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    1. The measure of a man is not his wealth, beauty, intelligence, or physical strength, or any other ascertainable attribute, except this: how he treats other men – and how he treats his pets

    2. There exist (Hidden) Truths that are neither ascertainable by Method nor Experience although revealed to knowledgeable seekers who understand where and how to look for them

    3. (After all, was Saddam Huessin responsible in any manner for the events of September 11th 2001? Isn‘t this really all about Oil?) Such notions are easily ascertainable by the emergence of racial/ethnic coalitions that have teamed-up with (mainstreamed) traditional ones coaching them from the side-lines

    4. an ascertainable basis in authentic history, are, because

    5. It is morally inconceivable, if it had been the intention of Heaven to convey to mankind, speaking so great a variety of languages, into which the Bible must be translated,—the threatening of torment which should be absolutely endless, that such a threatening would be, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, expressed in terms which literally signify something in all languages wholly inconsistent with such a destiny: and that the announcement of the real danger awaiting the world should be dubiously ascertainable only from one passage in a gospel (Matthew), which is probably itself a translation; from another (in a second gospel—Mark), which has reached posterity in a very corrupted form; and lastly from two verses in the latest of the prophecies, where it is difficult to distinguish metaphors from simple terms, and where the terms employed are themselves undoubtedly employed by the Jewish Rabbi, as well as in the Bible, to denote a limited period of duration in punishment

    6. This means that the concept of “earning power,” expressed as a definite figure, and the derived concept of intrinsic value, as something equally definite and ascertainable, cannot be safely accepted as a general premise of security analysis

    7. The checkered history of the Interborough Rapid Transit System in New York City has presented a great variety of divergences between market prices and the real or relative values ascertainable by analysis

    8. There is indeed enough sound sense and selective judgment in the market’s activities to create on most occasions some degree of correspondence between market price and ascertainable or intrinsic value

    9. In 2009 an investor could have bought Cheung Kong Holdings common at a near 30 percent discount from readily ascertainable NAV

    10. In 2008, The Wharf Holdings common could have been purchased at an almost 49 percent discount from readily ascertainable NAV

    11. Back then the prospects seemed to favor the assumption that Capital Southwest would grow readily ascertainable NAV by at least 10 percent per year for the foreseeable future

    12. Other assets may have readily ascertainable values even though not so traded—as, for example, income-producing real estate

    13. This problem notwithstanding, the investor using a fundamental finance approach can obtain large margins of safety by restricting his purchases to issues selling at steep discounts from readily ascertainable NAVs from highly creditworthy issuers with good prospects for increasing NAV in the future at rates of 10 percent per annum or larger

    14. In our analysis, we try to invest in the common stocks of well-financed companies with readily ascertainable NAVs selling at discounts from such NAVs of at least 20 percent

    15. While investing in readily ascertainable NAVs at a discount may provide OPMIs with considerable downside protections over the long term, it seems to offer no protection against short-term market risk, that is, fluctuations in security prices

    16. Further, while investing in readily ascertainable NAVs at a discount may be a good way to enjoy a reasonable absolute return, it in no way assures an OPMI that favorable relative returns will be achieved compared with other investment approaches

    17. Acquire the common stocks of well-capitalized companies at deep discounts from readily ascertainable NAVs

    18. 11, that is, the company enjoys a super strong financial position; the common stock is priced at, at least a 20 percent discount from readily ascertainable NAV; disclosures are comprehensive; the common stock is traded in well regulated markets, and the prospects appear good that over the next three to seven years, NAV will grow by not less than 10 percent compounded annually after adding dividends

    19. The definition of cheap in acquiring common stocks in the vast majority of cases is to acquire issues at prices that reflect substantial discounts from readily ascertainable net asset values (NAVs), and such NAV is likely to increase by not less than 10 percent per year

    20. Readily ascertainable NAVs means that most OPMI common stock portfolios will to a large extent be concentrated in financial institutions and companies involved with income-producing real estate

    21. Take an investor following the fundamental finance approach, with excellent knowledge about the fundamentals of the businesses he or she invests in, possessing the discipline to only buy securities at prices representing meaningful discounts from readily ascertainable net asset values, but lacking control or access to super-attractive finance

    22. Specifically, we believe that a common stock portfolio consisting of investments in companies enjoying strong financial positions, priced at a relatively large discounts from readily ascertainable net asset value (NAV), where the market participant has available comprehensive disclosures, should be relatively more concentrated and relatively less diversified

    23. We feel comfortable insofar as at least 50 percent of a common stock portfolio consists of issues issued by companies where: the company enjoys a super strong financial position; the common stock is priced at, at least, a 20 percent discount from readily ascertainable NAV; disclosures are comprehensive; the common stock is traded in well regulated markets, and the prospects appear good that over the next three to seven years, NAV will grow by not less than 10 percent compounded annually after adding dividends

    24. Promulgated the belief that investment decisions ought to be based on ascertainable facts

    25. In a conservative, non-control, FF investment, the common stocks that we have purchased are those of blue-chip companies selling at substantial discounts from readily ascertainable net asset values (NAV)

    26. Asset values are very important insofar as they are readily ascertainable and exist in well-financed companies

    27. Graham and Dodd made four very important contributions to value investing: (1) they clearly articulated a usable definition of investing as opposed to speculation; (2) they distinguished between market price and intrinsic value (a concept that still seems alien to MCT); (3) they pioneered the concept of investing with a margin of safety, and (4) they promulgated the belief that investment decisions ought to be based on ascertainable facts

    28. GAAP are often not helpful when businesses create wealth through having unrealized—and therefore unreported—appreciation of assets for which there are no readily ascertainable market values

    29. The investor is in a conservative position since he has purchased a high-quality issuer, and has done so at significant discounts from readily ascertainable net asset value (NAV)

    30. This would be followed by businesses trading below readily ascertainable liquidation value in the open market (and not bleeding cash), and then would be purchasing business trading at a discount to predictable free cash flows of high quality businesses

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