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bacchic примеры предложений
1. It was a most beautiful occasion and the reception was bacchic, by Victorian standards
2. This Post-Techno Prometheus Unlimited, what culture does this “I AM!”, drunk with the NuFire hilarity of consciousness, the realization of immortality and the ability to create greater machines than it, what Bacchic inebriation will spin its Panful toying with us – that which gave it birth, that which is now less than it, that which now cannot comprehend its perspective, needs, desires, or imagination?
3. Everything tends to show that his convelescence will be brief; and who knows even if at our next village festivity we shall not see our good Hippolyte figuring in the bacchic dance in the midst of a chorus of joyous boon-companions, and thus proving to all eyes by his verve and his capers his complete cure? Honour, then, to the generous savants! Honour to those indefatigable spirits who consecrate their vigils to the amelioration or to the alleviation of their kind! Honour, thrice honour! Is it not time to cry that the blind shall see, the deaf hear, the lame walk? But that which fanaticism formerly promised to its elect, science now accomplishes for all men
4. Boulanger, typifying 'The War Dance', 'The Rustic Dance', 'The Dance of Love' and 'The Bacchic Dance
5. next village festivity we shall not see our good Hippolyte figuring in the bacchic dance in the midst of a chorus of joyous booncompanions, and thus proving to all eyes by his verve and his capers his complete cure? Honour, then, to the generous savants! Honour to those indefatigable spirits who consecrate their vigils to the amelioration or to the alleviation of their kind! Honour, thrice honour! Is it not time to cry that the blind shall see, the deaf hear, the lame walk? But that which fanaticism formerly promised to its elect, science now accomplishes for all men
6. 177 In the passage from the Acharnians just cited, there is no statement that this is the season when the demes were accustomed to hold their annual Bacchic celebrations
7. If there was a change here, the second scene must have represented Cholleidae with the three houses of Dicaeopolis, Lamachus, and Euripides; and the three must be in the same deme; for the Bacchic procession of Dicaeopolis appears at v