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    age-old примеры предложений


    1. By His resurrection from the dead, He fulfilled that age-old prophecy in Genesis 3: a son of Eve would crush the head of the serpent

    2. I thought I’d relate it to you at this moment since in a roundabout way it could serve as encouragement for all of us to answer “Yes!” to an age-old question regarding the possibility of our being able to gain our freedom from this competitive and aggressive anguish that we frequently suffer from

    3. She was the leader; she'd managed to galvanized age-old enemies into a cohesive fighting force

    4. Theology appears to have discerned the destination, but in my opinion, in its quest for stability it has become sclerotic in its ability to digest new answers to age-old questions of just how we’re meant to get there

    5. The handwriting swirled and danced across the paper in age-old ink, calling to the laird to understand

    6. again with the age-old questions, “whence am I?” and “who am I?” and

    7. modernize the age-old protocols of Zionism which was designed to

    8. a revised version of the age-old conspiracy, the Illuminati, which under various aliases was to organize, finance, direct, and control the international organizations and groups by working their agents into executive positions at the top

    9. Consistent with the age-old practice of governments to give too little too late, the Seleucids decided to grant Judea full religious freedom

    10. How will you write the plan itself? I use the age-old method of pen and paper, but there are multiple apps, beautiful printables and online programs you can use to get you sorted

    11. F flat age-old sagas

    12. everyone in the crew began that age-old rivalry that exists

    13. The magicians would now have to resort to their age-old skills and the use of their own magic to travel back

    14. The age-old traditional method works in online marketing as successfully as it

    15. They are now to drive out their age-old enemy, the Midianites, to take their land and livestock, to take their houses, to take their wives for their own

    16. Only the age-old silence brooded over the mysterious ruins of Kuthchemes, but Fear was there; Fear quivered in the mind of Shevatas, the thief, driving his breath quick and sharp against his clenched teeth

    17. I ask you to honor the age-old treaties my great-great-grandfather made with the house of Khafra

    18. Age-old traditions invested it with shuddery horror for anyone born in the hot, luxuriant southern plains

    19. She lifted the bolt on the secret door, and a few moments later they were in the streets and hurrying away from the silent square where brooded the age-old shrine of Hanuman

    20. Consider the Nature of Man, that age-old puzzle that has been addressed by every

    21. There are subtle questions within the poems; age-old ques-

    22. The essential difference between the two men and the parties they represented had to do with the age-old question of modernism

    23. The age-old story of the big bad wolf holds

    24. 2000, the MIT Museum paid tradition to the Institute's age-old

    25. During the previous weeks they had seen the gangs who were laying ties and tracks and no one paid attention to them because they thought it was some new trick of the gypsies, coming back with whistles and tambourines and their age-old and discredited song and dance about the qualities of some concoction put together by journey-man geniuses of Jerusalem

    26. For the foreigners who arrived without love they converted the street of the loving matrons from France into a more extensive village than it had been, and on one glorious Wednesday they brought in a trainload of strange whores, Babylonish women skilled in age-old methods and in possession of all manner of unguents and devices to stimulate the unaroused, to give courage to the timid, to satiate the voracious, to exalt the modest man, to teach a lesson to repeaters, and to correct solitary people

    27. The waves of lucidity that were so scarce during the rains became more frequent after August, when an and wind began to blow and suffocated the rose bushes and petrified the piles of mud, and ended up scattering over Macondo the burn-ing dust that covered the rusted zinc roofs and the age-old almond trees forever

    28. The old Street of the Turks was at that time an abandoned corner where the last Arabs were letting themselves be dragged off to death with the age-old custom of sitting in their doorways, although it had been many years since they had sold the last yard of diagonal cloth, and in the shadowy showcases only the decapitated manikins remained

    29. Surrounded by the voracity of nature, Aureliano and Amaranta Úrsula continued cultivating the oregano and the begonias and defended their world with demarcations of quicklime, building the last trenches in the age-old war between man and ant

    30. pausing to evaluate age-old traditions and customs

    31. Ironically, Vietnam would actually have been a good buffer against Chinese expansion considering age-old Vietnamese resentment over a thousand years of Chinese rule

    32. doing, then he’s practicing the age-old art of vampirism in its purest

    33. an age-old quest for the finest minerals, and still no effort is too much!

    34. eradicate this age-old condition as a feature of human life

    35. She often recalled Abbot Francis quoting an age-old Eastern proverb as they spoke together once in his sunlit office: “Confusion precedes enlightenment

    36. Well, one should understand their psyche burdened by their collective humiliation occasioned by the age-old exploitation of their women by the men of the upper castes

    37. By the same token, the karmic theory guarded man from the debilitating affects of envying the better-off, and that helped one and all build a society of happy souls striving to better themselves in word an deed, never mind their economic lot, well, till the mid 20th Century or so before the ‘why not me’ phenomenon began to boot out the age-old Hindu wisdom from its karmabhoomi

    38. Whatever, as Pakistan became an Islamic nation for the Musalmans, India remained a habitat of varied interest groups the Musalmans included! While the Indian political classes were beset with a sense of loss that partition brought in, in its wake, the Hindu intellectuals were upset by the age-old caste guilt that the reform movement occasioned in their collective consciousness

    39. In what was left as the secular India, the princes of democracy have come to rule the land as per the age-old Hindu political credo - unto each his own province

    40. What is worse, as if to light up every minority household with its naïve Hindu torch, it infuses in the Indian Musalman a sense of neglect by the Indian nation itself; why, won’t its glamour boys and girls attribute their economic backwardness to the Hindu biases rather than exposing the age-old Muslim apathy for secular education? Wonder how these fail to see the children of the Hindu maids and the Christian coolies everywhere walking up to the English-medium schools in their uniforms

    41. Needless to say, this master move was meant to remind the Hindus, just in case they forgot about the age-old Musalman habit of pulling down the Hindu temples, nay the derogatory buth-khanas

    42. At the hustings thereafter, though she led her party to defeat, yet, abetted by the anti-Bharatiya Janata Party elements, beguiled by the age-old Indian realpolitik of settling the native scores with foreign hands, she staked her claim to become India’s Prime Minister

    43. age-old Indian tradition of treating guests as God

    44. Myristica Fragrans(Jaiphal): Jaiphal or nutmeg has been used since age-old times as an aphrodisiac by men

    45. He toppled age-old values, shook social concepts down

    46. illustrates the age-old idea that skiing is as good or better

    47. That is one way they punish their women for the inconvenience of being forced to change their age-old cultural traditions, and lifestyle

    48. Even the relief agencies that try to help them; are not allowed to change their sacred age-old culture, or tell them anything that might in the slightest way inconvenience their culture, or male dominance

    49. The entire history of the conquest of the Americas, and America itself, the Nation… was based upon the age-old tactic of… divide and conquer

    50. The age-old human hypocrisy of every human parent who ever told a child: ‘Do as I say: not as I do

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