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1. Among the barbarous nations who overran the western provinces of the Roman empire, the performance of contracts was left for many ages to the faith of the contracting parties
2. In the present commercial state of the known world, the most barbarous nations, I believe, among whom land property is established, have some foreign commerce of this kind, and find among their wealthier neighbours such a demand for all the materials of clothing, which their land produces, and which can neither be wrought up nor consumed at home, as raises their price above what it costs to send them to those wealthier neighbours
3. But the market for the wool and the hides, even of a barbarous country, often extending to the whole commercial world, it can very seldom be enlarged in the same proportion
4. It must have some tendency to sink their price in a barbarous, and to raise it in an improved and manufacturing country
5. But from the high or low money price of some sorts of goods in proportion to that of others, we can infer, with a degree of probability that approaches almost to certainty, that it was rich or poor, that the greater part of its lands were improved or unimproved, and that it was either in a more or less barbarous state, or in a more or less civilized one
6. The customs of merchants, which were established when the barbarous laws of Europe did not enforce the performance of their contracts, and which, during the course of the two last centuries, have been adopted into the laws of all European nations, have given such extraordinary privileges to bills of exchange, that money is more readily advanced upon them than upon any other species of obligation; especially when they are made payable within so short a period as two or three months after their date
7. In the disorderly times which gave birth to those barbarous institutions, the great proprietor was sufficiently employed in defending his own territories, or in extending his jurisdiction and authority over those of his neighbours
8. That which arises from the more solid improvements of agriculture is much more durable, and cannot be destroyed but by those more violent convulsions occasioned by the depredations of hostile and barbarous nations continued for a century or two together ; such as those that happened for some time before and after the fall of the Roman empire in the western provinces of Europe
9. The colonies of the Dorians resorted chiefly to Italy and Sicily, which, in the times preceding the foundation of Rome, were inhabited by barbarous and uncivilized nations; those of the Ionians and Aeolians, the two other great tribes of the Greeks, to Asia Minor and the islands of the Aegean sea, of which the inhabitants sewn at that time to have been pretty much in the same state as those of Sicily and Italy
10. The colonies carry out with them a knowledge of agriculture and of other useful arts, superior to what can grow up of its own accord, in the course of many centuries, among savage and barbarous nations
11. But among savage and barbarous nations, the natural progress of law and government is still slower than the natural progress of arts, after law and government have been so far established as is necessary for their protection
12. All those colonies had established themselves in countries inhabited by savage and barbarous nations, who easily gave place to the new settlers
13. Africa, however, as well as several of the countries comprehended under the general name of the East Indies, is inhabited by barbarous nations
14. The most barbarous nations either of Africa or of the East Indies, were shepherds; even the Hottentots were so
15. The Cape of Good Hope was inhabited by a race of people almost as barbarous, and quite as incapable of defending themselves, as the natives of America
16. The militias of some barbarous nations defended themselves much better
17. In general, however, and when the Roman armies were well commanded, they appear to have been very much superior; and if the Romans did not pursue the final conquest either of Parthia or Germany, it was probably because they judged that it was not worth while to add those two barbarous countries to an empire which was already too large
18. It was brought about by the irresistible superiority which the militia of a barbarous has over that of a civilized nation; which the militia of a nation of shepherds has over that of a nation of husbandmen, artificers, and manufacturers
19. When a civilized nation depends for its defence upon a militia, it is at all times exposed to be conquered by any barbarous nation which happens to be in its neighbourhood
20. The frequent conquests of all the civilized countries in Asia by the Tartars, sufficiently demonstrates the natural superiority which the militia of a barbarous has over that of a civilized nation
21. Such an army, as it can best be maintained by an opulent and civilized nation, so it can alone defend such a nation against the invasion of a poor and barbarous neighbour
22. As it is only by means of a well regulated standing army, that a civilized country can be defended, so it is only by means of it that a barbarous country can be suddenly and tolerably civilized
23. No society, whether barbarous or civilized, has ever found it convenient to settle the rules of precedency of rank and subordination, according to those invisible qualities; but according to something that is more plain and palpable
24. Some particular branches of commerce which are carried on with barbarous and uncivilized nations, require extraordinary protection
25. To defend them from the barbarous natives, it is necessary that the place where they are deposited should be in some measure fortified
26. When a company of merchants undertake, at their own risk and expense, to establish a new trade with some remote and barbarous nation, it may not be unreasonable to incorporate them into a joint-stock company, and to grant them, in case of their success, a monopoly of the trade for a certain number of years
27. The service of the church, accordingly, and the translation of the Bible which were read in churches, were both in that corrupted Latin; that is, in the common language of the country, After the irruption of the barbarous nations who overturned the Roman empire, Latin gradually ceased to be the language of any part of Europe
28. It is otherwise in the barbarous societies, as they are commonly called, of hunters, of shepherds, and even of husbandmen in that rude state of husbandry which precedes the improvement of manufactures, and the extension of foreign commerce
29. In those barbarous societies, as they are called, every man, it has already been observed, is a warrior
30. During the barbarous times of feudal anarchy, merchants, like all the other inhabitants of burghs, were considered as little better than emancipated bondmen, whose persons were despised, and whose gains were envied
31. If present attitudes are any indication of contemporary society‘s harsh assessment of its past, our society should not expect much sympathy from future generations that can only wonder how a society that called itself civilized and prided itself on its ―evolving standards of decency‖ could have condoned such barbarous practices
32. If anything, the behavior of clearly evil Axis regimes is an argument for precisely why the Allies should have avoided not only imitating their barbarous practices, but doing them on a far larger and more inhumane scale
33. He lost one-tenth of his legions to barbarous Germanic tribes in AD 9
34. a few, they overcame the whole country, and chased barbarous multitudes; 22 And recovered again the temple renowned all the world
35. 9 Now the king came with a barbarous and haughty mind to do far worse to the Jews, than had
36. 19 Now as concerning Judas Maccabeus and his brothers and the purification of the great temple and the dedication of the altar 20 And the wars against Antiochus Epiphanes and Eupator his son 21 And the manifest signs that came from Heaven to those who behaved themselves manfully to their honour for Judaism: so in being a few they overcame the whole country and chased barbarous multitudes; 22 And recovered again the temple renowned all the world over and freed the city and upheld the laws which were going down the Lord being gracious to them with all favour: 23 All these things I say being declared by Jason of Cyrene in five books we will assay to abridge in one volume
37. 22 And he left governors to vex the nation: at Jerusalem Philip for his country a Phrygian and for manners more barbarous than he who set him there; 23 And at Garizim Andronicus; and besides Menelaus who worse than all the rest bore an heavy hand over the citizens having a malicious mind against his countrymen the Jews
38. 4 When that was done they fell flat down and begged the Lord that they might come no more into such troubles; but if they sinned any more against him that he himself would chasten them with mercy and that they might not be delivered to the blasphemous and barbarous nations
39. 9 Now the king came with a barbarous and haughty mind to do far worse to the Jews than had been done in his father's time
40. 24 Having then received certain proofs that these Jews bear us every sort of ill-will we must look forward to the possibility of some sudden tumult among ourselves when these impious men may turn traitors and barbarous enemies
41. A barbarous shout from behind us
42. He was brandishing his pistol and stamping his barbarous authority
43. 'You Hyrkanian dog!' mouthed this apparition in a barbarous accent
44. "Have they shut you into the street?" he asked in barbarous Kothic, reaching for her
45. With a redder, more abysmal gleam in his deep dark eyes he told of men and women flayed alive, mutilated and dismembered, of captives howling under tortures so ghastly that even the barbarous Cimmerian grunted
46. It was, indeed and in truth, the will of the Father that his Son should drink to the full the cup of mortal experience, from birth to death, but the Father in heaven had nothing whatever to do with instigating the barbarous behavior of those supposedly civilized human beings who so brutally tortured the Master and so horribly heaped successive indignities upon his nonresisting person
47. Perhaps there might have been talk of nothing else for a long time if the barbarous extermination of the Aurelianos had not replaced amazement with honor
48. When she woke up the sun was shining in the window and she had a barbarous stitch in the shape of an arc that began at her crotch and ended at her sternum
49. Militaries around the world are burning, drowning, poisoning, electrocuting, shooting, and slicing innocent animals at a frenzied, barbarous pace
50. There was no more early barbarous outburst from mother and no more complaints from Moon and Jun
51. Today, we see these ceremonies as barbarous, but to preliterate man they were ceremonies
52. A Barbarous Religion horrible in savagery was born to bear death (submit or beheaded)
53. If we can cure the world of illness, of malaria, diarrhea, AIDS, but choose not to, because of our economic or political ethic, are we trespassers of a future ethic, which will find this act barbarous, or are we exemplars of today's business ethic, heroes of the profit motive? Slavers might have been great businessmen, but should we celebrate them rather than all those who did not become rich because they refused to participate in slavery, in any manner?
54. It is a barbarous custom, this of dining at one o'clock
55. The plan was of a barbarous simplicity: he was going to choose an umbrella from the collection that years had brought together in the stand in the hall, and go boldly and ask the man Neumann if he had dropped it in the churchyard
56. The action is shrewish, benighted, mediæval, nay, barbarous; and this box was a very hard one indeed, extraordinarily hard for so little a hand and so fasting a girl
57. not being able to bear his barbarous and tyrannical usage
58. What is the actual reason why for thousand of years, living humans cut off the heads of other living humans? What is the actual reason this barbarous, inhuman, monstrous practice of decapitation existed for thousands of years? It is the same reason why undead entities are now dumbing down the intelligence of every living baby and child in the world today
59. “Is this the way you romance a lady on your barbarous planet, sir?
60. All progress from that barbarous day to the present time has resulted from its displacement
61. there, with great splendor, celebrated the birthday of his brother Domitian; and according to the barbarous manner of
62. birthday of his brother Domitian; and according to the barbarous manner of those times, punished
63. his brother Domitian; and according to the barbarous manner of those times, punished many
64. Titus having marched his army to Caesarea, he (Titus) there, with great splendor, celebrated the birthday of his brother Domitian; and according to the barbarous manner of those times, punished many Jews in honor of it
65. ’ 'The barbarous Greek and abrupt, inelegant diction, are natural to the unlettered fisherman
66. ’ Of the Gospel he says, 'Instead of the Hellenistic Greek, abrupt and barbarous, we find the purest and least Hebraistic Greek of any of the gospels, and a refinement and beauty of composition whose charm has captivated the world
67. It is not a mark of barbarous thought, but the first function of Divine Government in the administration of law
68. The complaint had sometimes made itself audible, even in that deaf city and dumb age, that, in the narrow streets without footways, the fierce patrician custom of hard driving endangered and maimed the mere vulgar in a barbarous manner
69. For scores of years gone by, Monseigneur had squeezed it and wrung it, and had seldom graced it with his presence except for the pleasures of the chase--now, found in hunting the people; now, found in hunting the beasts, for whose preservation Monseigneur made edifying spaces of barbarous and barren wilderness
70. And then, what shall we say of the facility with which a born queen or empress will give herself over into the arms of some unknown wandering knight? What mind, that is not wholly barbarous and uncultured, can find pleasure in reading of how a great tower full of knights sails away across the sea like a ship with a fair wind, and will be to-night in Lombardy and to-morrow morning in the land of Prester John of the Indies, or some other that Ptolemy never described nor Marco Polo saw? And if, in answer to this, I am told that the authors of books of the kind write them as fiction, and therefore are not bound to regard niceties of truth, I would reply that fiction is all the better the more it looks like truth, and gives the more pleasure the more probability and possibility there is about it
71. qualifications requisite to make one, showing him sagacious in foreseeing the wiles of the enemy, eloquent in speech to encourage or restrain his soldiers, ripe in counsel, rapid in resolve, as bold in biding his time as in pressing the attack; now picturing some sad tragic incident, now some joyful and unexpected event; here a beauteous lady, virtuous, wise, and modest; there a Christian knight, brave and gentle; here a lawless, barbarous braggart; there a courteous prince, gallant and gracious; setting forth the devotion and loyalty of vassals, the greatness and generosity of nobles
72. All this tends to the prejudice of the truth and the corruption of history, nay more, to the reproach of the wits of Spain; for foreigners who scrupulously observe the laws of the drama look upon us as barbarous and ignorant, when they see the absurdity and nonsense of the plays we produce
73. I was troubled when I thought of the danger he was in, for among those barbarous Turks a fair youth is more esteemed than a woman, be she ever so beautiful
74. --How barbarous have I been to you!-- you, who have been my only comfort, who have borne with me in all my misery, who have seemed to be only suffering for me!--Is this my gratitude?--Is this the only return I can make you?--Because your merit cries out upon myself, I have been trying to do it away
75. Barbarous nations when they are introduced by Europeans to vice die out; polygamist peoples either import and adopt children from other countries, or dwindle in numbers, or both
76. And if we are to draw inferences about the origin of marriage from the practice of barbarous nations, we should also consider the remoter analogy of the animals
77. If we go back to an imaginary state in which men were almost animals and the companions of them, we have as much right to argue from what is animal to what is human as from the barbarous to the civilized man
78. It was horrific, medieval and barbarous
79. It seemed, for near a minute, as if the demons of hell had possessed themselves of the air about them, and were venting their savage humors in barbarous sounds
80. The vengeance of the Hurons had now taken a new direction, and they prepared to execute it with that barbarous ingenuity with which they were familiarized by the practise of centuries
81. " Well did these barbarous warriors prove that they deserved those significant names which had been bestowed for deeds in former wars
82. I ponder the irony that she denounced her mafia parents years ago to escape this very fate, yet now sits with us making barbarous laws in a barbarous time, enforcing them without mercy
83. It may, therefore, be easily imagined there is no scarcity of guides at the Colosseum, that wonder of all ages, which Martial thus eulogizes: "Let Memphis cease to boast the barbarous miracles of her pyramids, and the wonders of Babylon be talked of no more among us; all must bow to the superiority of the gigantic labor of the Caesars, and the many voices of Fame spread far and wide the surpassing merits of this incomparable monument
84. "Sir," he responded, "you are a stranger, and I believe you say yourself that justice, so expeditions in barbarous countries, takes with us a prudent and well-studied a portion of your life has been spent in Oriental countries, so you are not aware how human course
85. —And a barbarous bloody barbarian he is too, says the citizen
86. ‘There’s no doubt our society is still so barbarous (it’s not the same in England) that very many’—and among these were those whose opinion Alexey Alexandrovitch particularly valued—‘look favorably on the duel; but what result is attained by it? Suppose I call him out,’ Alexey Alexandrovitch went on to himself, and vividly picturing the night he would spend after the challenge, and the pistol aimed at him, he shuddered, and knew that he never would do it—‘suppose I call him out
87. The barbarous and imposing noise of the big drum, that can madden a crowd, and that even Europeans cannot hear without a strange emotion, seemed to draw Nostromo on to its source, while a man, wrapped up in a faded, torn poncho, walked by his stirrup, and, buffeted right and left, begged "his worship" insistently for employment on the wharf
88. He had served it lavishly with his fortune during his diplomatic career, and the later story of his captivity and barbarous ill-usage under Guzman Bento was well known to his listeners
89. But the ignorant and barbarous plainsmen engaging in civil strife followed willingly a leader who often managed to deliver their enemies bound, as it were, into their hands
90. women in crepe for the rest of their lives and forbidding them normal enjoyment is just “I have always thought,” he said reflectively, “that the system of mourning, of immuring as barbarous as the Hindu suttee
91. And the mildest thing they’ll say is that Suellen is a murderess and a traitor and It’s barbarous
92. They was thankin’ me in a kind o’ Silent Language an’ tellin’ me I was a Good Sort, an’ that they had dy’d in Pain but woke to Bliss, an’ we would be together now for all Eternity! Lass, ’twas the damndest Thing! Me whole Life, all the Rogues an’ Pretty Fellows I had known, was there before me! An’ the Ball o’ Fire, askin’ me whether I was ready to go with Martin, an’ me bein’ sorely tried, wantin’ to go with him, yet wantin’ to return to the World o’ Men to tell ’em what I knew, to tell ’em that God an’ the Angels verily guide our Ways, to tell ’em not to oppress their Fellows an’ make ’em Slaves, to show ’em their Cruelty an’ Barbarous Treatment o’ their Fellows
93. In the remote and Pagan Counties of Ireland, I have heard, e’en Today, of Men mating with Snow White Mares to raise the Crops and stave off Famine—but the Irish are a Barbarous Race and capable of any Nastiness!”
94. The Men of the Hopewell seem’d amaz’d by this Provision, for they were us’d, as most Common Seamen were, to the most barbarous Treatment in both Sickness and Health