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church doctrine
1. When conversing about anything connected to theology, church doctrine or ancient scripture, they were as knowledgeable as any human being could be, and operated as if they had a full understanding of the subject matter
2. God did not say that he would send Church doctrines into the world to guide us, but rather the Holy Spirit
3. "But they're a threat to church doctrine
4. Disgruntled Catholics, (including the Clergy), operating within the Church, are precursors of The Antichrist; unwittingly paving the way for his eventual return; preparing a spiritual wasteland, confounding all aspects of Church doctrines and teachings superseding authoritative truths with (spiritually) vague and uncertain ecclesiastical notions pandering to the whims of an uninformed Conscience; discrediting revealed wisdoms and traditional customs inspired by the Holy Spirit
5. In Church doctrine sodomy is a sin, even among “consenting adults
6. ―But Dan, this is official Church doctrine, and you are a Catholic
7. Your Cardinal Fraolo has already paid for his crimes, but I came so that your Church understands clearly one thing: that the times when it could prosecute and punish innocent people simply for contradicting Church doctrines and edicts or for supposedly being witches or sorcerers are over
8. later church history was it elaborated into official church doctrine
9. church history was it elaborated into official church doctrine
10. Only in the course of later church history was it elaborated into official church doctrine
11. And death is the opposite of life! In this we see very plainly that the wicked or unredeemed will not be raised to life to suffer end-lessly in the Lake of Fire; for to do so they would have to have immortality!” “Church Doctrine’s: Right Or Wrong? (You Decide),” page 97, 2007, iUniverse, Inc
12. The Order of Schueler, which is primarily concerned with the enforcement of Church doctrine and theology
13. And does not the same take place in the modern Revivalism,—the renovated Calvinism, Evangelism,—out of which has grown up the Salvation Army? Just as the condition of all the church doctrines is the same in reference to Christ's teaching, so are also their methods
14. When, after the Crusades and the maximum development of papal power and its abuses, people of the rich classes became acquainted with the wisdom of the classics, and saw, on the one hand, the reasonable lucidity of the teaching of the ancient sages, and, on the other hand, the incompatibility of the Church doctrine with the teaching of Christ, they lost all possibility of continuing to believe the Church teaching
15. If, in externals, they still kept to the forms of Church teaching, they could no longer believe in it, and held to it only by inertia and for the sake of influencing the masses, who continued to believe blindly in Church doctrine, and whom the upper classes, for their own advantage, considered it necessary to support in those beliefs
16. they no longer believed in the religion of the masses, but had no beliefs to put in place of the worn-out Church doctrine which for them had lost its meaning
17. That Christian teaching which they professed in a perverted form as Church doctrine had mapped out the path of human progress so far ahead that they had but to rid themselves of those perversions which hid the teaching announced by Christ, and to adopt its real meaning—if not completely, then at least in some greater degree than that in which the Church had held it
18. The Church doctrine is so coherent a system that it cannot be altered or corrected without destroying it altogether
19. In the Church doctrine these people did not believe, for they saw its insolvency; but neither could they follow Francis of Assisi, Keltchitsky,[97] and most of the heretics, in acknowledging the moral, social teaching of Christ, for that teaching undermined their social position