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    a piece of cake примеры предложений

    a piece of cake

    1. Rather eat a piece of cake than hurt someone’s feelings

    2. She laughed at his dire descriptions of the harsh conditions and kissed him lightly saying he had never stayed on the third moon of Alterei Regula; this would be a piece of cake compared to that

    3. “Of course Sir it’s a piece of cake nothing to worry about

    4. You‘re concerned about her having a piece of cake, and here she is, two years old, and pulling her hair out because she is bored

    5. At the end of the hallway she turns and says, “Have a piece of cake for me, all right? The chocolate

    6. We were having a piece of cake when 8 said, “This is good cake

    7. The only saving grace to all this is that grammatically English is, compared to the rest, a piece of cake

    8. He told us that it was a piece of cake

    9. Our first application for Townsville was a piece of cake in comparison to the hoops we had to jump through this time around

    10. There was a piece of cake as well

    11. The job was a piece of cake compared to the bank he told Bridget who was aware of his now more sunny disposition

    12. This would be a piece of cake

    13. ‘I’m on it, sir,’ said O’Brien, rolling his eyes, trying to give Morton the impression it was a piece of cake

    14. “Then this will be a piece of cake

    15. There’s nothing wrong with having a piece of cake, but it’s not really a good idea to eat the whole thing – at a single sitting

    16. Living in a city of the dead would be a piece of cake compared

    17. Certainly, but it’s not a piece of cake

    18. But don’t think it was all a piece of cake

    19. (Don’t forget Dan Rather telling the nation that he witnessed Kennedy’s head thrusting forward making an Oswald determination a piece of cake for the perpetrators

    20. There’s nothing wrong with having a piece of cake, but it’s not really a good idea to eat the whole cake – at a single sitting

    21. "I do," he said, "but it's a piece of cake

    22. What I’ll be doing will be a piece of cake compared

    23. “That was a piece of cake for the most part, or at least relatively speaking

    24. She marveled, those were past life memories, were they? By comparison, this lifetime seems like a piece of cake

    25. box, assembling the rest of the bomb would be a piece of cake

    26. The saying is, 'It's a piece of cake

    27. Five cents! Five cents! After he’d given the swine a piece of cake!

    28. After years of amateur sub space radio, directing communication to and away from Vulcan was a piece of cake, and he really didn’t mind the monotony because it usually meant he could multitask

    29. Reconstituting the Away Team to their natural functioning selves would be a piece of cake, he thought, but why stop there? He could make them better than they were before, stronger, faster…

    30. A case in point is a piece of cake that has an equal amount of calories as a turkey sandwich on multi-grain bread

    31. far too easy to have a piece of cake, or eat a chocolate bar,

    32. Sue then picked up a piece of cake with a couple of fingers

    33. Normally the air rescue ambulance was a piece of cake, but not in this unholy weather

    34. “Apparently my life here isn’t going to be a piece of cake,” Paramita said almost to herself

    35. “I still don't understand how you had a piece of cake just like the one I wanted just lying around in the fridge,” I said, wiping my mouth of chocolaty residue

    36. But the situation is not exactly a piece of cake and she told me she mocked you when you told her to contact you in case she found herself trapped

    37. Seeing that we were not a piece of cake the

    38. This question of having tea or cocoa for tea became a cause of much uproarious merriment on the part of the children, who asked each other repeatedly which they liked best, `tea tea?' or `cocoa tea?' They thought it so funny that they said it over and over again, screaming with laughter all the while, until Tommy got a piece of cake stuck in his throat and became nearly black in the face, and then Philpot had to turn him upside down and punch him in the back to save him from choking to death

    39. Following her to the restaurant and the nightclub would have been a piece of cake

    40. He gave me a piece of cake, Bleak

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