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    1. approximated the actual flavor of veal or not

    2. It can only be approximated

    3. Separation of Church and State—A phrase once approximated (“a wall of separation”) by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Baptists in which he supported the freedom of an individual to worship without the influence of the state

    4. The seventeenth century saw advances in science and mathematics that have never been even approximated before or after

    5. complexity, but only approximated

    6. At a minimum, their annual savings approximated six hundred thousand dollars a year

    7. In every challenge and every endeavor, economic or otherwise, it should be asked what is the ideal and how can it be achieved or best approximated

    8. Conscious that the human organism, normally capable of sustaining an atmospheric pressure of 1 9 tons, when elevated to a considerable altitude in the terrestrial atmosphere suffered with arithmetical progression of intensity, according as the line of demarcation between troposphere and stratosphere was approximated from nasal hemorrhage, impeded respiration and vertigo, when proposing this problem for solution, he had conjectured as a working hypothesis which could not be proved impossible that a more adaptable and differently anatomically constructed race of beings might subsist otherwise under Martian, Mercurial, Veneral, Jovian, Saturnian, Neptunian or Uranian sufficient and equivalent conditions, though an apogean humanity of beings created in varying forms with finite differences resulting similar to the whole and to one another would probably there as here remain inalterably and inalienably attached to vanities, to vanities of vanities and to all that is vanity

    9. Call it one hundred because ninety-five cries out to be approximated

    10. We were instructed by a man of about my age, who treated us with defensive hostility; he wore very dark blue shirts, a lemon-yellow tie, and horn-rimmed glasses, and it was largely by reason of this warning that I modified my own style of dress until it approximated to what my cousin jasper would have thought suitable for country-house visiting

    11. It combines a statement of actual earnings, shown over a period of years, with a reasonable expectation that these will be approximated in the future, unless extraordinary conditions supervene

    12. The amount of this extra value, or “cushion,” above the debt may be approximated by using the average market price of the junior stock issues over a period of years

    13. 6 Returns are approximated by dividing the total net value of plan assets at the beginning of the year by “actual return on plan assets

    14. If an infinite number of balls were dropped into the maze, the resulting distribution might be approximated by a normal distribution curve such as the one overlaid on the distribution in Figure 6-2

    15. For example, when a stock is expected to pay a dividend, an American call value can be approximated by comparing the Black-Scholes value of the call option under two circumstances:

    16. For example, the 2010 PetSmart 10-K discloses that sales from its two largest vendors approximated 22

    17. For example, a Synthetic Long position can be approximated with a deep in-the-money Long Call

    18. It follows that, for any investor, the currency-hedged return of a risky foreign asset is well approximated by the sum of the investor’s home currency deposit rate and the foreign asset’s excess return over the foreign deposit rate

    19. [5] Break-even spread widening can be approximated by annual yield spread divided by duration at horizon

    20. They are examples of the convenient “rule of 72” which says that the number of years in which you double your money is approximated by the number 72 divided by the percentage rate of return

    21. Although profit cannot be expressed in the same units as forecast by this criterion, the notion of the “positive profits area” is close to probability and can be approximated by the proportion of profitable combinations

    22. But there is no getting around the fact that in the long run equity returns are closely approximated by the sum of the dividend rate, now 1

    23. It is closely approximated by the Wilshire 5000, Russell 3000, and CRSP-All indexes

    24. In the opinion of management, the estimated aggregate market value of the above investments approximated cost at December 31, 1986 and 1985

    25. In our particular family such apprehension was common to Papa, Woloda, and myself, and was developed to the highest pitch, Dubkoff also approximated to our coterie in apprehension, but Dimitri, though infinitely more intellectual than Dubkoff, was grosser in this respect

    26. True, the familiarity of this address almost approximated to rudeness, yet even the boorish exterior of the speaker could not conceal a constant endeavour never to hurt another one’s feelings

    27. The teeth are as in the genus Mustela, and white; those of the lower jaw are larger and stronger: the grinders are four on each side; they are broad, trifid, with the middle lobe sharp and very long: the tusks, or dogteeth, are very strong, curved, and approximated, leaving a very small place for the incisores, which are very small, very short, and flat; the two lateral ones on each side are situated diagonally, the second behind, and the two middle ones are only half the size of the others

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