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    1. · The end of Apartheid in South Africa

    2. Apartheid schools had strict policies on hair, and any infraction would be reason for a flogging

    3. Another interesting point of this battle is that our Apartheid historians speak of with awe of the 998 guns that fired at El Alamein

    4. I thought that we should take a look at some of the Apartheid laws to demonstrate what we learned at College, and the effect they on the populations and those of us who had to enforce them

    5. They created Apartheid, and the question is how? From a purely legal perspective the answer is almost as satisfying as the question of how the Jewish Holocaust became legalised in Nazi Germany

    6. It is an extremely dangerous concept, and because of the Afrikaner mentality (for lack of a better word) it exploded into Apartheid

    7. The Nationalists went completely nuts after 1948, passing hundreds of laws collectively called the Apartheid laws

    8. Think about it: if the Apartheid laws had never existed and SAP had all those years only focused on crime, do you think they would be thought of today as an “instrument of oppression?” Absolutely not! Would the Security Branch have existed in the form it took on in later years? No

    9. What are the consequences? History will never forget Apartheid and the SAP

    10. I cannot be bothered with defending that indefensible thing called Apartheid

    11. As you can imagine, the younger generation not even born during Apartheid takes a very dim view of this state of affairs

    12. During Apartheid, no Indian person was allowed to be in this province between sunset and sunrise (night time in other words)

    13. As white people, I believe, we do not always realize how stupid the Apartheid laws were because they did not affect us all that much

    14. The only Army generals ever suspended were suspended a year or two after Apartheid ended, (but before Mr Mandela took over)

    15. She cannot sue you for refusing to marry her but we did have a thought-provoking case in Apartheid South Africa where a black man proposed to a white woman

    16. You must understand the Apartheid laws were not based on anything but farming principles and the Bible

    17. You can read about it in my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police

    18. you will remember no relationships between white and black was allowed by law under Apartheid

    19. How must a dedicated policeman feel when he sees that? Are we back at Apartheid Minister of Police Jimmy Kruger now?

    20. Who will fail to recall Apartheid Police Minister Jimmy Kruger notorious reply on hearing of the death of Steve Biko in SAP custody: “It leaves me cold!” Or in other words: “I really don’t give a (you know what) if you have seen the movie

    21. In an out and out conflict, no country in Southern Africa could even begin to compete military wise with Apartheid South Africa

    22. Such things are part of human rights and human rights were a dirty word in Apartheid South Africa

    23. With the Apartheid Laws, the Liberation Movements decided to take up arms and as we know lost badly during the first attempts where Mr Mandela was arrested

    24. There was never Apartheid in Rhodesia by the way and the place more English than England

    25. Politically it was a complete disaster for Apartheid South Africa, such as the African leaders had hoped it would be

    26. Half of them studied Christian Theology before joining parliament to create the Apartheid system! The rest were lawyers with many law professors amongst them

    27. One of our practical problems on our own borders was that many thousands, if not millions of black newly liberated Africans, wanted to live and work in Apartheid South Africa as the living conditions was and still is very much better than anywhere else in Africa

    28. Unrecognised and much abused everywhere, and Apartheid described as “a crime against humanity” which indeed it was

    29. Apartheid was wrong and cannot be defended as much as the Nationalists tried to

    30. Nature has a way of equalising an unnatural state of being, and Apartheid was very unnatural

    31. Apartheid was simply against the rules of natural justice for what is good for the geese is good for the gander

    32. Almost all the riots were caused by the Apartheid laws which makes parliament ultimately responsible

    33. What good is there to say about people who corrupted an honourable political system to Apartheid? Why did that not happen in the other 47 countries that used exactly the same system? What did they do to the SAP who was once an honourable Police Force trusted by all?

    34. We were branded (still are) as "Apartheid Policemen" and not in a complimentary way either

    35. What then is the use of staying on? We tried the same thing on a much lesser scale in Apartheid South Africa

    36. We were not allowed to shoot and kill indiscriminately and I assure you if we were Apartheid would still be alive

    37. Most died of hunger and disease caused by overcrowding and it is a war crime of note which probably caused Apartheid as I explain in my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police

    38. It took place between 1964 and the end of 1979 when Britain contentedly surrendered a successful pro-Western country with no Apartheid to become the failed state called Zimbabwe today

    39. For more details on COIN training and operations please read my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police where I dedicate a whole chapter to it

    40. As I said in my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police: "Any idiot can figure out that the parents of children who joined the Liberation Group will not tell the Army and Police that

    41. As always her Apartheid policies made her the black sheep of the world and created a sort of lager mentality of us against the rest of the world

    42. You can read about this incident in my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police (I was not there for it would be another year before I was even born when that took place)

    43. Idiotically the Afrikaner nationalists (Apartheid politicians) tried to destroy the "English" traditions of the South African Army when they came into power in 1948

    44. I describe this in my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police as follows: "During my time a healthy dislike between the Army and Police existed

    45. In regard to the identification of dead terrorists allow me to quote to your from my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police: "There was a rumour, probably true, that Policemen cut the ears off dead terrorists to keep as trophies but I have never seen that myself

    46. You can read about this aspect in my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police

    47. It is to be wondered at that the Apartheid State lasted as long as it did and probably due to its powerful security forces

    48. It was the notorious commander of the Police hit squads or assassination team Colonel Eugene de Kock who in his book "A Long Nights Damage - Working for the Apartheid State" who first said what is rather obvious and few realised

    49. The way the Apartheid politicians acted is insightful and shows us an important warning

    50. The fact that de Kock was promoted (and highly decorated) to senior rank shows he enjoyed and received the support of the Apartheid politicians

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