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    1. sores, complaints of baldness, gout, and toothache

    2. I had decided to wear the wig because, even though my ―peach fuzz‖ had started to grow in, I was still uncomfortable with my baldness, especially for a first time out

    3. Yul Brynner made baldness fashionable before Tele Savalas and me

    4. And now that her hair has grown in somewhat, and her baldness isn’t the first thing I see, I also notice her delicate nose, her full lips—she is striking without trying to be

    5. baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty

    6. Medeba: on all their heads shall be baldness, and every beard cut off

    7. 5 Baldness is come on Gaza; Ashkelon is

    8. themselves with sackcloth, and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be on all faces, and baldness on all their heads

    9. lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth on all loins, and baldness on every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only son,

    10. children; enlarge your baldness as the eagle; for they are gone into captivity from you

    11. “He cured me of baldness

    12. 5 They shall not make baldness on their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh

    13. 5 They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in

    14. But Amaranta could not bear the memories that that man, whose baldness had plunged him into the abyss of premature old age, aroused in her, and she would torment him with snide remarks until he did not come back except on special occasions and he finally disappeared, extinguished by paralysis

    15. Besides, Mungo does not wear a cap, he wears his agaric bandanna, and he would never take it off in the sight of anyone, for he has a patch of baldness like a monk's tonsure that reveals an unsightly piece of head-cheese underneath

    16. José Arcadio Segundo, devoured by baldness, indifferent to the air that had been sharpened by the nauseating vapors, was still reading and rereading the unintelligible parchments

    17. Wickland was often likened to Dick Clark by many of his colleagues who were astounded by his ability to keep looking younger with each passing year while they continued to age with graying hair, crow’s-feet, and baldness

    18. contribute to his appearance eventually catching up with his age, which would then force him to resort to either total baldness or a toupee

    19. baldness, and firm body of a man that had seemed to

    20. He knew so many men of his age who accepted baldness as a matter of fact

    21. Irritation and anger prevailed over his vanity and erased all his fears of baldness

    22. “It is to treat baldness, my son

    23. There will be no more baldness after today

    24. I would think the same of baldness, but we still

    25. "Those," said Herr Dremmel, who in the lush meadows of dalliance had forgotten that what had first attracted him to her had been a certain bright baldness of brain, "would be pretty little nonsense sermons the small snail would produce

    26. And each time he went home after having been in the frugal baldness of Creeper Cottage he hated the superfluities of his own house more and more, he accused himself louder and louder of being mean-spirited, effeminate, soft, vulgar, he loathed himself for living embedded in such luxury while she, the dear and lovely one, was ready cheerfully to pack her beauty into a tub if needs be, or let it be weather-beaten on a pillar for thirty years if by so doing she could save her soul alive

    27. Harvey was about thirty-five years of age with a solid build, blue eyes and sandy hair that had experienced a great amount of thinning at the front and heralded baldness in just a few more years

    28. Thus when the mortician entered she looked as she always did and there was no talk or snickering around the town in regard to her baldness

    29. His swarthy baldness complemented a sinewy pair of tanned arms

    30. baldness by rubbing chillies onto his head

    31. And even then, subtle variations, some amount of play, is introduced to relieve their baldness

    32. Green tea can prevent baldness

    33. This means that it can actually combat effectively one of the most serious causes of male baldness

    34. One of the most common and harmless (except to the ego) of all hair loss problems is male pattern baldness

    35. Propecia is being marketed as a medical breakthrough for the reversal of male pattern baldness in the guys

    36. Propecia is the only FDA approved medication to treat male pattern baldness

    37. Male or female pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss

    38. This type of hair loss is related to genetics where baldness is a hereditary problem

    39. Hair loss, if it continues to spread can affect the hair on the sides of the head and the rear as well to cause complete baldness

    40. Scientists who conducted extensive testing, found that the herb proved to be effective in treating men with baldness

    41. For example, a daily supplement of up to 1,500 milligrams of Saw Palmetto every day can prevent male pattern baldness from spreading

    42. This may cause the hair loss to appear very severe, but it does not cause baldness

    43. In fact, research has shown that DHT is for the most part the primary cause of hereditary hair loss and male pattern baldness

    44. Can stem cells help put an end to the long standing frustration and embarrassment of going bald? For years, scientists have focused on exploring the possibilities and promises of stem cells in their research to find a cure for male pattern baldness and other types of hair loss problems

    45. There is hope that given the speed at which science continues to advance and new medical innovations are introduced, permanent baldness can soon become a thing of the past

    46. Natural fruits and vegetables have many healing properties to help the body defend against baldness

    47. The study found that avoiding a westernized diet was one way to prevent baldness

    48. Modern research portrays the problem of baldness as caused by a hormonal or chemical imbalance in the body

    49. This is officially termed as alopecia; male pattern baldness is referred to as androgenic alopecia

    50. According to research conducted in this area the inheritance of genetic baldness comes from the mother’s side of the family

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