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    be reflected примеры предложений

    be reflected

    1. we’d have to think about how that might be reflected in your salary

    2. You will find it a valuable exercise in the calming of the mind, and this calmness should be reflected in the serene expression of the face

    3. For example, an employer may offer a promotion and an employee may trust that the new salary will be reflected on the next paycheque

    4. His robe reflected the deep red hue in the pattern of the shawl

    5. She knelt down and placed the camera near the dirty ice floor, in the hope that the powerful ceiling lights would no longer be reflected in the choppy surface of the tank

    6. And that should be reflected on the letterhead

    7. imply that their operations should be reflected in the federal budget

    8. Just imagine how this would be reflected on the team you are guiding?

    9. Not a perfect outlook on life, values will be reflected in the form of morbid self-esteem, rely upon

    10. But if we assume that it is never marketed, it supplies a need of the man who grew it which would otherwise be reflected by purchases in the open market

    11. During the highest stage of concentration, when there is a total and absolute restraint the Spirit ‘dwells established in its own nature…pure, isolated and free…pure consciousness without limitations of space and time, without any inner or external object in which it can be reflected, reduced to motionlessness and to the silence of a quietude raised to its highest level

    12. I made you head of that project, and this disappointment will be reflected in your Annual Appraisal score

    13. Changes in a government's monetary or fiscal policies are bound to generate changes in the economy, and these will be reflected in the exchange rates

    14. You can’t communicate to it through micro or radio waves because those will be reflected

    15. They found they could sell if they wanted to, but that the price would be reflected by this clause

    16. the children, else they wil be reflected in your offspring's behavior

    17. Khoraja slumbered beneath the stars, which seemed to be reflected in the cressets that twinkled among the gardens and along the streets and on the flat roofs of houses where folk slept

    18. Who you are will be reflected in precisely how you keep your back straight and your chin up

    19. this valuing will be reflected in his self-esteem

    20. This will surely cause the meat to decay in a short time and this lack of quality will be reflected in the meat validity for human consumption

    21. When man eats of the meat of this killed animal and those spirits become a part of his body, their impressions will be reflected on his spirit and become printed in it

    22. Very little of this activity will be reflected in annual reports and it appears that the executive successfully funded long-term projects and

    23. higher risk will not be reflected on the income statement

    24. While such variables would not be reflected in basic

    25. All of these risks would be reflected by some

    26. structure will be reflected by three aspects of the ratio, % ∆ Net Income / % ∆ Sales:

    27. His False Self is bound to be reflected by his colleagues, co-members, or fellows

    28. `space and timè to be reflected over her

    29. Our kind of a `being` is currently modeled out from the contents of `space and time` to be reflected over her

    30. I have positioned it and the slit so that when the beam of light first enters the slit on the longest day, it will hit the clear stone first and be reflected all over the inside of the Shrine

    31. Mischia planted herself firmly where she was standing and touched her necklace; a bubble of energy appeared around her body, while Ywoth grabbed the terrified waiter’s neck, and was about to absorb his energy, when Warren walked in, and sent a bubble of reflective energy to the space between Mischia and Ywoth, so that the energy would be reflected back to the waiter

    32. What is it to say, 'A culture values life' other than to be pointing to institutions that both ensure and celebrate everybody's joyful experience of being alive? Because to esteem life is not merely to hold existence as the highest value, but rather as the principle to be reflected in everybody's experience of being alive

    33. Similarly, the wireless radio stations may broadcast their waves from an area in the furthest east and they will be reflected by the other receiving sets existing in the furthest west, though there is a large distance between the two stations

    34. VI, 180-185) Without pain no true poetry can be created, without pain we could not have the story of Ulysses’ adventures and we would not have one of the key elements that must be reflected upon if we want to understand the Odyssey’s deeper meaning

    35. the color change should be reflected in the navigation

    36. will be reflected in your credit risk rating

    37. eventually should be reflected in loyalty behavior, such as increased repeat business and customer retention

    38. “Every thing that is happening in the battle will be reflected on this board

    39. This will be reflected on the body

    40. —se, to be reflected

    41. Besides, the same color reflected through specific diffraction properties of “prisms” (Configurations of Self-Consciousness) of each wave structure’s individual manifestation will always be reflected in Space differently

    42. necessary either, as no matter its scale, it would necessarily be reflected in the consciousness

    43. ensuing from those aggregations, oneness would still be reflected in the interconnectedness

    44. whole itself, regardless of the level of observation, would be reflected in the others, involved

    45. when he undertook to improve his milieu, the amelioration would systematically be reflected

    46. will likely be reflected in all of its aspects

    47. Whatever you are feeling will be reflected in your way of talking and acting

    48. The organisational structure of the proposed charity should be reflected in the financial management and budget, sometimes cal ed ‘cost centres’ or ‘revenue centres’

    49. But colours of objects are caused by the different wavelengths of light that can be reflected by that particular material making up the object

    50. The remaining wavelengths of light that are unable to be reflected by that matter are absorbed by it and so unable to be registered as a stimulus on the retina - at the back of the eye - and processed by the optical area of the brain as a colour

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