent should the American People be willing to compromise the ―Character Issue‖ as it relates to the Office of the Presidency, or any other political office for that matter? Americans are a forgiving people

    8. That well-meaning solution has created some

    9. No well-meaning American can find fault with this statement

    10. Well-meaning associates, such as Johnnie, who try to help the father see the effects of his behavior, have a difficult time bringing up this thorny subject and usually find themselves ignored

    11. In their well-meaning zeal, they had hounded a simple farmer to death and destroyed something precious to me

    12. A well-meaning bruiser with a red handkerchief barely fitting around his thick neck stared into the eyes of the conscious alien

    13. Isn’t that enough?’ Claudius sighed and decided he was sick of sparing the feelings of well-meaning whiteys

    14. Simon was a well-meaning boy but too much of a dreamer

    15. 8 "This transformed woman whom some of you saw at Simon's house today is, at this moment, living on a level which is vastly below that of Simon and his well-meaning associates; but while these Pharisees are occupied with the false progress of the illusion of traversing deceptive circles of meaningless ceremonial services, this woman has, in dead earnest, started out on the long and eventful search for God, and her path toward heaven is not blocked by spiritual pride and moral self-satisfaction

    16. Many intelligent and well-meaning men, even in the more enlightened age of these revelations, maintain that modern civilization could not have been built upon the teachings of Jesus -- and they are partially right

    17. 2 On the preceding day Judas had disclosed to some of his relatives and to certain Sadducean friends of his father's family that he had reached the conclusion that, while Jesus was a well-meaning dreamer and idealist, he was not the expected deliverer of Israel

    18. He thoroughly understood the sturdy character of his Master and the keenness of that majestic and merciful mind, yet he derived pleasure from even the partial entertainment of the suggestion of one of his relatives that Jesus, while he was a well-meaning fanatic, was probably not really sound of mind; that he had always appeared to be a strange and misunderstood person

    19. And this sort of teaching, plus the urge for adventure, led many otherwise well-meaning youths to enlist in these daring expeditions of robbery

    20. 8 And so, under the vigorous leadership of Peter and ere the Master ascended to the Father, his well-meaning representatives began that subtle process of gradually and certainly changing the religion of Jesus into a new and modified form of religion about Jesus

    21. 14 These, then, are the factors of mind and influences of evil which, taken altogether, explain why a well-meaning and otherwise onetime sincere believer in Jesus, even after several years of intimate association with his transforming personality, forsook his fellows, repudiated a sacred cause, renounced his holy calling, and betrayed his divine Master

    22. the community response was more typical: a few well-meaning

    23. When it began, Rahul appeared to show some flashes of promise, with a look of earnestness and well-meaning intent

    24. flat, locs - but with the unsolicitied comments of well-meaning friends, family members

    25. Let the ocean of circumstances, opportunities and well-meaning people reach you, because all this is waiting for you at a distance of one centimeter from you

    26. and other hovering questions by well-meaning relatives, friends and loved ones

    27. She smiled at this obvious reference to her earlier comments about her well-meaning, but overzealously interfering family

    28. The business landscape is littered with carcasses of companies whose well-meaning management went down the reengineering path, only to find that change was more expensive than they anticipated and the ROI was either insignificant or nonexistent

    29. She couldn’t bear the looks of pity leveled at her way by her well-meaning colleagues

    30. Despite the long commute from Darling Harbor, it had provided her with a haven where she’d been able to lick her wounds in private and heal without well-meaning interference from others

    31. Jones's dying, and snatched her back to a hankering after the unfit? Had she not taught the entire village to break the Sabbath? Had she not made all its children either sick or cross under the pretence of giving them a treat? On the Monday she did something else that was equally well-meaning, and yet, as I shall presently relate, of disastrous consequences: she went round the village from cottage to cottage making friends with the children's mothers and leaving behind her, wherever she went, little presents of money

    32. Unless, of course, a well-meaning friend shoved it in her face

    33. Well-meaning supporters often say that acceptance “should” be a given – that I have a perfect right to be who I am without regard for the judgments of others

    34. A lot of well-meaning dances are put

    35. ing the crap out of themselves, not to mention all the well-meaning

    36. Often, innocuous and well-meaning questions and questioners are killed in the panic over the

    37. It is the reflection of a well-meaning culture that

    38. – intelligent, well-meaning, well-intentioned Human Adults who care a lot about this

    39. He, her father, a well-meaning, but not a quick-sighted man, could really, I believe, give no information; for he had been generally confined to the house, while the girls were ranging over the town and making what acquaintance they chose; and he tried to convince me, as thoroughly as he was convinced himself, of his daughter's being entirely unconcerned in the business

    40. Ferrars, and neither she nor your brother or sister suspected a word of the matter;-- till this very morning, poor Nancy, who, you know, is a well-meaning creature, but no conjurer, popped it all out

    41. Other of these visiting ladies were middle-aged, unmarried women with small private incomes - some of them well-meaning, compassionate, gentle creatures who did this work because they sincerely desired to help others, and they knew of no better way

    42. Some of those Socialists, he said, were well-meaning but mistaken people, who did not realize the harm that would result if their extraordinary ideas were ever put into practice

    43. Choosing suicide as a focal point was an interesting approach: I have personally left many large mental health conferences—where there are many well-meaning factions competing to get their illnesses or treatment approaches or facilities funded—thinking that the one thing all brain diseases ultimately have in common is that, for too many of their patients, their end point is a suicide attempt

    44. These were all probably well-meaning when put into place but now prevent the easy flow of crucial information between caregivers and block true parity from being achieved

    45. When well-meaning people always frightened when in danger, as frightened as were the brave boys at the front

    46. With all his attempted independence of judgement this advanced and well-meaning young man, a sample product of the last five-and-twenty years, was yet the slave to custom and conventionality when surprised back into his early teachings

    47. He had that well-meaning, man-to-mannish thing that good junior athletic coaches have, and Charlie’s traitor heart longed to respond

    48. Bulstrode's side, namely, more decided seriousness, more admiration for mind, and a house outside the town, sometimes served to give color to their conversation without dividing them—well-meaning women both, knowing very little of their own motives

    49. Former film actor Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980 by an America tired of the well-meaning but weak Carter White House

    50. ‘Well-meaning, but!’ said Agatha, and I gave an echo

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