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    aiming примеры предложений


    1. Scar slowly raised his gun and pointed it above his shoulder, aiming it roughly at her face

    2. The United Order soldiers sprang into action, bringing up their laser rifles and aiming them at Silence

    3. He raised the bat and drew back behind his shoulder, aiming at my right kneecap

    4. I didn't contradict him but I wondered: When we left the seaside the time was 6:30 in the afternoon; how harmful would it have been, if we had stayed for fifteen more minutes? All things considered, I believe yesterday's excursion was one of Alexander's tricks, aiming to keep his disciples in subjection: He doesn't allow them to enjoy anything, so that they don't demand anything

    5. All of a sudden I was tossed into the air, landed against bookshelves and I collapsed on the floor together with some heavy volumes, while Arion was already aiming his weapon at me

    6. She got to lay in the surf until the heat of the day was soaked out of her, then walked the spume with Yellelle, aiming to go to the nearest point and back

    7. ‘Are we still aiming for the weekend?’ he asked, buttering a slice of toast

    8. He pulls out a pistol and levels it, waist high, aiming in the general direction of the stalled doctor and his lover

    9. The two on either side of Jameson reached to grab his arms while the 'captain' in front of him pulled back his fist for a mighty punch, aiming for his face

    10. The more complex answer is twofold: A) Your inner and partly unconscious desires are often at conflict with some of the goals you are aiming at

    11. "I'm sorry, Edward," Derlick said, drawing his pistol and aiming it at Edward

    12. If they grow bolder and advance, keep aiming

    13. The modern maxims of foreign commerce, by aiming at the impoverishment of all our neighbours, so far as they are capable of producing their intended effect, tend to render that very commerce insignificant and contemptible

    14. In meditation, you are not aiming for any specific state of mind

    15. Danny plunged his sharp yellow incisors into the animal’s neck, aiming for its jugular

    16. This time Kate led the way, aiming at the lump on the horizon

    17. “Look to your front here come some more of the buggers don’t let them get the well!” I could see him aiming and firing ever so calmly with a rifle that must have belonged to poor Fred Elliot and that he must have dropped when he was hit

    18. The Elusiver ships were still firing, aiming in his direction

    19. She stretched her arm above the crowds and flung it into the ring, aiming at Raven’s feet

    20. aiming to kill the boredom

    21. Remember we did not have any aiming devices beyond the standard sights on our weapons

    22. Legally, according to the longhaired liberals in parliament, the SAP had to fire three warning shots before aiming only to wound

    23. They looked about at each other, though their weapons never ceased aiming at Sicarius

    24. What makes you think the Preceptor of Brockenhurst Sett is aiming to take over Boddaert's Realm?"

    25. Mama Adele lunged at me with the table knife, aiming for a good clear cut of my throat

    26. Mama Adele realised she had missed and was giving her knife another swing, only this time she was apparently - and this was a disturbing and painful thought - aiming for my balls

    27. “Ze-e va-aarr!” he said, bulging his eyes and then aiming and shooting with an imaginary sort of rifle, even taking proper care to imitate the recoil

    28. I fired the Sig aiming for the wall in front of him

    29. Aiming at the beast's throat, she waited for the right moment

    30. Because of Elizabeth’s struggles, he was having difficulty holding onto her and aiming the Mauser at the same time

    31. Recreating the scene in his mind, he realized that he had felt no fear, only what seemed to be an automatic concentration on aiming and firing without hesitation

    32. The armed bandit was still aiming the rifle at him, shouting incoherently, looking back and forth nervously

    33. He was still aiming his gun though and Ethan thought it was time to make his move

    34. He sprang up then and ran without aiming his gun

    35. When Ethan and Nicole jumped off the boat, he immediately asked them, making sure with a wave of his hand that a couple of rifles were already aiming at them:

    36. Nicole realised who they were aiming for and shouted:

    37. He had drifted away from the elevator shaft entrance, and with nothing to stop his flight he floated unheeded across the room until he reached the far wall, then he pushed away again, aiming himself back to the elevator shaft

    38. He instinctively swung around, letting go of the rope that held Nicole and blindly aiming his knife for a low stab in the leg

    39. The movement of the two vessels made it difficult for whoever was aiming the light to keep it trained on the Syrena, but it periodically swept over them, causing a momentary blaze of blinding white in the wheelhouse

    40. The guard threw a punch with his other fist aiming for Ethan’s face but it didn’t connect, as Ethan slid sideways just a notch and grabbed the rifle

    41. He was still aiming Andy though when he said:

    42. She was aiming at Andy, her face impossibly torn between anger and sorrow

    43. But her gun was still aiming at Ethan, who cut in with a polite little laughter and said:

    44. But they were aiming from shoulder-high and their shots missed wildly, chunks of concrete flying off the walls

    45. James’ gun went off with a clamor, but Ethan was already pushing the gun away with one hand and aiming for his neck with the other

    46. Aiming at his center is the least likely to miss

    47. If you want to look thinner, you will visualize yourself in the size that you are aiming for while doing a marathon or a cat walk

    48. Carter was the first to attack, aiming for a throat and taking down an angel quickly

    49. I back up, aiming over Caleb’s shoulder at one of the security guards

    50. The boy backed away and took his guns from their holsters, aiming both

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