Utiliser "word of honor" dans une phrase
word of honor exemples de phrases
word of honor
1. “I give you my word of honor as a gentleman
2. When others fail to accept immediately his "word of honor as a gentleman," his amazement, I believe, is often genuine
3. The word of honor strangled by the rumor of theft became the coin of distrust
4. Tortured by the growling of his well–built stomach, Ned Land was getting more and more riled, and despite his word of honor, I was in real dread of an explosion when he stood in the presence of one of the men on board
5. "I give you my word of honor, sir," said Dantes; "but what is the matter? You are ill—shall
6. We are not even constrained by our word of honor
7. In order to keep us captive, he had counted only on the force of circumstances and not on our word of honor
8. Once this voyage was over, might not Captain Nemo consent to set us free in return for our promise never to reveal his existence? Our word of honor, which we sincerely would have kept
9. 27, in the Rue du Helder, on the 21st of May, at half-past ten in the morning, and your word of honor passed for your punctuality?"
10. "Be it half a million, then; but on my word of honor, I had no idea that it was so much
11. "Gentlemen," he said in a hoarse voice, "give me your word of honor that this horrible
12. ' Well, on my word of honor, I answered, 'No!' I wished no ill to Morcerf; he was a little proud, perhaps, for a man who like myself has risen from nothing; but we all have our faults
13. he made each of us give our word of honor that we would publish or say nothing which would give any exact clue as to the whereabouts of our travels, while the servants were all solemnly sworn to the same effect
14. And I think that between the word of honor of a Scallawag and a dozen fancy ladies, we may have a chance of getting the men off
15. I am speaking of state services; and, upon my word of honor, I can say no more
16. Nicholas had replied that it would be more than enough for him and that he gave his word of honor not to take anything more till the spring
17. Pierre gave his word of honor
18. ‘Go when you please, and I give you my word of honor that no one shall dare to cause you annoyance if only you will allow me to act as your escort
19. There are people who read very loud, and who have the appearance of giving themselves their word of honor as to what they are perusing
20. "Cannons in the courtyard of the Museum! For what purpose? Do you want to fire grape-shot at the Apollo Belvedere? What have those cartridges to do with the Venus de Medici? Oh! the young men of the present day are all blackguards! What a pretty creature is their Benjamin Constant! And those who are not rascals are simpletons! They do all they can to make themselves ugly, they are badly dressed, they are afraid of women, in the presence of petticoats they have a mendicant air which sets the girls into fits of laughter; on my word of honor, one would say the poor creatures were ashamed of love
21. "How fine that is!" exclaimed the hair-dresser, in Pindaric accents, "to die on the field of battle! On my word of honor, rather than die in bed, of an illness, slowly, a bit by bit each day, with drugs, cataplasms, syringes, medicines, I should prefer to receive a cannon-ball in my belly!"
22. Had he not given her his word of honor that he would die? She had gone knowing that; this meant that it pleased her that Marius should die
23. Sir, I conjure you, I entreat now, sir, give me your most sacred word of honor, that you will not tell her
24. Later on, when some of the passengers divided into two opposing camps during an argument, he confiscated everyone’s weapons and gave his word of honor that they would be returned at the end of the journey
25. Her regular clients were older, paler, and more faded each time they came to the notions shop, and she did not recognize them after dealing with them for half a lifetime, or she confused the affairs of one with those of another, which was a very grave matter in a business like hers, in which no papers were signed to protect her honor or theirs, and one’s word of honor was given and accepted as sufficient guarantee
26. Juvenal Urbino intervened with all the weight of his prestige, and he succeeded in covering up the scandal with his word of honor
27. ’ Oh, we are glad to believe it, we are eager to believe it, even if only on his word of honor! Are we jackals thirsting for human blood? Show us a single fact in the prisoner's favor and we shall rejoice; but let it be a substantial, real fact, and not a conclusion drawn from the prisoner's expression by his own brother, or that when he beat himself on the breast he must have meant to point to the little bag, in the darkness, too
28. I give you my word of honor
29. “Go when you please, and I give you my word of honor that no one shall dare to cause you annoyance if only you will allow me to act as your escort
30. Whereupon “Boilerplate” acquired a pouter-pigeon chest, which fairly bulged over the bar railing, and gave me his word of honor he’d be waiting at Forty-fourth Street about eleven on Friday