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    back off

    1. He crumples them up and rolls them back off the bed

    2. I had a cold thesh and brined and was working in the back office until I heard this gentleman at the door

    3. He started taking a few steps back off the porch

    4. "Only because you back off from her

    5. However, they quickly back off respectfully, when, out of the shadows, appears HAMO, a jolly, tall, angular Armenian man with a three-day growth of beard

    6. She stepped back off the carpet and found herself stepping down onto the sand again, the home disappeared and the wild pristine beach front was all around them with a beautiful Persian carpet hovering eight to fourteen inches off the sand

    7. Once they realise who actually knows I’m here, I reckon they’ll back off

    8. JOYCE: Did she not back off when you kissed her?

    9. He would put the seat belt back on me and I would know it was daddy and a few minutes later I would forget and take it back off to escape whoever he really was

    10. It is in our best interest to back off from

    11. Tell your poodle to back off, mate

    12. He decides to back off

    13. ‘And what has put that twinkle in your eye, Dave Jarvis?’ Doris, the mainstay of the police station asked as he went into the back office after leaving James to talk to Andy

    14. What she did get was a report that Tahlmute was very nervous and touchy about the investigation, to the point where her contact had to back off

    15. A light breeze rustled through the trees about them, and little animals could be heard moving back off the path

    16. " He announced as he started back off, through a stand of trees

    17. Emma had to back off the questioning, even though she’d several that were running through her head

    18. "I said that I’d back off, and stop tormenting you

    19. ‘Back off, ‘retorted the soldier

    20. We set back off to the village leaving the dead Turks lying where they fell as we arrived back we found an advance Platoon of Lancashire Fusiliers already established there

    21. I must admit and I know it sounds selfish and not what’s expected but I couldn’t wait to get back off leave to the Battalion

    22. armpits and pulled her back off the padding on to the concrete

    23. Two days later we headed back into the line we started the march after dinner and it was hard going making our way foreword as we moved up a convoy of ambulances went past us and we stood back off the road to let them pass

    24. Saw the Corner back off Oliva, changed the play, took the snap and fired it out to him for 14

    25. In other words, that journalist should know when to back off

    26. Tell them to use the ear pieces and tell them to back off the civvies! Then tell them to keep their fucking mouth shut!” he blurted at the other man

    27. prized possession, Barbara, and he was tel ing them to back off

    28. Set back off the street, modest in appearance

    29. “Er, what do you mean?” Mia said before she turned to head back off to escort her mom from The Crescendo

    30. Simply back off; leave it alone

    31. I pulled the spread and top sheet back off the bed and I started to lay back on the bed

    32. Bruce’s voice could be heard loud and clear, “Back off, bro!”

    33. Bruce could do nothing to get the young driver to back off

    34. “That son-of-a-bitch! back off, you bastard! I’ll slow down and when he passes, I’ll unload the canon on him!”

    35. “He said it had to do with you sneaking into his back offices and knocking out his bodyguard

    36. The day you duped my receptionist and snuck into the back offices I was very suspicious of you

    37. back off by truck at the compound

    38. He reversed back off his drive

    39. The 575 Pizzeria is tucked back off the

    40. One F-16 landed on a business building on 39th Street in Sunset Park, destroying a few back offices

    41. This time it bounces back off the blisters as each has their own clear invisible energy shields that light up over their left arms

    42. “Scott, back off and leave the lady alone,” one of the men said

    43. “You think she’ll back off?” I asked and she smiled again

    44. “You need to back off

    45. He kisses me once, but I back off

    46. She slipped the hood back off the child’s head and the girl’s baby

    47. Hansen were very secretive about their “private accounts” and that I ran the risk of being fired if I did not back off

    48. times, to back off when it came to what Lucy ate, or

    49. After she went into a back office a guy comes out screaming at Tony saying,

    50. We couldn’t determine if it was a planet, a mass of intelligent thought, or a vessel, but it was drawing us toward it, and our ship didn’t respond when we commanded it to back off

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