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    1. On the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea, this pine forested land is home to deer, wild boar, moose, lynx, bear, fox, beaver and wolf – plus oak and linden trees

    2. Of this kind are molasses, coffee, cocoa-nuts, tobacco, pimento, ginger, whalefins, raw silk, cotton, wool, beaver, and other peltry of America, indigo, fustick, and other dyeing woods; secondly, such as are not the peculiar produce of America, but which are, and may be produced in the mother country, though not in such quantities as to supply the greater part of her demand, which is principally supplied from foreign countries

    3. In the book of rates, according to which the old subsidy was levied, beaver skins were estimated at six shillings and eight pence a piece; and the different subsidies and imposts which, before the year 1722, had been laid upon their importation, amounted to one-fifth part of the rate, or to sixteen pence upon each skin; all of which, except half the old subsidy, amounting only to twopence, was drawn back upon exportation

    4. The same successful war put the country most productive of beaver under the dominion of Great Britain ; and beaver skins being among the enumerated commodities, the exportation from America was consequently confined to the market of Great Britain

    5. Our manufacturers soon bethought themselves of the advantage which they might make of this circumstance; and in the year 1764, the duty upon the importation of beaver skin was reduced to one penny, but the duty upon exportation was raised to sevenpence each skin, without any drawback of the duty upon importation

    6. By the same law, a duty of eighteen pence the pound was imposed upon the exportation of beaver wool or woumbs, without making any alteration in the duty upon the importation of that commodity, which, when imported by British, and in British shipping, amounted at that time to between fourpence and fivepence the piece

    7. That of beaver skins, of beaver wool, and of gum-senega, has been subjected to higher duties ; Great Britain, by the conquests of Canada and Senegal, having got almost the monopoly of those commodities

    8. This is where I found my first beaver dam in Lennox County

    9. Most recently he stirred up endless controversy by stating that the well-known Super-8 Kodak color film of British Colombia’s ‘Ogopogo’ monster was merely a beaver submerging, and most emphatically not a sea-serpent

    10. We called her Ksistuk Ahki (Beaver Woman) because she loved to swim

    11. He opened the box and threw his team what looked like a skinned beaver

    12. Deer, moos, bear, beaver, raccoon, and rabbit could be easily caught here

    13. A Beaver FAC could barely put in the air because the visibility was lousy in the rain

    14. Beaver once bragged to her that when he went with Lionheart to a convention in Brazil, they had stayed at a ‘5 star all-inclusive’ resort

    15. This is high-level priority and I’ll make sure Beaver stays out of your way

    16. After cooking our dinner we deposited our mandatory bear proof canister away from our tent and sat on a knoll overlooking a little stream and pond where a beaver was actively building its lodge

    17. We experienced first hand the expression “eager beaver

    18. The beaver dogs were a cross between a house rat and a horse; one of the most hideous creatures one could ever see

    19. Jane and the others could hear the growling and the scratching at the entrance; the beaver dogs had picked up their scents and were on the hunt

    20. Might a beaver help me, I wondered? I had always gotten along well with beavers, but that was back where the earthfolk were good-natured

    21. Montreal on a wintery November day is devoid of attractions unless you possess beaver instincts and head for the Place Ville Marie, the vast underground complex of stores, theatres and restaurants

    22. And, indeed, there was an enormous pile of flat beaver tails off to the side of one stack

    23. "No more beaver!" David added

    24. "We still have the beaver, but it isn't a national symbol any more, is it?" she added

    25. Lawrence that he took notice of aboriginals holding up beaver

    26. supplies of new and used beaver robes

    27. Europe helped to sustain the beaver trade

    28. Beaver hats were a

    29. Soon, the beaver hats trade spread to Spain and Portugal

    30. Fur animals, especially the beaver helped mould a viable

    31. as important as the beaver

    32. The beaver has been our most

    33. Beaver populations skyrocketed from an estimated 20,000 in

    34. homeowners hit with beaver related problems

    35. Where did some of the wholesome shows of the 1950’s and 1960’s shows like Leave It to Beaver go? Shows where kids understood the parents were to be respected and when they were told to do something they did it

    36. The bear has it, the beaver has it, the birds have it, it

    37. Leave it to Beaver

    38. When we reached the beaver pond, I knew then that we

    39. there beaver heavily populated here within the shallows of the

    40. would call me and ask me to clear the beaver from a hidden creek

    41. We do it because it is what we are supposed to do, just as the bobcat is supposed to hunt the beaver, or the cow is supposed to eat the grass

    42. "Just a moment," said Clint, Chieftain of the Beaver Clan as he stood up

    43. impress my red neck buddies with stories about the Beaver

    44. Blake tell us the story about the Beaver he used to ask

    45. My only fun with the ladies was my one night stand with the Beaver when I was 17

    46. the waterbed watching Leave it to Beaver on his 13 inch

    47. Think about the TV shows in the '50s and '60s: Father Knows Best, Ozzie and Harriet, Leave It to Beaver

    48. a phallus and a beaver

    49. There were countless beaver and nutria, and an

    50. Where are you? The screen says Beaver

    1. Teal’s team took the clothes of Gregor’s men as a disguise, and beavered about the warehouse looking busy; while Max and Carla, Gregor and John were kept under close scrutiny in the small warehouse office

    1. Sir John Gladstone went to the rather tastefully decorated office where the two word-smiths were beavering away at their task, and as he perused page after page of the report he became more and more agitated

    2. where the two word-smiths were beavering away at their task, and

    3. I told him you"d be here, beavering away

    1. There are more wolves and beavers than anywhere in Europe and even Atlantic salmon come here to breed

    2. ’ He pointed out the animal was about five and half feet long, and that beavers submerge by slapping their tail

    3. Under the waterlogs the beavers propel themselves,

    4. Tinneh—an Athabaskan family consisting of the Hares, Yellowknives, Beavers, Slaveys, Dogribs, and

    5. It seems that Satan always has his "beavers," who are attempting

    6. The grounds had to be mowed by beavers and very fat cows

    7. Took deer one day and several beavers the next, butchering the carcass and burning a portion of it

    8. Might a beaver help me, I wondered? I had always gotten along well with beavers, but that was back where the earthfolk were good-natured

    9. It was as if thousands of huge, land-bound, and slovenly beavers had been at work, but all the beavers I have ever known were of normal size and behavior, aquatic and meticulous

    10. These seemed to be mostly beavers and muskrats

    11. We will tell the beavers as well, who I am sure will join any resistance, as they have suffered greatly; but there are not many of them left

    12. Beavers and deer and skunks and squirrels, any animals that could break stalks, stopped 176

    13. I can beat the beavers

    14. Beavers, for example, will play a key role in building the under-

    15. for the beavers to understand (they had spent most of their time

    16. Beavers, for example, will play a key role in building the underwater

    17. had been too difficult for the beavers to understand (they had spent most of

    18. When beavers build

    19. Deer, bears, beavers, rabbits, turkeys and other wildlife were abundant and vast, uncountable herds of buffalo grazed in the great plains

    20. The woods abounded with squirrel–like animals, the size of small beavers

    21. There were quite a few eager beavers that walked a lot faster than everyone else, so they moved quickly ahead

    22. ” Burns, almost a decade older than Nixon, was considered the elder wise man on the staff in contrast to all the young beavers

    23. "How now, friend! have you a mind to teach the beavers to sing?"

    24. "You were about opening your throat-practisings among the beavers, were ye?" he said

    25. beavers, and along the margin of their pond

    26. Within half an hour they gained the margin of another opening that bore all the signs of having been also made by the beavers, and which those sagacious animals had probably been induced, by some accident, to abandon,

    27. "The pale faces trap the cunning beavers; but the red-skins know how to take the

    28. Instead of taking the path which led directly toward the camp of the Delawares, Magua led his party for some distance down the windings of the stream, and along the little artificial lake of the beavers

    29. On that morning when Magua led his silent party from the settlement of the beavers into the forests, in the manner described, the sun rose upon the Delaware encampment as if it had suddenly burst upon a busy people, actively employed in all the customary avocations of high noon

    30. What need had they of roads to journey by! They saw through the hills! When the beavers worked, they lay in the shade, and looked on

    31. " Then he added, pointing in the direction of the place he mentioned, "the two make enough for the beavers

    32. Among the eager beavers attracted by the yields of up to 8


    34. Lucy thought the Beavers had a very snug little home though it was not at all like Mr Tumnus's cave

    35. He had just settled in his mind what sort of palace he would have and how many cars and all about his private cinema and where the principal railways would run and what laws he would make against beavers and dams and was putting the finishing touches to some schemes for keeping Peter in his place, when the weather changed

    36. It would have been a dreadful thing for the Beavers and the children if the night had remained fine, for the wolves would then have been able to follow their trail—and ten to one would have overtaken them before they had got to the cave

    37. WHILE the dwarf and the White Witch were saying this, miles away the Beavers and the children were walking on hour after hour into what seemed a delicious dream

    38. The Beavers stood holding each other's paws with their heads bowed

    39. So the children sat on their thrones and sceptres were put into their hands and they gave rewards and honours to all their friends, to Tumnus the Faun, and to the Beavers, and Giant Rumblebuffin, to the leopards, and the good centaurs, and the good dwarfs, and to the lion

    40. with Captaine Kirck to deliver or cause to be delivered the Keyes of the severall Warehowsen where the Beaver skins are layde up which have bin brought from Caneda, and sould unto the said Generall de Caen, and for to have possession of the said Beavers upon the conditions mentioned in the order of his Majesties most honorable Privy Counsell, dated the nynth of this month, And in case of refusall and not delivery of the said Keyes and Beavers upon the conditions aforesaid, the said Generall de Caen hath protesteth and doeth protest by theis presents of Exchange & Rechange and all costes dommages and interestes of the some of six thousand poundes starling, which the said Generall de Caen hath taken up here by Exchange for to pay and deposite for the said Beavers in the handes of the right Worshipfull James Cambell, Lord Mayor of this Citty of London, for to recover all the same of the said Adventureres of Caneda here of their goodes in time or place as of right it shall appertaine

    41. As also for ye spoile and perishing of the said Beavers and loosing of the market for the same, the said Generall de Caen declaring moreover to have given, and doth give by theis presentes full power and authority to James Roynard837, Sieur d'Espinez his Attorney, to cause the said Beavers to be delivered unto ye Factor of the said Generall de Caen here, who hath the monyes for to pay for ye said Beaveres upon the delivery of the said Beaveres: In Witnes whereof, the said Generall 11/1423hath herunto set his hand and seale in London, in ye presence of Salomon de Quieuremont and Peter James, Witnesses hereunto required

    42. On the thirteenth day of ye said month of Aprill, I the said Notary at the request aforesaid tranaported myselfe unto the persons of Mistris Kirck, widdow of late Jarvis Kirck, in his life time merchant of this Citty of London, and to Captaine David Kirck, his sonne, and William Barkely also of London merchant Adventurers of Caneda, and have required them and every of them to deliver or cause to be delivered to the assignee of the said Generall de Caen, the keyes of the severall Warehousen where the said Beavers are layde up as aforesaid, And then I notified unto them the aforefaid protedt, and showed them the said order from his Majesties honorable privy Councill, Whereupon Mistris Kirck replyed shee had bin long sick, since her late husband's decease, and had not the keyes of the said Warehousen, but was ignorant of those buissineses which shee had comitted to her sons ordering, and the said Capt

    43. And the said William Barkely having perused and read over the protest and order of ye Councell, answered thereupon that he hath not the said keyes of the said Beavers and therfore cannot delivered them: And on the fowerteenth day of Aprill, I the said Notary having alsoe required of Robert Charleton, also of London merchant and one of the said Adventurers unto whome I have notified the premises and delivered unto him an authentick coppy of the protest and order aforesaid, and I demanded of him the delivery of the said keyes

    44. Whereupon the said Robert Charleton answered that hee neither is or ever was possessed of the said keyes where the said Beavers are kept, and for his part hee wisheth that the said Generall de Caen had the beavers for the price hee offered for them

    45. sterling in Canada and wee have paid all the Charge of fetching and bringing them home hither which cometh to much more then all the beavers are worth

    46. Though these German beavers soon grow shabby and look wretched, yet at first they look exceedingly well, and I only needed it for one occasion

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    Синонимы для "beaver"

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