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    Utiliser "without risk" dans une phrase

    without risk exemples de phrases

    without risk

    1. It is well-accepted principle that without risk there can be no gain

    2. Not without risking myself

    3. knew that they could not return to Lyndesfarne without risking

    4. experimentation without risking the entire crop

    5. excuse that might bring her in the courtyard without risking the wrath of Lady Phyllis

    6. It is many light years away, and the journey will not be without risk

    7. ‘To that extent, yes, which is not to imply that this technology is without risks: the calculations for exposure can never be one hundred percent accurate

    8. She couldn’t do this alone without risking exposure, nor did she feel able to ask George

    9. Then there are vulnerabilities without risk: for example when the affected

    10. “Those of us who lived under Communism”, Roger wrote, “were also tired of hearing the expression “Yankee Imperialism” and could say nothing about it without risking imprisonment or death by a firing squad”

    11. Maintenance and repair costs might be suspended or delayed, cost-cutting is never pleasant but the budgeting process makes it easier to know where the cushions and ‘fat’ is that can be trimmed or eaten away at, without risking heart and limb!

    12. Then you will be able to Translocate into Sming while concealing your identities and your presence from all but the highest levels of our government, without risking arrest, for the Marking of a registered diplomat will be all our sentries need to identify you as friendly and trusted

    13. Quintus Fabius was a Roman statesman and general who harassed Hannibal’s army by stealth and guerrilla warfare without risking a pitched battle

    14. oncoming traffic as there was no way one could have backed up, without risking having the tires slip off the planks and …

    15. My father breached the Gong Seal and it was only until recently that I was able to return to this Plane without risking detection by him or his attending monks

    16. ‘Good strategy, but not without risk

    17. This grand experiment is not without risk

    18. No other ship could fit in that cradle and she could dock in it without asking permission and without risking another ship being at that dock

    19. The legionnaires were however powerless to intervene, their short bows having insufficient range and precision to shoot without risking to hit the family of Romans

    20. Seriously, CDs are secure but for your money to grow, not without risk, invest in a mutual fund

    21. even doing it without risking prison time for the CEOs – by lowering the workweek to thirty hours, paying people more and investing in green technologies and behaving ethically

    22. I am crossing my fingers, though: war can never be without risks

    23. as hard as Erynn had tried, she had still been forced to live in the slums, she could not use her own innate fighting or healing skills without risking getting herself or her son discovered by ShinRa as her sister already had been, and she had no desire to see the boy become a scientific curiosity as her niece had

    24. impossible to cross with any safety given the conditions and without risking both the horses’ and their lives

    25. Deciding that he could wait no longer without risking losing the unexpected caller, he took a deep breath and, standing slightly to one side just in case there was an attack, threw open the door

    26. � The launcher�s design principle made it a very discreet weapon that was capable of being fired even from inside a building without risk for its user

    27. When a period of full Moon happens to pass, I then provide secure shelters were the lycanthropes who know me can go to in order to pass through that most painful and traumatic period without risking to hurt others around them

    28. There is nothing without risk and

    29. Without risk there is nothing

    30. That leaves me with a dilemma, though: what do I and my ship do, now that we can’t return to Earth without risking immediate arrest? After the bloody coup that the ISF committed, they have proved that they could do about anything

    31. “Is researching daily life in a Japanese castle worth risking her life like this? A probe could observe that without risks

    32. In Nancy’s history, the first nuclear tests were often conducted in irresponsible ways, with officers in charge of the tests assuring their men that they could enter without risks such contaminated zones only hours after the explosions and could even pick up debris as souvenirs

    33. Having approached as much as he dared from the yacht without risking his

    34. Six minutes later she was rolling out with Mai, turning on Saint-Paul Street and driving towards Saint-Antoine Street as fast as she could without risking to hit the numerous pedestrians following the narrow streets

    35. There was one thing he could do though, one way to even the odds without risk of those rough land-trolls hurting him

    36. You can’t even as much as breathe her air without risking endangering yourself

    37. “I should say,” added Clayton, “that if you should wish to visit your brother while he is in your flat, we can arrange that, although it will not be without risk

    38. If Rave could turn off his fire, they could kiss for as long as they wanted, without risk

    39. actually made; it’s a proven way to generate revenue without risk

    40. They had travelled as fast as they could without risking the Naga’s life, as the angry Magadhans scoured the land for the killers of their prince

    41. without risk of seeing their work compromised by the interventions of an intermediary, for

    42. He couldn't press the subject more without risking suspicion, so Lester told her all about why timetables were awry in Ops

    43. Kurt replied that nothing good comes without risk

    44. Moses leaned as far forward as he could without risk-

    45. He said he found himself in some terrible Other World, with creatures no mortal man could see without risking madness

    46. The most convenient to understand is someone who takes out significant loans to build a condominium or buy lease homes, although this can turn a very little bit of value into a huge income circulation, it is not without risk

    47. ‘Even so, this is not without risk

    48. Myrkvid and we have perils enough without risking the horrors

    49. Ahmed, well Ahmed found love and was content with what he had in life without risking everything to go back

    50. These are the things that you have to remember on how you can lose those extra pounds without risking your health

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