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    Utiliser "wheeler" dans une phrase

    wheeler exemples de phrases


    1. General Wheeler assumed command on shore, and conflicting orders resulted

    2. General Young's cavalry brigade, with General Wheeler, then passed these outposts and advanced to Siboney

    3. The Cubans reported the enemy in force at Guasimas, and after General Wheeler had reconnoitred the position with General Castillo, he ordered the cavalry to attack at daybreak

    4. ” Yet on July 2nd he wrote a note to General Wheeler, asking if it were not feasible to capture the forts on the bay to let in the navy, and on July 6th he still talked of it to his staff

    5. General Wheeler, through sickness, had that morning been relieved of command of the cavalry by General Shafter

    6. When General Wheeler heard the firing, he rose from his cot and journeyed to the front in an ambulance

    7. Lieutenant Wheeler, and the men could scarce forbear a cheer

    8. During the afternoon, as I talked with Lieutenant Wheeler before his father's tent, a despatch arrived for the general announcing the destruction of Cervera's fleet that morning

    9. The consuls passed out to see General Wheeler, pointing out that the destruction of Santiago would not harm Spain materially, since the city was looked upon as doomed; it could only destroy the homes and drive out the inhabitants to starve in a country devastated by Weylerism

    10. Generals Shafter, Wheeler, and Gilmour, Colonel Morse, and their aides, moved out beyond the lines to attend the conference, and Toral manifested that his desire to surrender was only outweighed by the fear of blame in Spain

    11. A commission consisting of General Wheeler, General Lawton, and Lieutenant Miley, met General Escario, Colonel Fontan, and Mr

    12. An experienced wheeler for hire

    13. The moon was lost again and the whole phenomena of shape-shifting had started to reverse back giving me back my confidence and seeing it as the only opportunity to save the rest of my family if it was still living, I ran up to the window and was just going to howl for help when I saw a four wheeler breaking in, into the campus, letting the gate wide open, as it couldn’t stand the external push

    14. traveling the world teaching others, Wheeler

    15. Wheeler, who carries a string of

    16. is a Wheeler County resi-

    17. Wheeler Brothers would end up manufacturing every part for this

    18. Army General Earle Wheeler

    19. The most profound lesson of quantum mechanics, Wheeler remarks, is that physical phenomena are somehow defined by the questions we ask of them

    20. Wheeler calls his idea ‘the it from bit

    21. Already these investigators have found that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (which is a bound on information), wave-particle duality and nonlocality can be formulated more powerfully in the context of information theory, according to William Wootters of Williams College, a former Wheeler student who is pursuing the ‘it-from-bit’ concept

    22. Wheeler from the Atlanta Medical R&D team

    23. “Get to the point, Wheeler

    24. Wheeler yells for the nurses who come running with 100’s of gadgets and measuring devices and probes and pee-cups and tests to be run and medicines to be given

    25. Well, at least you won’t have to pay Wheeler his $10,000,000,000

    26. He broke both legs only months ago in a four wheeler accident

    27. “Go on! Head for it!” An arrow whistled past them and they saw the figure with the bow on the four wheeler

    28. They had transferred the boy complete with his IV, oxygen mask and tank into the waiting cargo container stacked on the refrigerated 18 Wheeler

    29. We rolled into Pennsylvania’s border around 11 PM and at the first truck stop, were met by a woman standing near an 18 wheeler that hauled pigs

    30. I asked the groom lazily currying a Wheeler if there were any rental places left in town

    31. the driveway straight into the path of a sixteen wheeler

    32. Unfortunately, Clyde’s road sense was on a par with his other intellectual abilities and he mistakenly thought he could cross the road before the sixteen wheeler truck arrived

    33. She was met out front by Tom Wheeler the squadron leader and her old friend from recruiting days

    34. That could be a great feature except this involves converting that four wheeler from snow

    35. rejection letter to his friend John Wheeler (1911-2008), a Princeton theoretical physicist

    36. Wheeler said, “Extremely speculative? Bah!” Then he reminded Tegmark that some of

    37. Kevin Wheeler, the lead detective conducting the investigation, spoke

    38. The lead investigating detective, Kevin Wheeler, spoke at a small news conference on their progress

    39. He drove truck, an eighteen wheeler

    40. A child's big wheeler sat in the front lawn covered in

    41. explained the big wheeler in the yard

    42. translated and edited by Wheeler M

    43. Internal conflicts and constraints are addressed on an ongoing basis, and Alf Wheeler is still struggling with his own

    44. was traveling in the far left lane, an 18 wheeler truck was in the middle lane and in the far

    45. Apparently, the Firebird was in the blind spot of the 18 wheeler and when he

    46. saw the 18 wheeler heading over into his lane, he also accelerated to cut between the

    47. the 18 wheeler in the middle lane stopped, as did all the other cars following in order to

    48. to the backend of an eighteen wheeler

    49. “It is like a 40 or 48 foot box on an eighteen wheeler or a train in size that has the mechanics to fire four missiles!” said

    50. wheeler off straight across for another car

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