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    air force

    1. It was during my stay at Dover AFB and the Air Force was following federal mandates (quotas) to add women to the military force

    2. J Bennington: Fresh out of High School, I spent 21 years in the Air Force, serving in Viet Nam, Thailand, United States, and Germany

    3. After retiring from the Air Force, I drove a limousine under contract for Conrail, moving train crews from stations to trains, and anywhere needed

    4. They're looking for auditors in the Defense Department (Army, Navy, Air Force etc

    5. We wanted to stay independent as a Directorate at Fort Sam Houston but under the Air Force joint-base concept, higher-ups decided that we would become part of J3/J5

    6. She even mentioned that there are military people in her program who go to Lackland Air Force Base

    7. I said personally I love military people but I since I live 35 miles away from Lackland Air Force Base, I didn't think it would be convenient for a young soldier to live in my house

    8. It wouldn’t be long now until he reached Andrew’s Air Force Base

    9. The air force played a

    10. The prophets are like the air force that gains air superiority

    11. Air Force, but he became part of the problem

    12. " (My note: And all this while he lives rent-free in a pretty good house, while Michelle and the girls use Air Force 2, which is indeed another jet, to gallivanting all over the world on vacation after vacation, staying in world-class hotels at taxpayer expense

    13. * The “three fighter pilots” comment refers to an article that the South African Air Force (because of budget cuts and a failed employment discrimination policy—no whites allowed) now has almost no pilots and very few operational aircraft

    14. It is a bit of an internal joke but a bitter one for a once proud and effective Air Force now reduced to being the subject of such comments

    15. Since I had re-enlisted into the regular Army I could choose regular Army or Army Air Force

    16. I chose the Air Force

    17. I was assigned to the back gate which led to the officer‘s quarters and Fort William McKinley which was the 13th Air Force Headquarters

    18. ‖ I got in and we talked a little, he said‘ ―Where are you stationed?‖ I told him, ―Topeka Air Force Base

    19. ―big guy‖ guiding things along? In the military police squadron at Topeka Air Force Base, there was a man named Thaxton

    20. While I had orders for me to proceed to Barksdale Air Force Base, Strategic Air Command or better known as S

    21. While I was stationed at Forbes Air Force Base the non-coms were assigned to separate rooms in the upstairs of the barracks

    22. We were on our way flying up to Elmendorf Air Force Base at Anchorage, Alaska

    23. Before I had to report to McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey I was allowed to take a thirty day leave

    24. My sister Ruth did go with our younger sister Mildred and her husband who was also an Air Force Sergeant stationed at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas

    25. After my emergency leave was up I had to report to Westover Air force Base to catch an Air Force Transport plane back to Morocco

    26. By this time, my unit had moved on to our assigned base at Ben Gruyere Air Force Base

    27. After my duty was completed I received orders assigning me to the military police unit at Forbes Air Force Base

    28. In this position I had to keep records and issue security badges, Air Force ID cards, and register all private owned vehicles on the base

    29. This cost the Air Force about six thousand dollars each time it went out to be repaired

    30. About this time the Air Force had a program that would pay a reward or bonus for any suggestion that would save money for the Air Force

    31. This modification saved the Air Force lots of money as now the amplifier could be repaired in the field far about ten cents

    32. I don‘t know how many F-102 fighters were in the Air Force inventory

    33. I got assigned to the 329th Fighter Inceptor Squadron, George Air Force Base at Victorville, California

    34. I put her back in the car and rushed her out to George Air Force Base since I had full medical benefits

    35. One of them actually drew his service pistol to shoot the helicopter in fury, but he was too covered in mud to see properly, and by the time he had wiped off the mud the Air Force was already miles away

    36. By that time SAP COIN was the established counter-insurgency experts and not the Army (except Special Forces and Air Force crew)

    37. It came with an orange day glow inner so that the Air Force gunships could see us during a contact or thereafter by wearing it upside down

    38. I know that before the Sharpeville shootings in 1960, the Air Force buzzed the crowds with their jets

    39. One morning in Pretoria, we were called to Air Force HQ where a suspicious package was seen by their guards inside a Mercedes car

    40. Nonetheless, the Air Force Staff Officers were in a panic!

    41. Remembering our incident at Air Force HQ we first called the SAP Dog Unit to sniff again

    42. At one stage the superb Rhodesian Air Force proudly held the title Royal Rhodesian Air Force and effortlessly operated wherever needed in the Empire

    43. On the one hand we had the small Rhodesian Army and Air Force it being a landlocked country and no Rhodesian Navy ever existed

    44. Thirdly, the Rhodesian Army and Air Force (Police also) was superbly trained but small in numbers

    45. The Rhodesian Air Force developed a teqnique called visual reconnaissance (as against photo reconnaissance) where they tracked spoor from the air

    46. * The best book written on the Rhodesian Air Force if you are interested is "Winds of Destruction" by Group Captain Petter-Bowyer and well worth whatever you pay for it

    47. This led to the famous "Green Leader" bombing attack in Zambia where the Rhodesian Air Force took command of the Zambian airspace with probably the most astonishing radio call ever made in Southern Africa

    48. Note that "Green Leader" was the call sign of the Rhodesian Air Force war plane circling the airport and "Dolphin 3" acted as a radio link to Rhodesia with senior Rhodesian military men on board

    49. The main thing is that if there is any air force, repeat air force traffic, they are to remain on the ground

    50. Ever since its Air Force, Police COIN and Special Forces had many years of experience with the Rhodesians COIN was not new nor in any way unknown to them

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