Utiliser "wilting" dans une phrase
wilting exemples de phrases
1. ‘Did you see these men at all?’ he asked, his ignoring of my cowardly confession firming up my wilting backbone
2. For a moment I can’t see what he means at all, then I realise that what I had taken for crops of ripe grain are in fact wilting plants, their leaves yellowed
3. The flowers are wilting
4. “Oh lordy lordy and me nursing and married for ten years I’ve seen it all so there’s no need to blush on either your or my account I’m no wilting rose
5. “I admit when I heard about this opportunity that I had romantic notions of a bustling castle on the sea, of parties all day and song all night …” He glanced about him, his smile wilting
6. It seemed a good idea as I was wilting somewhat, not having enjoyed my essential eight hours of sleep
7. Wilting flowers casting lovelorn glances were two a penny, but they had no appeal
8. Rapidly wilting penises were withdrawn; Bindi swallowed and managed not to gag
9. Cliff’s fins drooped like wilting leaves
10. Standing at the kitchen sink, she began to fill the pot with water, and noticed her wilting plant in the windowsill
11. Green – crying with the autumn – wilting words,
12. of hands, hearts, wilting
13. bush wilting in the afternoon sunlight
14. With her human shield wilting in a sea of agony and confusion, she poked the smoking barrel into the face of the front passenger
15. Her whitish-pinkish evergreen face was livid, fading and wilting like the lifeless plant
16. shelf-life is on their wicked wilting menu
17. “Do you ever stop wilting things?” He glanced at the tree
18. “A stranger night I’ve never lived through,” said Meladrau, relief wilting his shoulders
19. Ailia was so cold that she could barely move a muscle, but she still tried to assist him in their ascent by kicking her wilting feet
20. ‘This was not the deal,’ Suraya shouted, with a wilting edge to it as her strength failed
21. Jen looked like she was wilting, like she was a flower that would never stand straight in the vase again
22. They are in love with cutting down a flower, killing it, taking it inside a house…and admiring it as it dies a quick wilting death…
23. withstanding the wilting process, everything else dying
24. accuracy but they panicked the wilting formations of the
25. She said they were wilting
26. All his strength and energy—all his vital and intellectual force—seemed at once to desert him; insomuch that he positively withered up, shrivelled away, and almost vanished from mortal sight, like an uprooted weed that lies wilting in the sun
27. For several hours one night, he tucked it into Madame Manec’s geraniums in a window flower box, then convinced himself the geraniums were wilting and dug the stone out
28. They were almost listless looking, as if they were wilting under the mid-morning sun’s heat, which was pretty much par for the course, now that he thought about it
29. Gas stations made themselves known with signs skinnier and taller than the wilting weather vanes of nearby farms
30. He smoked a lot with Trey and Diondra and whoever had pot in that crowd, and sometimes he chipped in a buck or two, but when he pictured a dealer, he pictured someone with slick hair and jewelry, not his dad in the old Royals baseball cap and the cowboy boots with the big heels and the shirts that looked like they were wilting
31. When the sun reached an angle of the wall where the "Venus-hair" of southern climes drooped its thick leaves, lit with the changing colors of a pigeon's breast, celestial rays of hope illumined the future to her eyes, and thenceforth she loved to gaze upon that piece of wall, on its pale flowers, its blue harebells, its wilting herbage, with which she mingled memories as tender as those of childhood
32. The distant hopes upspringing in her heart bloomed suddenly, became real, tangible, like a cluster of flowers, and she saw them cut down and wilting on the earth
33. New Trader could feel the confidence he had when he walked into the restaurant wilting
34. He flipped the steaks and pressed them down with his spatula and gathered up the wilting onions and forced them into the meat