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    Utiliser "within sight" dans une phrase

    within sight exemples de phrases

    within sight

    1. He was called to emergency duty because the bus width for the number of personifications that are interacting within sight of each other was in overload

    2. The house could be within sight of Tdeshi’s address

    3. The trio then simply continued their stroll, the two gentlemen kept an eye on Harry's activity as long as they were within sight

    4. There had never been a public claim by the Kassikan that Ava was the person they had transferred, they had started a rumor that the soul transferred had been lost and might have come up under any helmet within sight of Narrulla at the time

    5. last within sight of the village of Ornolac, high in the hills

    6. Nothing more complicated than one lens, one chip, a body and propulsive unit was allowed within sight of native humans

    7. Three other cars parked at the end of the street, all within sight of each other

    8. “The master ship is within sight

    9. The rocks grinning menacingly at them as they kept within sight of the shore

    10. None of the tables within sight were occupied, nor had she seen or heard anyone else since entering

    11. Two schools within sight of his office window were built for the community by charities he founded and financed

    12. A cottage by the sea and a garden of my own, within sight of my boyhood home, Great Yarmouth

    13. He knew he would always have to keep them within sight of trees and there must always be a large smudge at the edge of the land where the big light came up that they could walk toward

    14. Were these “Lambs” even minimally aware, that by their sacrifice on the altar of paganism, within sight of the hallowed stones of Solomon, that they would be agents of the saving as well as the building up of the most progressive civilization that the world has ever seen? Probably not, but it is said that they had faith that their God would make of their deaths, some good thing

    15. He understood her and distracted her attention from the surroundings with laughter and stories when Laino or Mevarn was within sight

    16. I beached the boat and found I was within sight of the large pontoon bridge

    17. Once in, I could easily hide the horse from view and creep to within sight of the road, the yam, and the bridge

    18. Conthagah and I planned to leave in late spring and ride northwest staying within sight of the coast

    19. ing, reaching all within sight

    20. Those made way for them, and as they drew within sight of Bezedil’s body, they saw that Alilia sat beside it on an ornate wooden chair, her hands folded in her lap

    21. Then they were standing on the grass in First Valley, within sight of Yazadril’s tree

    22. “It has one that is particularly nice, a short-range Translocate that will move a legion of a thousand along with their equipment, as long as the departure point and the destination are both within sight of the caster

    23. For instance, they routinely torture all of their prisoners to death within sight or hearing of their enemies if they can possibly arrange it

    24. While they were unable to shed any light on the nature of the Wards around Venak, since none of them have been stationed within sight of those borders since those Wards were erected, they have supplied a great deal of valuable information

    25. “I think it is a ridiculous, unprofessional way to fight a war, even against such an unorganized mob as the one we have trapped here,” the first speaker continued, “Only a few are within sight of them, while most of us are just staring at open country seeing nothing, doing nothing!”

    26. After some time of traveling north, always within sight of a shoreline that seemed to grow more undisturbed as they went, they found themselves entering into a land alongside another narrow sea

    27. With no pass to the east within sight, they had followed their cattle westward into a semidry grassland that now slowly opened up before them

    28. As they came within sight of it, the first thing Moshe saw was the rest of the crew

    29. Caleb remained mostly within sight on their

    30. one we have trapped here,” the first speaker continued, “Only a few are within sight of them,

    31. After some time of traveling north, always within sight of a shoreline that seemed to grow more

    32. With no pass to the east within sight, they had followed their cattle westward into a semidry

    33. Still… she wanted her daughter within sight

    34. By nightfall the pinnacles of Sharon’s Castle were within sight

    35. Sometimes he travels so far that he comes within sight of one of the mountains that look like the moon fallen dead out of the sky, brought down by some giant hunter’s spear, and buried halfway in the ground

    36. A few days' ride on camel-back to the southwest, as Shevatas knew, would bring the traveller within sight of the great river Styx at the point where it turned at right angles with its former course, and flowed westward to empty at last into the distant sea

    37. “I want him within sight but contained

    38. The city of Khauran is the only city of any magnitude in the realm, and stands within sight of the river which separates the grasslands from the sandy desert, like a watch-tower to guard the fertile meadows behind it

    39. Some of them should have passed within sight of this hill

    40. Besides, it must be spoken within sight and sound of the victim and is more potent on our side of the Border Wall

    41. Curious more likely for they came within sighting distance of me

    42. 'It was the evening of the day that has passed when Prospero rode out of Tarantia, with the hosts of Amalric almost within sight

    43. Once within sight of the tunnel’s entrance, I slid carefully under the wooden trap door made to look like stacked logs and my feet found the rungs of the ladder

    44. With the mercenaries within sight and the Jeeps, still two miles away

    45. said it would, and Myles beached the canoe within sight

    46. When the Alabama moved within sight of North Africa, massive industrial solar generating plants could be seen almost continually along the coast

    47. Vultures; however, were constantly within sight during daylight

    48. For the first week they were on the planet, they stayed within sight of the base camp

    49. rodent was within sight

    50. “She comes towards us and then stays just within sight, the scallion!”

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