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    be brilliant примеры предложений

    be brilliant

    1. 'That would be brilliant

    2. ‘Thanks, that would be brilliant

    3. “That would be brilliant,” she shouted back

    4. “A letter would be brilliant, yes

    5. He’d be brilliant husband material

    6. `It will be a tough choice with the both of you bright, your children will be brilliant

    7. “That would be brilliant, what about the ID badges?”

    8. “Don’t worry, Avril, he will be brilliant,” the witch promised

    9. That'll be brilliant

    10. You will have a healthy body and mind, the excretions will be scanty, the voice will be sweet, the face will be brilliant, and the eyes will be lustrous

    11. As for his future career, she had no doubt that it would be brilliant when certain sinister influences could be removed

    12. In a recess was a kind of divan, surmounted with a stand of Arabian swords in silver scabbards, and the handles resplendent with gems; from the ceiling hung a lamp of Venetian glass, of beautiful shape and color, while the feet rested on a Turkey carpet, in which they sunk to the instep; tapestry hung before the door by which Franz had entered, and also in front of another door, leading into a second apartment which seemed to be brilliantly illuminated


    14. Amazing Amy has to be brilliant, creative, kind, thoughtful, witty, and happy

    15. Much as the investor would like to be able to buy at just the right time and to sell out when prices are about to fall, experience shows that he is not likely to be brilliantly successful in such efforts and that by injecting the trading element into his investment operations he will … inevitably shift his interest into speculative directions

    16. Much as the investor would like to be able to buy at just the right time and to sell out when prices are about to fall, experience shows that he is not likely to be brilliantly successful in such efforts and that by injecting the trading element into his investment operations he will disrupt the income return on his capital and inevitably shift his interest into speculative directions

    17. The beautiful part of investing long term is that you don't have to be brilliant to be successful

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