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    adage примеры предложений


    1. The phrase, to count your blessings, can therefore quite confidently be confirmed as a useless adage, yet it has somehow managed to survive the test of time, even though the advice in question is most clearly totally detrimental, totally idiotic and totally ill-conceived

    2. "There's an old adage that tells me why I should believe you

    3. according to the old Smyrnan adage

    4. Beside her, as immaculate as ever, stood Carol, five feet of protective fury, testament to the adage, It’s not the size of the cat in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the cat, or friend, in this case

    5. I reject the adage that they are hostages to fortune

    6. ” I remembered the old adage ‘kick a man when he’s down’, well not only had I been kicked but bloody trampled on with pit-boots

    7. Addendum to the above: There is a great deal of truth in the familiar adage that where the Rich lead, the Poor will follow

    8. It is well for us as parents to remember the old adage “practice what you preach”

    9. old adage to 'sleep on it'

    10. Without them the old adage that “failure to plan = planning to

    11. and then her old adage popped into her head and out of

    12. But, to use an old adage, “I wasn’t out of the woods yet

    13. Remember the old adage attributed to the Chinese, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

    14. Hoping the old adage All publicity is good publicity was true , he could only hope the resulting article would give PAX a boost

    15. Another thing I can throw in the pot at this point is the old adage: “When the decisions are clear, the way is easy

    16. By this stage, you should look for medical treatment aggressively, as it is clear that the old adage of “wait until he or she grows out of it” may not work in this case

    17. The old adage, summarized is “preview, present, and review”

    18. ‘Keep your enemies in front of you’ was a well known adage in Rubas Derad, and made more sense than some others, such as ‘Old trout make the best pies’, which appeared to make no sense at all, even to Hubris

    19. He was a firm believer in the adage, ‘if you can’t measure it you can’t manage it

    20. Do you recal the old adage: Habit is a

    21. The old adage that

    22. 6 It was at this same meeting of the Sanhedrin that Caiaphas the high priest first gave expression to that old Jewish adage, which he so many times repeated: "It is better that one man die, than that the community perish

    23. old adage about the meaning of a cigar, Is the body ever just a body? In our society, for a human to exist ungendered would be to exist in a meaningless state

    24. The ranch was large and cluttered with the rusted remains of tractors, trailers, wagons and various weird ranching implements that gave lie to the adage that form follows function; their esoteric forms gave not the slightest inkling of arcane utility

    25. The old adage used to be, don't worry about your

    26. Negotiate pricing and terms with your finalists, but remember the adage “You get what you pay for

    27. The old adage was true as can be –

    28. The old adage is "No one ever won an argument with a client

    29. adage: "build it and they will come"

    30. The adage ‘Healthy body healthy mind’ is spot on

    31. the deficiencies and adhere to the adage, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do

    32. Well, like the old adage says, you snooze, you lose

    33. “It sure proves the old adage

    34. personal conviction by the old innocent-until-proven-guilty adage

    35. The old adage "look before you leap" is very relevant here

    36. Look for these warning signs and remember the adage “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

    37. “You will all have heard the adage, if it sounds too good to be true, it is!

    38. Rommel was aware of the old adage that he who defends all defends none

    39. Adage? Yes, that’s all it was, and not necessarily correct

    40. retreat and burn their own country in an attempt to starve the invading French, Napoleon decided to cut his losses and withdraw from the Russian campaign, proving the old adage of loss in victory

    41. Driving on North Road Clevedon he considered the old adage, ‘a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime,’ and cynically he was able to agree although he wasn’t returning to relieve his conscience, or gloat

    42. old adage “There but for the grace of God…” holds this truth

    43. There is an old adage that says “all work and no play

    44. The old adage that ‘ the best things in life are free’ is so true! It is also absolutely true that the most precious and valuable gift you can give your children or your elderly relations is your time

    45. There is an adage: “He who has controlled his mind has controlled the world

    46. He had tried to even the odds by attempting to learn new spells, but had discovered that the time-honoured adage about old dogs applied equally to wizards who were getting on a bit

    47. Michael, who was a great believer in the old adage, ‘Where there is life,

    48. adage that there was 'no honour amongst thieves

    49. across the nations old adage of unforgettable atrocities

    50. In defiance of this Victorian adage, inside the hall were more than forty stalls offering tarot

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