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    apocryphal примеры предложений


    1. There is a story (probably apocryphal) that one night there was a knock on the door of a certain Scottish manse

    2. The four Gospels are later and, of course, there were a great many more apocryphal gospels and similar writings in circulation than are available to us today

    3. In the little that has been mentioned, mainly in apocryphal works, about his early life, there was nothing that would have forced those around Jesus to acknowledge such a vast difference between him and all others as to have circumstantially revealed his Godly qualities

    4. The ghost of Gnosticism’s former influence can still be seen in the rejected apocryphal writings that are being rediscovered today, largely it would seem by “conspiracy theorists,” and through popular books that seem to propose similar wild imaginings as had been done in Jesus time

    5. Among those that had been declared apocryphal (of doubtful authenticity or authorship), many still competed for the attention of the faithful and would for a long time

    6. I do realise that the word “bury” is not used in these verses, but I read in an Apocryphal book that, after Cain had slayed Abel, he did not know how to “hide” the body

    7. frustrated by these apocryphal books and it was so named and it was clearly for want of a better word

    8. The Church officials used this word out of being frustrated by these apocryphal books and it was so named and it was clearly for want of a better word

    9. January 2006 issue of Headache confirmed the apocryphal evidence

    10. So hence in the Apocryphal book of Enoch God ascribed all

    11. The Apocryphal book of 2 Esdras which is found in the Catholic,

    12. There’s an apocryphal story about a couple of slaves who were never found and who escaped to a part of the planet our masters haven’t colonized

    13. Many apocryphal stories are spun and admiringly retold about a larger-than-life figure

    14. Another story, possibly apocryphal, is that when Prakash Javadekar, information and broadcasting and environment minister in the Modi government, was on his way to the airport, he got a call from the PMO

    15. Now, let's analyze the apocryphal apple rendition of the Genesis story

    16. Mistakes can be embarrassing, as in the probably apocryphal story of the American who, whilst trying to introduce himself as Sumisu san no komon (Mr Smith's adviser), actually introduces himself as Sumisu san no koumon (Mr Smith's anus)

    17. The apocryphal ending of the Book of Daniel, titled “Bel and the Dragon,” establishes that Bel or Belial is a false god of ancient Babylon

    18. This apocryphal story is a parable that tells us that Bel(ial) and the Great Red Dragon of Babylon

    19. the Book of Revelation, and pivotal apocryphal narratives still contain most of what was originally

    20. Neither is it in any of the Apocryphal books

    21. The apocryphal ending of the Book of Daniel, titled “Bel and the

    22. When he said they did not use Gehenna, he is using it to mean Hell; therefore, he is saying Hell was not used by any of the above, neither is it in any of the Apocryphal books

    23. Ingrid studied her face, wondering whether she would find traces of deceit there, anything that might expose her tale as apocryphal

    24. The apostle Jude, citing perhaps the apocryphal book of Enoch, nevertheless only signifies what was the consenting voice of ages, that from the earliest times God has announced by His prophets retribution for the sins of time in a state still future

    25. Neither is it in any of the Apocryphal

    26. The marriage was to make no change in their place of residence; they had been able to extend it, by taking to themselves the upper rooms formerly belonging to the apocryphal invisible lodger, and they desired nothing more

    27. And then if we turn to sacred dramas--what miracles they invent in them! What apocryphal, ill-devised incidents, attributing to one saint the miracles of another! And even in secular plays they venture to introduce miracles without any reason or object except that they think some such miracle, or transformation as they call it, will come in well to astonish stupid people and draw them to the play

    28. One might just as well try to make out that the history of Guarino Mezquino, or of the quest of the Holy Grail, is false, or that the loves of Tristram and the Queen Yseult are apocryphal, as well as those of Guinevere and Lancelot, when there are persons who can almost remember having seen the Dame Quintanona, who was the best cupbearer in Great Britain


    30. The translator of this history, when he comes to write this fifth chapter, says that he considers it apocryphal, because in it Sancho Panza speaks in a style unlike that which might have been expected from his limited intelligence, and says things so subtle that he does not think it possible he could have conceived them; however, desirous of doing what his task imposed upon him, he was unwilling to leave it untranslated, and therefore he went on to say:

    31. It is this sort of talk, and what Sancho says lower down, that made the translator of the history say he considered this chapter apocryphal

    32. These observations which Sancho makes here are the other ones on account of which the translator says he regards this chapter as apocryphal, inasmuch as they are beyond Sancho's capacity


    34. On the other hand, I reflect that he related and told the story with all the circumstances detailed, and that he could not in so short a space have fabricated such a vast complication of absurdities; if, then, this adventure seems apocryphal, it is no fault of mine; and so, without affirming its falsehood or its truth, I write it down

    35. outlandish cries and cheers to where Don Quixote stood amazed and wondering; and one of them, he to whom Roque had sent word, addressing him exclaimed, "Welcome to our city, mirror, beacon, star and cynosure of all knight-errantry in its widest extent! Welcome, I say, valiant Don Quixote of La Mancha; not the false, the fictitious, the apocryphal, that these latter days have offered us in lying histories, but the true, the legitimate, the real one that Cide Hamete Benengeli, flower of

    36. pretences to virginity not entirely apocryphal, smothers me with kisses,

    37. A probably apocryphal quote has Einstein calling compound interest the eighth wonder of the world

    38. During the last year the old man had taken to studying the Apocryphal Gospels, and constantly talked over his impressions with his young friend

    39. It is the apocryphal story of Tobit and Anna, with the waiting parents made into peasants of Millet’s own country, and when it was exhibited at the Salon of 1861, the public, of course, passed it by to gaze at the “Phryne” of Gérôme

    40. Baillet; a long fragment of the Greek text of the Book of Enoch, remains of the apocryphal Gospel and Apocalypse of St

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    apocryphal disputed doubtful false fraudulent fake fictitious