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    all together

    1. you have to leave the chat room all together

    2. In time, when he continued to hide behind the shutters, refusing to let the warmth of their smiles enter his heart, they stopped trying to help him all together, and he was secretly glad

    3. If core values, beliefs, strengths, enthusiasm and everything else we discussed were the ingredients of a cake, then spirit would be the ingredient than holds them all together

    4. "Ah, Daniel is at it again, the man is a dynamo!" Steve blurted out, "I don't know where he gets all that energy from; but he sure puts it to good use!" They all laughed, and quickly stopped when Kate and Daniel walked into the Hall together, smiling

    5. I don't know if it was the reflections in the sea, or the lights from passing ships, or maybe the peaceful scattering of tables and chairs in the street, or even the girl, the mountains, the bells, or all of it all together, but that was the evening the spirit of the village of Sophia stood before me, showed me her face and stole me away

    6. Now let's sit all together!' - and we had to arrange the tables in a circle

    7. I stare at his back, watching him as he grooms Sefir with a passion, as though dealing with a different entity all together

    8. The plums were fine indeed, but of a different nature all together and everything else since, while very good, was not a patch on those original fruits

    9. Let the pieces fall together in the

    10. 13And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey

    11. I slowed the car down, contemplating stopping it all together

    12. over stairs and missing others all together

    13. trying to end her all together

    14. them with the others and bury them all together

    15. All together they form a cloud of substance

    16. “Are you really as dumbfounded as you look? Frankly, I’m surprised that you haven’t put it all together yet

    17. “So all he has to do is call together his wizards and conjurors and have them interpret his stupid dream,” he offered lightheartedly

    18. “I do hope he gets better soon I mean he was such a good bloke and he kept us all together even through the bad times I would hate to think he will be like that for ever

    19. 'You've kept it all together

    20. “It was the night that we were all together in the Intack after she had come over and sat with us when we were leaving she asked me if I was married?” He smiled at the remembrance of this then said

    21. had mentioned a brother, and leaving her home, I should have put it all together

    22. Then again, they may have anticipated her arrival and have the double bonus of her capture and the device's (not to mention the other two) all together

    23. When Cruzel repeated the words all together, all hell was let loose amongst them

    24. In other words, to govern in such a way that the terrorist will receive no further support for his cause or his cause disappears all together

    25. When chocolate mixture is heated, pour melted mixture over marshmallows and nuts and mix all together

    26. Use a dab of frosting to hold all together

    27. December would see them all together again at Christmas in Lesotho, but it was still a way away

    28. We also played basketball and football together

    29. They had to weld it all together with a lot of propaganda

    30. I was piecing it all together

    31. It had been a more than pleasant change to find themselves under the shadow of the immense structure that seemed to blot out the suns quite effectively, making the whole area have a different feeling all together

    32. Some of the group were puzzling it out, piecing it all together

    33. They now walked all together

    34. when I realised the clues and put it all together

    35. nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz; appoint a captain against her; cause the

    36. His mother often told him about the wonderful time in her life when he had been born while they were all together in exile (except George, of course, who was with Juchi)

    37. hand, and when the children of Israel were every man in his own place, they came all together with one consent into the open place of

    38. “‘He is the sun-king, and the moon-king, and all-the-stars-king, and he shines like them all together,’ said the next to oldest sparrow

    39. “And when he came down from the tree, his children would sometimes hear him say, ‘He is the sun-king, and the moon-king, and all-the-stars king, and he shines like them all together

    40. I kept us all together and went after them in force

    41. 9 Then they praised the merciful God all together, and took heart,

    42. manifest out his mercy gloriously, and did deliver them all together unharmed

    43. the Spirit help to bring it all together

    44. 13 And then they ran all together, both small and great, for it was strange to

    45. ' Then swore they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations on it; And they were in all two hundred; who descended (to Earth) in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations on it; And these are the names of their leaders: Sameazez, their leader, Arekeba, Remeel, Kekabeel, Temeel, Remeel, Denel, Ezeqeel, Bareqejel, Aseel, Armer's, Baterel, Anenel, Zaqeel, Samsepeel, Satarel, Terel, Jemjeel, Sariel

    46. ' Then I went and spoke to them all together, and they were all afraid, and fear and trembling seized them; And they begged me to draw up a petition for those who they might find forgiveness, and to read their petition in the presence of the Lord of Heaven

    47. He is the one who has it all together and enjoys the self-

    48. have it all together and, instead, let God smooth our rough edges and

    49. 23 And they all together answered Joseph, and said, Not so my Lord, we are right, your servants are not spies, but we have come to buy corn, for your servants are all brothers, the sons of one man in the land of Canaan, and our father commanded us, saying, When you come to the city do not enter together at one gate on account of the inhabitants of the land

    50. 16 to you, all the children of Cush, the king's order is, that you go all together to the forest, and catch there the young storks each man his young one in his hand, and you shall bring them home

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