Utiliser "whitlow" dans une phrase
whitlow exemples de phrases
1. Billy Whitlow and his daughter are in the kitchen unpacking the shopping
2. "Mister Whitlow", one of them begins but Billy cuts him off
3. That's good, Mister Whitlow
4. "Not at all, Mister Whitlow
5. "It's impossible to say, Mister Whitlow
6. Rebecca Whitlow and Leona Jeffery
7. All that Billy Whitlow wants is a quiet life, that same untroubled groove of a life that is now being shredded right in font of his eyes
8. If he had a pound for every time someone had said it…"You're a shit, Billy Whitlow"
9. Her companion, Rebecca Whitlow, also seventeen and from Oxford, is in a serious condition in intensive care
10. The one like Rezarta is Rebecca Whitlow
11. There's a Billy Whitlow on the cabaret, goes by the stage name of Billy Nero
12. Mister Whitlow doesn’t ring true
13. The Billy Whitlow she met earlier that morning didn't seem to expect formality
14. "Excuse me, but you wouldn't be Billy Whitlow, would you?"
15. Mister Whitlow it is
16. I'm not the press, Mister Whitlow
17. "Not here, Mister Whitlow
18. Always a tricky one, but Billy Whitlow has given Alex his name for the day, "Vic"
19. Billy bloody Whitlow, he thinks, fuck me!
20. As soon as they took off for Espiritu Santo, nine P-38Ns led by 1st Lieutenant Elizabeth Whitlow landed on Fighter One, to reinforce the fighter element there
21. As soon as her engines were shut down, Ingrid stepped out of her cockpit and jumped to the ground, then shouted at Elizabeth Whitlow , who was running towards her plane with other pilots and a number of mechanics
22. As the young blonde hurried to the pile of luggage, Ingrid faced Elizabeth Whitlow and the Navy officer, who presented himself
23. ‘’Excuse me, General,’’ said Elizabeth Whitlow, ‘’but what tells you that the enemy could attack us by air tomorrow?’’
24. Whitlow made a grimace at that
25. Lieutenant Colonel Elizabeth Whitlow nodded her head once and looked at her notepad
26. Ingrid then turned towards Elizabeth Whitlow, her air operations officer
27. I will now speak with Brigadier General James and Colonels Richey, Meserve, Straughan, Bernheim, Buchner and Whitlow
28. I will now have to leave you in the good hands of Elizabeth Whitlow, who will square you away while I go write an urgent message for Washington and make a few phone calls
29. Her old friends Gertrude Meserve, Amanda Stewart, Mary Hiller, Elizabeth Whitlow, Jenny Kawena and Faith Buchner had either been promoted to the rank of full colonel or had been promised a major command next Summer, or both
30. Then, in a distant Missionary way he asked them certain questions,—as why little Joe had that hole in his frill, who said, Pa, Flopson was going to mend it when she had time,—and how little Fanny came by that whitlow, who said, Pa, Millers was going to poultice it when she didn't forget
31. Whitlow, in July, 1817, by the margin of a brook, a few rods north of Mr