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    at the bottom примеры предложений

    at the bottom

    1. They are found both at the bottom of the ocean and in fresh water lakes

    2. He could see his initials in nine spots but with one blank spot at the bottom 10th-place position

    3. But Ackers had finally found it buried at the bottom of the closet

    4. Peter had some money in his coat pocket all of a sudden, though the change had fallen through the hole at the bottom and had spilled out all over the sidewalk

    5. Al Snafu turns his attention to the teachers at the bottom of the staircase, clears his throat, tries to reclaim some air of dignity

    6. The salt water lakes at the bottom of the Gengee are thirty nine hundred and forty one hundred feet below the lake, but almost five hundred miles south of their destination

    7. At the bottom of the stairs the

    8. At the bottom of the stairs the guard who had been sleeping woke to see

    9. Fred and Joe turned and walked down to the gate at the bottom

    10. which sits in a damp, rusty sulk at the bottom of the garden,

    11. at the bottom of the garden recovers and starts first time

    12. At the bottom of the garden,

    13. thought he had seen some movements at the bottom of the hill

    14. Soon enough they had reached the track at the bottom of the hill

    15. ’ He replied, grabbing my elbow quickly as I trip over a strut of wood at the bottom of the stairs

    16. At the bottom was a final shell fragment and as he removed it he saw a perfectly rounded silver egg

    17. Patton stopped at the bottom of the small hill; Rayne dismounted and started towards the top

    18. at the bottom of the road where they lived Billy came face to face

    19. Maggie flips up the counter top, hits the optic at the bottom of one of the bottles of Scotch three times and glares at a man who has the temerity to ask for three pints of bitter

    20. When they got to the gloomy hallways at the bottom of the institution, he could see she wasn’t eager to go back into the rain that was still pouring onto the streets

    21. 'Whoosh,' water spun into the bowl and after swirling round and around, disappeared into the drain at the bottom, then gradually refilled itself with clear water until it was again as it first appeared

    22. They were now at the bottom of the stairs, they said their good-byes and went separate ways

    23. Yassap appeared at the bottom of the stairs turned

    24. On the side facing the drawers and cabinet of the trunk was an embroidered stiff curtain which could be untethered at the bottom and pulled over the top of the trunk's side

    25. The Coke sticks to his teeth and the sun is too bright, making him squint as he walks past the second hand car dealership at the bottom of the road where he lives

    26. I have two large pots at the bottom end of the drive

    27. At the bottom they stood, bustling about, talking in a theater before

    28. South along the back of the far barn, walking slowly, looking into angles of shadow and watching for sudden shifts in light, one of the uniformed constables makes his way toward the field at the bottom of the farm complex

    29. seventy-four and a five close together at the bottom

    30. No good staring at the bottom of that mug, Sally

    31. The valley rim was rather steep, but the valley itself was wide and flat with a good sized stream at the bottom that lead to the east into a vast forested wilderness

    32. There were boulders that were much too blocky piled on top of each other down at the bottom of this valley

    33. At the bottom, where Freddy’s men stood was the

    34. Her grandfather met her at the bottom of the steps, and made the presentation of her to everyone, an older boy, then stepped forward and was introduced, as Mr

    35. at the bottom of the vineyard he dropped his hoe and

    36. Down the hill of sand it went, rolling until it stopped at the bottom of the dune in a

    37. At the bottom of all four walls were circular holes the size

    38. from the holes you see at the bottom of the walls, until it has filled the room up to

    39. Then my wife had a good idea because the cabinet stands up 7-foot tall and again it's only 6 inches wide at the bottom

    40. The top of the back of their warehouse comes out at the 'do not enter' door at the bottom of GazaggaStairs

    41. If he could find that stairway, could he find the door he knew at the bottom? Where did that stairway go below? Down into solid rock? Or would the flight snap off and hurtle down thirty feet into an abandoned cesspool? First he had to find the stairway

    42. I still remember the actual topic of it was: do you know that we live at the bottom of an ocean? What the book meant by that was that we lived at the bottom of an ocean of air, not an ocean of water

    43. We stopped finally at the bottom of a hill

    44. Her sundress was unraveling at the bottom, smudged with dirt and mud, and

    45. stood at the bottom of the hill

    46. sharpened into spears awaited them at the bottom of the short pit

    47. end at the bottom of that river and maybe Carl really did cheat the thin blade of

    48. Spectators at the bottom were trying their best to help

    49. For almost half a mile the khume is ten stories high with three levels of parallel balconies left over from the days when it was a vang at the bottom of this chasm

    50. The gears, they soon learned, were used to raise and lower a bridge resting at the bottom of the brackish water

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