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    back down

    1. He hadn't started it, and started back down past Ava, "I gotta do that, you know the house

    2. Ava was back down by the time the last one was cool enough to hold

    3. He wondered where she was now, playing in the snows of Kugenzglaw? Or did she experience one winter and head right back down to her old place down Sinbara point? What if she'd come up to the Wild Catch last Nightday?

    4. Henry waved weakly and then sat back down on his hard chair

    5. Back downstairs, Scar was watching Silence with a measure of disgust

    6. Looking back down, Johnny saw that he was about to overfill his cereal with the milk

    7. Comatose John gives John a big wink, lays his head back down and closes his eyes

    8. indolently, lays his head back down and falls to sleep

    9. The man sat back down onto the cold pavement

    10. I decided to forget about it and put the phone back down on the sofa

    11. " He pointed back down to the end of the long snaking queue

    12. Robbie put the tray back down on the floor and looked at me quizzically

    13. He motioned me to sit back down on the camp bed

    14. I'm still not going to fall for it, Apollo thinks to himself as he lies back down on the bed, trying to stifle his appetite that's suddenly eating away at his determination

    15. We popped up bottom up, slammed back down on our faces and gradually righted to endure the same pounding for hours more

    16. Coming back downstairs he reached for the crossbow, and called for the ‘twins’

    17. Kate was anxious to speak with Daniel, and after a bit he came back down the mountain

    18. I found that by filling my lungs each time I surfaced I was able to claw myself back down, probing the stones and strange shaped sea-shells until I was about to burst

    19. It would usually excite me too much and would be forcefully sent back down to my holding cell

    20. I sat in a cop car for a bit until it was safe to transfer me back down

    21. Kelvin sank back down to the couch

    22. bound charges careered back down the road

    23. Thru the whole minute it took her to get back down to the two-rut track that seemed to be the main road in this area, he bawled her out in that language that meant nothing to her

    24. Once we went back down to the dining room and chatted, I couldn’t get a lot out of that

    25. The captain held his head in his hands, staring thru the invisible table at the yellow star they were descending back down to

    26. “Well, I will tell you this,” he said as he put the bottle back down, “I would be very glad to know you, for you are an elegantly beautiful lady, but I do not recognize you

    27. The woman sat back down, she knew it was useless

    28. The journey back down the hill was

    29. Her chest heaving with the effort of catching her breath, she risked a glance back down the path – Mickey was nowhere in sight

    30. He stood there poised for a moment then stepped slowly back down to the ground, walked back round the pond, stood before his sisters---and he bowed

    31. back down the main street in the direction of the causeway

    32. The young man sat back down and looked at his notes for his 'experiments

    33. “I’ve just come back down from her home town in the company of one of her old boyfriends

    34. He pulled each panel into place and fastened it over the new roof, then he climbed back down to join his son

    35. He took a couple of steps and then fell back down

    36. looked at it briefly and lay his head back down

    37. Heather stood up like a jack in the box but was sat back down by Jack’s hand on

    38. ‘I don’t think there is much doubt about that!’ I retort as we start walking back down the hill and she laughs

    39. We don’t talk much as we walk back down to the houses but it is a friendly and relaxed silence and, when we part at my gate, I feel that we have somehow become closer friends than we were before

    40. “No, I never lived with a woman the whole time I was out that way, that’s one of the reasons I came back down this way, I heard there was a surplus of women here

    41. She then ran her hands back down to the woman's waist and declared, “This fine lady is

    42. He turned and looked at her as if he knew what she meant, his eyes were piercing but not painfully, they were gentle – then he looked back down at the water

    43. She pulled her arm free and pushed the sleeve back down, what business is it of his, she thought

    44. He sat back down

    45. ” She sat back down and leaned against his knees

    46. " he looked up to the ceiling as if for an answer, then looking back down at her, he said "I wish I could just tell you, but that would break the bonds of the legend

    47. She brought the remainder of her clothes and a whole box of books and magazines back down to Marcue’s

    48. Harry concluded and sat back down

    49. " then looking back down at her, on his face was the fear, his voice had held originally "It's you I worry about

    50. " He insisted pushing her back down

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