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    become lost

    1. Without local knowledge it was impossible to interpret the land and that made it so much easier to become lost - which was the most probable reason my father chose this route when they were fleeing from the fires - yet Alexis had no problem and kept our spirits up leading us through a maze of beautiful woods and dense tangled thickets along the way

    2. Semi-detected conversations mumbled and sometime in the journey Mingalle had become lost to another baited by her new dress

    3. For such individuals there would be ultimate punishment in that they have chosen to become lost causes

    4. become lost in the woods she felt a little better

    5. would be out of his ability to reach and become lost for sure

    6. Though man is too insane to become lost within his shame

    7. You become lost as if your soul does not exist anymore

    8. echoes have become lost

    9. Without your eyes to become lost in

    10. She kept on thinking about him during the arduous muleback crossing of the hallucinating plateau where Aureliano Segundo had become lost when he was looking for the most beautiful woman who had ever appeared on the face of the earth, and when they went over the mountains along Indian trails and entered the gloomy city in whose stone alleys the funereal bronze bells of thirty-two churches tolled

    11. seeing that we had become lost – he had waited up ahead for us

    12. The place she had become lost in down in the mines and

    13. Hillary who had become lost in a large shopping mall at Christmas

    14. explanation, I’d suddenly fly off in a strange direction, become lost, confused

    15. We can suddenly become lost (as in the case where we realize someone never did love us) or we can suddenly find ourselves (as in St Paul’s thunderbolt acceptance of Christianity), but we can never predict which

    16. definition causes us to become lost in a rut of habit

    17. he could become lost in the mysterious music a guitar

    18. Brushing off bits of leaf and bark and growling under his breath, Edgar paced to and fro before the maze, knowing that within he would surely become lost more than long enough to place him hopelessly behind

    19. "So, if you had become lost out here and a cold night was near, or you had slipped and broken an ankle and could not walk, you would have to just sit down and cry, or freeze, or die?" None of the boys answered but all wore forlorn expressions at the thought of such calamities

    20. Without these, we could become lost, wandering through the dimensions forever

    21. The place she had become lost in down in the mines and underground tunnels

    22. “No!” I yelled, instinctively I suppose, playing the role of protective father, even though I considered the woman Amanda had become lost to me

    23. world be necessary in order for the entity involved to find that which had become lost…the

    24. I consider telling them that, but then I worry they’ll keep talking to me and I can’t have that because I need the hour before we land to be quiet so I have time to study and memorize the terminal maps of the airport we’ll be landing in, and triple-check that my notes about every step of the travel are right, and worry about the unknown place we’ll land and the myriad of spots I could become lost

    25. And it is this letter—this letter which may well mean the expenditure of a thousand millions and the lives of a hundred thousand men— which has become lost in this unaccountable fashion

    26. The previous October, a B-17 carrying Rickenbacker and a crew over the Pacific had become lost and run out of fuel

    27. But audible signals were all too easily drowned out in the background roar of battle, and runners could too easily become lost

    28. avoid pursuit, and become lost in the Wilderness

    29. Have you ever been so completely engrossed in an activity that you become lost in it? Maybe you had no sense of time and hours seemed like minutes—you forgot what you were doing, and even the normal, scattered wandering of your mind stopped and you were completely focused on the task at hand

    30. A very active instrument can “print” hundreds or thousands of trades in a single minute, so a trader would quickly become lost without some reference of historical activity

    31. And it is this letter—this letter which may well mean the expenditure of a thousand millions and the lives of a hundred thousand men—which has become lost in this unaccountable fashion

    32. Tarzan wondered why the men had gone into the jungle, nor did it ever occur to him that one could become lost in that maze of undergrowth which to him was as simple as is the main street of your own home town to you

    33. The last time I wrote, I expressed fear lest the carrying over of myself from this worldly life, the offending, the irritating one, into the life before God, the eternal life (now, here) which I experienced would become lost, would become calloused

    34. After this unexpected and fitful outburst of laughter, Raskolnikoff had become lost in thought and looked very sad

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