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    Utiliser "wide open" dans une phrase

    wide open exemples de phrases

    wide open

    1. No doubt Herndon would want to push on today, if she could keep him from cruising wide open she would be content

    2. She could use this opportunity to set out across the lake and get back to Kulai, it was less than ten hours across to Dromedia wide open, he might stay out that long

    3. She would sit back, smoke a jay, enjoy the sunshine and the wide open space, but now there was a subtle difference

    4. She didn't have to have a thought in her head, just the wide open road, the plains, the mountains, whatever there was out the window

    5. The window was wide open despite the freezing cold, but the place stank awfully, like vomit

    6. He looked away, but Horcheese stared right up into it with her milky artificial eyes wide open

    7. He followed Eve into sin with his eyes wide open

    8. The heavens split wide open and I fell into a void, a pit of dense, black, smothering raven feathers

    9. In it they were able to get up on a plane easily and push over forty knots wide open

    10. He had to dodge them both, though he could not treat the fat-sailed lake runners like islands, even wide open

    11. Sam’s eyes flew wide open and he was white as a ghost

    12. “I forgot that with no people around, this town is basically wide open to anything that’s out there

    13. offerings left to the crows and to the wide open winter skies

    14. ‘Simon, we’re standing in the hall with the front door wide open!’

    15. The jade bear tightened his grip and moved Joseph closer to his wide open mouth

    16. Too late he realises that his pieces are wide open

    17. But for the fact that the front door is wide open and there is a black holdall on the threshold of the hallway, the place looks as though it has been standing idle for fifty years

    18. Wide open prairies and one horse towns require broad, open spaces and borderless, sun kissed imaginations, but this is England

    19. He couldn’t lay back and cruise wide open, but he found he saved fuel, his third bag took him all the way into the city long before Nightday began

    20. She had on something like a long coat or dress, fastened at the waist but wide open above and below

    21. Jean was sitting forward, his eyes wide open

    22. The doors that had been locked before were now wide open for business to thick stone passageways

    23. This means the market is wide open for the savvy entrepreneur

    24. Not about to miss the sudden opportunity to feed, one of the undead dove in with a wide opened jaw

    25. “How do you know that? His eyes are wide open

    26. your heart wide open

    27. me in that avatar of an asylum runways – with my eyes wide open

    28. It was a wide open area of brown sand

    29. When other animals saw him hanging out with his mouth wide open and those beady eyes staring and glaring out in their direction, that was a clear sign that Horrifying Hippo was feeling threatened and would take any measures necessary to defend himself

    30. He looked at her with a shocked expression upon his face, and wide open eyes

    31. Suddenly a young woman came running into view, her mouth wide open and her eyes large with fear

    32. He looked completely mad as he choked her, with his eyes wide open and his lips twitching

    33. Suddenly she had an epiphany, like a lightning bolt from the sky, and she sat upright, her eyes wide open

    34. The gate of mind was flung wide open

    35. Kurt went up to the wide opening of the fireplace and looked up the chimney

    36. Chris shone his torch beam along the corridor, towards the back of the ship, to see that the bulkhead door three metres along from the ladders was wide open

    37. He falls down in slow motion and I can see the agony on his face as he lands on the ground and lies there with his head to the side and his eyes wide open

    38. For when I looked the corpse of Dawson had risen onto its stumps and was dragging itself towards me with its arms wide open as though it wanted a hug

    39. Pushing it wide open again he ushered everyone through

    40. I got to his hide and saw that he was a small man with pockmarked skin and very black hair his dark eyes were wide open but registered nothing I could only see the small hole where the bullet had struck

    41. I changed out of my mismatched stuff and left them for the stores NCO to burn then I boarded my train to begin the first part of my journey back home I sat back and closed my eyes as the train started but they soon flew wide open as the nightmares started again

    42. ” I shrugged Bert and Frank off and walked away to be by myself and calm down a bit leaving a shell shocked George in my wake with his mouth wide open

    43. started to snore loudly through her wide open mouth, irritating

    44. My mouth was now wide open and I looked like a demented codfish I watched not believing my eyes as she came across and climbed into the bed beside me

    45. During the spring in that wide open country, it was rare to have a day without wind

    46. Before he knew it, his time was over, and an armed guard strode into the room, pulled the red curtains wide open and pushed him out into the arena

    47. Jayana stood with his mouth wide open

    48. His eyes were wide open, as if he’d seen a specter, and his mouth hung agog

    49. Larkey!” screamed Longleaf, his eyes wide open and the veins on his neck pressing against the skin

    50. Harold Gibbons’ office was wide open, revealing an almost empty room, the pictures on

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