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    Используйте «airflow» в предложении

    airflow примеры предложений


    1. They tucked in so close the airflow from their wings disrupted the air under the T-39 causing the pilot to nervously ask on guard channel for the two escorts to spread it out a little, please

    2. snore (particularly those with related airflow inhibiting conditions, such as

    3. “Yes sir, I just…” Billy grasp Paul by the neck just slightly under the chin with one hand, squeezed just enough to cut off the airflow

    4. Those problems had their roots in a poor understanding at the time of airflow dynamics around a wing at speeds approaching mach one

    5. � The thirty bag-like air skirts, individually mounted under the craft�s belly on swiveling joints and surrounded themselves by a low pressure external skirt, pivoted rearward, the vectored airflow creating a forward thrust and propelling the hovercraft gently towards the open doors

    6. Her outstretched hand was just inches away from the safety of the thick rope guide line when the airflow was stifled; the demand through the system with wisps of air in her tank, was now too high

    7. The power source was probably a bank of batteries in another compartment, but here at least were some motorized valves to regulate airflow and both water and air pumps

    8. Provided they are made of sufficiently thick steel, have breather holes punched around the outside for airflow, and before lighting the fire

    9. Ry is the lifting force acting on a blade positioned in the moving airflow

    10. The hot air flowing through a pipe forms an airflow moving up from the heat source

    11. airflow or airway reactivity

    12. Any restriction of airflow, as occurs with nasal congestion, asthma, or polyps, increases

    13. When the resistance to airflow in the airways becomes so great as to cause significant interruptions in breathing, it is known as sleep

    14. with the increased airflow

    15. FEV1/FVC ratio less than 70% is an indication that there is an airflow limitation and, thus,

    16. "But, Andre, you are responsible to be sure that there is always fresh airflow into the cabins through the spaces between the logs when a fire has been lit

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    Синонимы для "airflow"

    air flow airflow flow of air