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    gospel примеры предложений


    1. cannot thoroughly preach the gospel or teach about God,

    2. reveal the versatility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    3. The Holy Spirit is present where the Gospel is being preached

    4. What a confidence in the Gospel that

    5. In chapter 9 of the Gospel of Matthew – Jesus, as a teacher, displayed

    6. that, Jesus continued to teach in synagogues and preach the Gospel of the

    7. And in chapter 10 of the Gospel by Matthew the disciples are given the

    8. sixth chapter of the Gospel of Mathew is about Jesus teaching His dis-

    9. whose hearts are receptive to the gospel call

    10. People will lose their souls (the ones who need the gospel and those who have had it but erred from it) (6:20-21)

    11. You will likely change congregations from time to time but the one constant thing is the gospel of

    12. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you” (1 Peter 1:24,25)

    13. He has been on several lectureships, held many Gospel meetings throughout the

    14. elders, the church can serve God scripturally by spreading the gospel, by teaching and

    15. The degree of love, unity, and soundness exceeded that which I have seen in most congregations in the forty years I have preached the gospel

    16. without elders especially needs a faithful gospel preacher, true to the word of God, to

    17. Owen began preaching soon after he obeyed the gospel on July 3, 1957

    18. But to the righteous, the Gospel is salvation

    19. We are not the primary beneficiaries of the Gospel, but the secondary

    20. Because I think that I am a secondary beneficiary of the Gospel instead of the primary, I will never boast against the natural branches (or root) lest I be cut off (Romans 11:18-20)

    21. The pivotal point of the Gospel in the first century was not man’s sin and our redemption through Jesus Christ

    22. The main focal point of the Gospel was Caesar

    23. He has claimed to be all these things, and has promised all of these things… but where is the evidence? Who is really bringing peace? Who is really Lord? This was the Gospel

    24. Any other opinion is a false Gospel

    25. You may have noticed in the Gospel that Jesus was a problem solver

    26. 14And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the entire world for a witness

    27. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to

    28. Billy has always relied, even in the darkest times, on his own personal gospel as performed by Saint Victor Damone, except that Mother Nature is playing games this morning

    29. We were out preaching the gospel one day when I saw a strange character coming down the hill toward us with a bible

    30. Messianic Jews who walk in the power of God, bringing the gospel of the kingdom to the earth

    31. We owe the world a gospel that shows more of God’s strength than our own

    32. The Franciscans were a band of monks who lived to preach the gospel

    33. They helped the poor, loved the unloved, and boldly preached the gospel from town to town

    34. Francis, their leader, boldly preached the gospel to the Sultan of the Muslim armies during the crusades

    35. Other Franciscan monks would sell themselves as slaves in order to reach the slaves with the gospel

    36. The apostles are those who have authority to bring the gospel into a region and birth the Church in that region

    37. It is tim to take a stand for the truth of the gospel

    38. Gospel doesn’t mean much without the power of God

    39. further the Gospel (see Acts 4:34-37)

    40. moves to acts of justice, the revealing of truth, and the Gospel

    41. A preacher began to preach the Gospel, and as the preacher

    42. prophesying the words of God, and preaching the Gospel of the

    43. The Gospel of the Kingdom is a Gospel of power that

    44. Gospel loses integrity with unbelievers, but there are preachers

    45. ” As we preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, it will release

    46. When the Gospel of the Kingdom of

    47. What is the Gospel of the Kingdom? The Gospel of the Kingdom

    48. When Paul was setting out to change the world with the Gospel,

    49. forever" is reserved only as a gift of the gospel

    50. his acceptance of God and the gospel

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    Синонимы для "gospel"

    gospel evangel gospels gospel truth church doctrine creed religious doctrine gospel singing