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    alpine примеры предложений


    1. as James and Thomas described it, a high alpine pass) to

    2. which grew in the alpine wilderness around them

    3. Snow- capped mountains with ascending alpine forests cast long shadows

    4. A fake window about two metres squared, showing an alpine vista – or any scene he so desired – that even opened to fake fresh air

    5. Motor vehicle traffic in the Italian Alpine was non-existent

    6. In truth, southern Poland, called by the Poles the Mawopolska, was an alpine region

    7. I told them that as much as I needed practice in Alpine, I also needed a safe place to keep Kelly once the California Confidential story broke

    8. Before we started I called Kelly and got her to agree to the Alpine overnight

    9. “I’m in Alpine and about to head into the city

    10. At first I thought he had an attitude problem, but after the last couple of days in Alpine, and now this, I’m thinking there’s more to Michael than he likes to show

    11. Next to grass, wild pasture, Swiss in its alpine plots of flowers, varied, patched with moss, steeplebush like heather, roots and berries

    12. I attended the Mimbres County Blues Festival in Silver City at 5,000 feet elevation and got the idea that maybe I could live across the AZ line in Pinetop or Alpine and use my law license as well as enjoy the cool mountain climate

    13. Berardi is the director of performance nutrition for the Canadian National Cross Country Skiing, Alpine Skiing, Canoe/Kayak and Bobsleigh/Skeleton teams and is a performance nutrition consultant to a number of elite level individual athletes, sports teams, and Olympic training centres including:

    14. “The first time I saw this scroll was at Hitler’s Alpine retreat, Berghof, he swore me to secrecy and I kept his secret…until today

    15. The Canaanites, or Alpine Semites, traced their descent from Shemitish ancestors nuxed with the Kushites settled among them by their Hyrkanian masters; the Elamites were a typical race of this type

    16. "Alpine glaciers still occupy some high mountains

    17. His alpine idealism at your age

    18. Most were engaged in the pointless reduction of the Ruhr pocket or chasing after a hollow victory against the mythical Alpine redoubt

    19. Or an Alpine resort with the word Mont in the name

    20. A little while ago - in 1991, some hikers in Europe found an alpine ice man

    21. Raised above their fellows by their position, they find themselves, like the Alpine traveller who scales the Matterhorn, fearfully alone

    22. his annual ski trip to the Swiss Alpine region

    23. Andermatt and Morcote in this Alpine wonderland are also well worth a visit

    24. was obvious that he was no longer in the alpine region above Mexico City

    25. From the vastness of Yellowstone Lake to the intimate alpine lakes of the Wind River Range, still water fisheries are everywhere, providing the solitude not found on the more popular rivers

    26. At the top of a winding hill Adrian pointed out larch, spruce, western red cedar, and an alpine meadow towards the north

    27. The piano was clothed from head to foot in a heavy red baize cover, even its legs being buttoned round in what looked like Alpine Sport gaiters, and the baize flap that protected the keys had buttons all along it from one end to the other

    28. But from where did these jovial Alpine inhabitants come across it, from their love of coo-coo clocks and hot chocolate? Most likely it stems from that nation’s Christian past

    29. In the business of alpine skiing, the task of turning with bal-

    30. climbing skins for the bottoms of your alpine skis

    31. one that hit Alpine Meadows back in the '80s

    32. an adapter that goes between your alpine boot and al-

    33. free the heels for climbing--I think it's called the Alpine

    34. "We pitched our tents in a shallow, semi-exposed trench in the middle of a wind-blown alpine meadow, in the shelter of some wizened alder thickets

    35. alpine lakes of the Wind River Range, still water fisheries are

    36. We entered a private lane and off in the distance I could see the refurbished castle as its white stone gleamed in the sun against the backdrop of the alpine slopes rising all around it

    37. Ben Lomond ski resort is Tasmania’s premier ski resort that offers spectacular alpine scenery within the Ben Lomond National Park

    38. The accommodations at the Alpine Village located at the foot of the ski slopes are top notch

    39. "My dear" that she said, but her voice went jodelling between Alpine passes

    40. Accept it, and the Alpine maid,

    41. He would, no doubt, have believed that he had returned to the times of Florian, and would have declared, on reaching Paris, that he had met an Alpine shepherdess seated at the foot of the Sabine Hill

    42. In the rows of dormitories are cadets who talk of alpine skiing, of duels, of jazz clubs and governesses and boar hunting; boys who employ curse words with virtuosic skill and boys who talk about cigarettes named for cinema stars; boys who speak of “telephoning the colonel” and boys who have baronesses for mothers

    43. "Well? Always fresh and happy on the mountain? I guess I don't need to ask, for no Alpine rose can look more blooming

    44. Merlin had landed the recon skimmer on a mountainside above the northernmost of the alpine lakes Safeholdian geographers had named Langhorne’s Tears

    45. In the homely Alpine villages or in the lonely mountain passes, I could tell by his quick glancing eyes and his sharp scrutiny of every face that passed us, that he was well convinced that, walk where we would, we could not walk ourselves clear of the danger which was dogging our footsteps

    46. Why,' he repeated petulantly, 'should alpine scenery be thought conducive to study?'

    47. It is thus I like to remember Sebastian, as he was that summer, when we wandered alone together through that enchanted palace; Sebastian in his wheel chair spinning down the box-edged walks of the kitchen gardens in search of alpine strawberries and warm figs, propelling himself through the succession of hothouses, from scent to scent and climate to climate, to cut the muscat grapes and choose orchids for our button-holes; Sebastian hobbling with a pantomime of difficulty to the old nurseries, sitting beside me on the threadbare, flowered carpet with the toy-cupboard empty about us and Nanny Hawkins stitching complacently in the comer, saying, 'You're one as bad as the other; a pair of children the two of you

    48. Found in fresh water, salt water and from deserts to alpine meadows

    49. It occurs most frequently when the sun is high, but can also occur when there is no direct sunlight—during a bright overcast period in polar and alpine regions

    50. De Candolle has observed, a common alpine species disappears

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    alpine lofty mountain towering soaring