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    as before примеры предложений

    as before

    1. Then he stayed in the town's only hotel and ate at the same diner as before, which seemed to be the only restaurant in town

    2. Other passengers take their seats around him, some stowing luggage in the overhead areas before sitting

    3. Enoch is fishing just as he was before, just as if he had never left the place

    4. He was before everything

    5. The question was asked often, something like, where is my great, great, grandfather who died in the seizure of Taskent in 2148? The Mullahs have to say something about 'old' and 'new' heaven and how he was before the switch-over

    6. Her artificial limbs would still work and the palsic shakes that came on would go away once she adjusted to them, but she wouldn't have the same fine control as before, not until the damaged interfaces were replaced back at Sagan

    7. I escaped to Pallas before the Judge's famine

    8. That was before the wildhull got loose way up here in the Lhar

    9. As before, I am impressed by the skill of our distant ancestors … I can’t imagine the work and organisation that must have gone into building this place

    10. The hands are held palm to palm, and the head is then pressed to the knees as before

    11. When Joris’ parents were killed, Joris set up home for Karentze and himself in their family house so we were able to keep in touch much as before

    12. The hands should be in the same position as before

    13. Later that day, and as before, the girls assembled outside the shop and one of Tiffany’s friends was sent inside to ask, “She says you can have two kisses and she’ll think about a drink”

    14. At least I was before this address was re-mapped to your back door

    15. That was before he was kicked out of his

    16. The truth that I hold is that I am what was before and will accept

    17. Later that day, and as before, the girls assembled outside the

    18. current to have improved from that which was before it, but not in all genres

    19. north with the same amount of water as before

    20. The girls finish their cigarettes and stub them out in the same neglected plant pot as before

    21. Then just as suddenly, habit, distraction, and old postures resume and all is as it was before

    22. Breakfast had appeared as before, but it was some hours before he was collected and escorted back to the interview room

    23. “But I had those thoughts when you had been here less than ten years, it was before the Brazilians landed and the guy from Lumpral had been here for the best part of four decades already

    24. That was before he met Roman, of course

    25. That Ozzie character was another one he wouldn’t mourn – what that wife of his went through beggared description … he wondered idly who she was before she married the Hartley-Jones man

    26. “Actually no,” Ava said, “the Angel I was before I came to this flesh learned most of this knowledge a half century ago

    27. seem highlighted as before

    28. 'Think harder – are you sure it was before?'

    29. sure it was before

    30. what it was before

    31. Until now I still have an inferiority complex but not the same as before

    32. They didn’t look as anxious to step in the box as before

    33. Johnson countered as before, but every time he blocked, Roman’s

    34. Two of her tears wetted his eyes and they grew clear again, and he could see with them as before

    35. She was very beautiful; a more clever, or a more lovely countenance he could not fancy to himself; and she no longer appeared of ice as before, when she sat outside the window, and beckoned to him; in his eyes she was perfect, he did not fear her at all, and told her that he could calculate in his head and with fractions, even; that he knew the number of square miles there were in the different countries, and how many inhabitants they contained; and she smiled while he spoke

    36. works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in

    37. The acquisition, therefore, would be twice as easy as before

    38. It was hardly six before he began to talk with the same feverish animation as before

    39. She was very beautiful; a more clever, or a more lovely countenance he could not fancy to himself; and she no longer appeared of ice as before, when she sat outside the window, and beckoned to him; in his eyes she was perfect, he did not fear her at all… (they flew away) and higher up appeared the moon, quite large and bright; and it was on it that Kay gazed during the long long winter's night; while by day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen

    40. "That's OK, I've been in sleazy areas before

    41. She stood in the same place as before, and the Sultan, and sent for her

    42. The speaker's presence erupted in Brice's mind, and then he was before him and in the flesh

    43. The Sultan, who was sitting in his closet, mourning for his lost daughter, looked up, and rubbed his eyes, for there stood the palace as before! He ran there, and Aladdin received him, with the princess at his side

    44. in the long run it may be as it was before you came

    45. This rise in the value of silver, in proportion to that of corn, may either have been owing altogether to the increase of the demand for that metal, in consequence of increasing improvement and cultivation, the supply, in the mean time, continuing the same as before; or, the demand continuing the same as before, it may have been owing altogether to the gradual diminution of the supply: the greater part of the mines which were then known in the world being much exhausted, and, consequently, the expense of working them much increased; or it may have been owing partly to the one, and partly to the other of those two circumstances

    46. A portion of this waste land, however, after having been pastured in this wretched manner for six or seven years together, may be ploughed up, when it will yield, perhaps, a poor crop or two of bad oats, or of some other coarse grain ; and then, being entirely exhausted, it must be rested and pastured again as before, and another portion ploughed up, to be in the same manner exhausted and rested again in its turn

    47. The state of the whole commercial world can seldom be much affected by the improvement of any particular country; and the market for such commodities may remain the same, or very nearly the same, after such improvements, as before

    48. his justness, and the topic remains as open as before

    49. Its price, therefore, would be the same as before

    50. What was he going to do now? Renew his friendship with Morg and Glenelle of course, and Ava, though she was married now also and didn't seem as friendly as she was before he went into hiding

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