Utiliser "zilch" dans une phrase
zilch exemples de phrases
1. Of course, what were the odds that she would ever get down to Houston? Zilch
2. What commitment had Alex made? Zilch
3. With all respect, being a copper in Manchester or wherever for twenty years, counts for zilch in our mean streets
4. They were the ones who Chloe thought zilch of, he was the one with relevance to her and after all this time he thought that wouldn’t matter, but in a detached unimportant way it still represented as something to think about and hold onto
5. Apparently my “lost weekend” had zilch to do with my being laid off with 10k others, two years later
6. Wow! What are the infinitesimal chances of finding myself right here on this patch of real estate? I mean, the odds must be virtually zilch
7. Nothing, nada, zilch
8. objects we have and a total of zilch about the people who
9. More than an hour had passed since the high-noon deadline and the result was zilch
10. I would say our chances are zilch
11. Zilch for you, you fuckin’ strumpet!
12. It just went to show he knew zilch
13. Nothing said “you’re zilch to me” as a little butt-swagger
14. will that have on your traffic? Zero, zip, zilch, none, nada
15. It appeared that she condoned that kind of behavior, and when after all that I was referred to as „nutjob," Mum just stood there and did zilch
16. Then, she looked up, at her mom, still zilch of words, and floating
17. But for many other members of online dating sites, it seems that getting a chance for a date is zilch
18. In the president’s own handwriting he makes an unambiguous declaration that a major and controversial part of his strategy—the intensive bombing for the first three years of his presidency and previous four years by Johnson—had achieved “zilch” and was a “failure
19. The commander-in-chief who had directed the bombing in Southeast Asia for nearly three years was declaring that the result was “zilch” and a “failure
20. It is significant to see what happened after Nixon declared that the bombing had achieved “zilch
21. The bombing had achieved “zilch
22. As I think the history of the Vietnam War shows, Nixon’s “zilch” memo was accurate
23. Suppose, I asked Butterfield, that a reporter for The Washington Post in January 1972 had obtained a copy of the memo with Nixon’s declaration of “zilch” and “failure
24. The “zilch” conclusion had grown over three years
25. It was “zilch
26. In an entry for Saturday, January 1, 1972—two days before the “Zilch” memo—Haldeman wrote:
27. Kissinger wrote Laird that as a result of a National Security Council meeting on February 2, a month after the “Zilch” memo, Nixon had made the following decisions
28. Though not aware of Nixon’s “Zilch” memo, Ken Hughes, a researcher at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, and an expert on Nixon’s tapes, has found significant new evidence about Nixon’s actions in the Vietnam War
29. claims much of the bombing was not effective and did minimal damage—in other words “zilch” as Nixon had written earlier in the year
30. She’d gone through CAL, the Chronicle’s on-line archives, and come back with zilch