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    art of printing примеры предложений

    art of printing

    1. Before the invention of the art of printing, the only employment by which a man of letters

    2. profitable employment than that other of writing for a bookseller, to which the art of printing

    3. If fifty years ago it was possible that the wealthy man of leisure and the illiterate laborer should both believe that their positions, the one a continual holiday, the other a life of incessant labor, were ordained by God—in these days, not only throughout Europe, and even in Russia, owing to the activity of the people, the growth of education, and the art of printing, it is hardly possible to find a man, either rich or poor, who in one way or another would not question the justice of such an order of things

    4. Those principles are on record; they are engraved upon it indelibly by the press, and will live as long as the art of printing is suffered to exist

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