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amplification примеры предложений
1. electrical instrument that one speaks into for amplification of the voice etc
2. Singer also referred to “ozone amplification” mediated through UV
3. or prevent this amplification of psychic faculties and stimuli
4. The amplification of the sound at the Temple of Heaven is produced, however, not within the temple itself but in the open air, speaking in a soft voice against the surrounding wall
5. She nodded, restored the amplification, and made the announcement
6. office, overlaying his words with proper amplification and gestures to illustrate
7. A voice called into the pod uttering just simple words, coming through an amplification
8. 8 This was not all that Jesus said on that occasion, but it is the introduction of his address, and he went on at great length in amplification and in illustration of this pronouncement
9. Radiation, saser is Sound Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation …
10. Emission of Radiation, saser is Sound Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
11. A medium-built man in his early fifties then got up on the stage, along with a tall young woman with long black hair, and addressed the crowd with the help of a microphone connected to a sound amplification system
12. A few more insults and I had the correct ear piece in and was looking in the lens at what appeared to be a fruit fly, sitting in a fruit fly sized rocking chair, speaking into some sort of micro-voice amplification device
13. The degree of amplification achieved is set at a
14. gives theoretical1048576 fold amplification
15. Detection of early and single infections of Schistosoma japonicum in the intermediate host snail, Oncomelania hupensis, by PCR and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay
16. In such cases, the dynamics of FDR of SFUURMM-Forms (that structure another Formo-Type or even several different Formo-Types), whose VVU-Configurations perfectly coexist “inside” the slloogrent structures of one and the same conglomerate of Formo-copies, when reprojecting from factor Axes of one “personality” (or several “personalities”) that “died” long ago into factor Axes of “a personality” that lives “now” (usually this happens automatically at the moment of a very strong stress, for example, during a very cruel violent “Death”), can periodically coincide, due to identical frequencies of their typical VVU-Information, with the dynamics of FDR of SFUURMM-Forms of the conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies activated “at present”; as a result, there is an effect of doubling or amplification of the frequency (modulation) in the general dynamics of the quantum-holographous process of “unpacking-unfolding” of VVU-Information from the temporal ethereal constituent and there is a “fragmentary” manifestation (in the Self-Consciousness of this “personality”) of the VVU-Information typical of “someone else’s” UU-VVU-copies used by “the personality” that “died” (but simultaneously continues to live) several centuries “ago”
17. While in resonant processes there is a mutual amplification of the creative dynamics due to joint “efforts” on the basis of common Aspects of Qualities peculiar to both systems, tensor tension characterizes that part of Configurations of systems which are in notional “antagonism” (as if “opposition”)
18. If the synthetic process carried out with the help of the electromagnetic Field tends to an increase of its qualitative state (an increase of the frequency parameter) toward amplification (dominance) of corresponding manifestations, in its electromagnetic dynamics, for example, of Aspects of the Quality ALL-Unity (which is possible only on the basis of an absolutely synthesized state of “Creative Cosmic POTENTIALITY”!), then this will automatically lead to a decrease of the intensity of all Aspects of this Quality manifested in the lowest-qualitative part of this range of interaction
19. If to increase the dynamics of the electromagnetic Field toward amplification of the dominance (in this synthetic Process) of the Creative Activity of Aspects of the Quality ALL-Essentiality, then this will inevitably lead to a sequential transformation of the electromagnetic Field into the specific dynamics of the uyyu’yy “Field”, with its characteristic increase of such a weakly expressed (in the ordinary states of our Formo-systems) parameter as radiation
20. It contains frequent and animated references to the punishment of the wicked; and being composed in the 'lofty style of the Asiatics,’ we might anticipate amplification in the detail, and a copious vocabulary of curses to pervade those portions which describe their doom
21. They were playing some beat music, but the amplification was so puny it was hard to hear with your head half underwater
22. A margin call from the bank would force him to realize losses close to 50 percent; here in the corporeal world, leverage, depressingly, turned out to be just a synonym for amplification
23. The information conveyed by information cascades • two types of information • beliefs and stories that make up the investment theme • the role of the media • the confirming action of market prices • 1994-2000 bubble as an example • the potent brew of emotional persuasion • the role of the mass media • telling people what they want to hear • media amplification • monitor the media midwives • what media sources to use • print media • Internet media • blogs • television and talk radio • flipping and the real estate bubble • Jay Leno • tomorrow’s media will be different from today’s • be flexible and alert to changes • monitoring the markets • data sources I use • here, too, things will change • the value of historical accounts
24. The foregoing discussion suggests an amplification of what was said in Chap
25. This inquiry will thus constitute an amplification of our early chapter on the scope and limitations of security analysis, drawing upon the material developed in the succeeding discussions, to which a number of references will be made
26. The light amplification capability of the goggle was barely functional due to the depth of the darkness
27. It is very far from my intention, sir, said he, by any amplification of mine to lessen the impression of that merit which the bare mention of his name is calculated to make on the mind of every man who hears me