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    without violence

    1. "Why don't we talk about where we are instead of this, why don't we discuss the philosophy of this civilization, a civilization that exists without violence and coercion

    2. There are two very easy and effectual remedies, however, by whose joint operation the state might, without violence, correct whatever was unsocial or disagreeably rigorous in the morals of all the little sects into which the country was divided

    3. I fall more on the side that wants to work for change without violence

    4. Chapter 22 The next laws regulate theft, with and without violence, this includes

    5. I’m talking about institutions being changed and that will not be changed without violence

    6. Krishnalal Shridharani wrote a book ‘War without Violence’ describing Gāndhi’s thoughts and non-violent methods to achieve change

    7. exist without violence, and that violence will only beget violence

    8. That’s Not Cool is sponsored and co-created by Futures Without Violence (formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund), the Department of Justice’s Ofice on Violence Against Women, and the Advertising Council

    9. “The avatar tool is a personal and fun way for teens to engage in this important issue and talk about what is and isn’t cool in their relationships,” said Futures Without Violence Director of Public Education Campaigns & Programs Brian

    10. SAN FRANCISCO (April 30, 2013) – Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM), a Futures Without Violence program that seeks to reduce dating violence and sexual assault, is proven effective to reduce abusive behaviors among male athletes towards their female partners, according to a study that will appear today in the online version of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine

    11. Created by national nonprofit Futures Without Violence in collaboration with Dr

    12. “We’ve always known that coaches play a pivotal role in shaping young athletes’ attitudes about respect and healthy relationships,” said Esta Soler, president and founder of Futures Without Violence

    13. The Coaching Boys into Men tools are available for free download from Futures Without Violence at www

    14. It was a fierce fight, a battle to the death, but it seemed to be without violence because it consisted of distorted attacks and ghostly evasions, slow, cautious, solemn, so that during it all there was time for the petunias to bloom and for Gaston to forget about his aviator’s dream in the next room, as if they were two enemy lovers seeking reconciliation at the bottom of an aquarium

    15. The victims of the disgusting racism of Theophilus Eugene Connor in Alabama in the early 1960s reacted the same way, without violence

    16. If He were alive and people opened up their hearts at least a little, maybe human civilization would’ve made such a jump in its evolution that we, their descendants, would already live in a real, united, free society, without borders and government, without violence and terror, in a world of harmony

    17. They said history wasn"t interesting without violence

    18. Compromise is supposed to be the only intelligent way to live without violence

    19. If another figure is allowable, it is the golden key which enters without violence into all the wards of that great lock which God has fastened upon the 'everlasting doors,’ and admits us to adore the harmonious mysteries

    20. selves gradually without violence

    21. secure, that without violence, or my own consent, there was no opening

    22. He believes I would not have submitted without violence

    23. without violence, or my own consent, there was no opening it

    24. Louis Philippe had entered into possession of his royal authority without violence, without any direct action on his part, by virtue of a revolutionary change, evidently quite distinct from the real aim of the Revolution, but in which he, the Duc d'Orleans, exercised no personal initiative

    25. It relaxes and soothes until the little creature goes to sleep and dies without violence

    26. Here is an instance of the possibility of administration without violence

    27. Men say that a Christian life without violence cannot be established, because there are savage nations outside of Christian society,—in Africa, in Asia (some people represent the Chinese as such a peril for our civilization),—and there are such savage, corrupt, and, according to the new theory of heredity, confirmed criminals amidst Christian societies; and that violence is needed for the purpose of keeping either from destroying our civilization

    28. What will result from the circumstance that I, and another, and a third, and a tenth man, do not despise physical labour, but consider it necessary for our happiness, for the calming of our consciences, and for our safety? This will result from it,—that one, two, three, ten men, coming into conflict with no one, without violence either of government or of revolution, will solve for themselves the problem which is before all the world, and which has appeared unsolvable; and they will solve it in such a way that life will become for them a good thing: their consciences will be calm, and the evil which oppresses them will cease to be dreadful to them

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