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    apartment complex примеры предложений

    apartment complex

    1. A modern apartment complex surrounded by towering palms somewhere in the Los Angeles area

    2. by the apartment complex that he could see set back against the fields and olive

    3. He was getting slightly concerned by the apartment complex that he could see set back against the fields and olive groves

    4. I remember driving down the drive way out to Gerard Avenue then by the local 7-11, onto Parsons Street down to Yosemite Parkway; on by the apartment complex where Patti lives thinking, ―I should maybe stop and have her go with me

    5. Now, with this information that Islandia had just uncovered, I figured I might someday again be free to return to my former life, but when I got there, I might find that my credit was completely shot because I had defaulted on a lease, and I now owed the apartment complex several thousand dollars

    6. room of the apartment complex

    7. Beyond the Beltway, Baltimore Avenue turned into a highway that led past shopping centers and apartment complexes, then swiftly gave way to cornfields and nature preserves

    8. building was actually an expensive apartment complex, where a doorman stood

    9. The apartment complex was located just off cam-

    10. Desperate screams penetrate the air as ferals hunt down unfamiliar men and pack rape the women and children sheltering in nearby apartment complexes

    11. So they flood instead into an apartment complex down the road—and the ensuing shrieks confirm that they have indeed tracked down easier prey

    12. He arranged another flat in the same apartment complex for college students to stay—those ones who found it difficult to stay in the hostels

    13. Classes finished early enough for me to meet my future wife, Dixie Lee Rose, who lived in same Tempe apartment complex on Apache Trail across from old ASU football stadium, halfway home at the old Phoenix Municipal Stadium, home of the Triple A Giants, San Francisco’s top farm team

    14. hours ago when this apartment complex caught on fire after the

    15. Warren drove them to a nearby apartment complex and led the way to a modest but comfortable condo

    16. the apartment complex of the Enterprises

    17. suited up once again and crept out of the apartment complex

    18. the balcony of the high-rise apartment complex we were standing in front of to hear

    19. “Shirley and me said you would be living near us in that new retirement apartment complex

    20. some new roof tiles, or the garbage collectors would come by and noisily empty the dumpsters of the apartment complex

    21. He lived in a rather shabby apartment complex, alone of course (he was--after all--unbeknownst to the human eye)

    22. Mostly, he would lie on the couch or sit back in his recliner (which is what he was doing at this very instant), or walk the empty hallways of the apartment complex, always with his head bent toward the ground in miserable reflection

    23. Whereas one might find problems with this arrangement, considering his condition, he managed his work quite easily: he was the maintenance man of the apartment complex

    24. to his apartment complex by ten or else his missing will be reported to the authority

    25. It spiraled up the side between two buildings, where there were intervals of small corridors behind gates leading into the apartment complex

    26. There was an apartment complex a few meters away, separated from the older building by a seven meter high wall on the ground and the fifty meter distance between the two

    27. Morg’s Tesler sensed the distance between it and the ground and stopped between two apartment complexes

    28. “Madam, there was a brutal murder in an apartment complex

    29. “How are you going to protect her, Sam? Your apartment complex is nowhere near as secure as the Hall

    30. That is why Hart lived in the same apartment complex as Rigden, so she could keep an eye on her!” He sneered and pushed Liu away

    31. She approached the back entrance to Sam’s apartment complex and buzzed the intercom

    32. I once lived in an apartment complex that was infested with

    33. If you live in an apartment complex and have

    34. Within ten minutes, he honked excessively at Phillip's apartment complex

    35. She stopped after fifty meters in front of a bank of elevators leading up to the apartment complex, boarding a cabin with her group and going up to the level of the upper promenade, similar in appearance and volume to the lower promenade, but with its inner side lined by three levels of apartments rather than with aquariums

    36. If she had to, she would escape into the park, which was further from the apartment complexes than was safe for anyone out after curfew

    37. Her decision to run for the apartment complexes was wrong

    38. They promoted Confident Kids in the apartment complexes, at the play groups, and in their newsletters

    39. Here are a couple of things they in their adopted apartment complex

    40. This chapter shows you how to adopt an apartment complex and includes over 30 ways to reach out to the people who live there

    41. I strode into the nearest apartment complex like I knew where I was going

    42. The entire apartment complex had to be evacuated and

    43. Tony's apartment complex by the minute

    44. Tony's five story apartment complex had been completely

    45. Apparently there had been a horrible apartment complex fire, and all the media attention was focused solely on those victims, as journalists and reporters questioned everyone involved with the disaster

    46. Jack then exited his car and walked inside and finally up the stairs of the apartment complex where Susan lived

    47. Stacey sat in the parking lot of the biggest apartment complex in town, which ran parallel to the tree cover of the river

    48. I took the card and read it, Miguel Puyol, head of La Cactus apartment complex

    49. An apartment complex was not where he felt a husband and wife should live

    50. Six generators had been pounding away in the basement of the abandoned apartment complex for two days now

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